Rating:  Summary: Better the second time Review: Today horror movies are not that good but when I watched the 1st jeepers creepers, I really enjoyed it. Anyway, the sequel takes place in the farm when the farmer and his two sons do some work. The younger boy puts up the scarecrows (which one of them is the creeper), and the older boy works on the truck. The father walks out to do something and has the younger boy puts up all the scarecrows, he notices something wasn't right. By the time he finds out what's going on, it's too late the creeper grabs him and flys off. The look in the father's eye can tell you that he will come back later to seek revenge. The creeper doesn't show again until a school bus drive down a highway with the football team, coaches, and cheerleaders. As the school bus is driving one of the cheerleaders visually sees and later dreams of the guy who the creeper killed in the last movie trying to warn her and explain all the necessary details about the creeper. Of course, it was too late the creeper ends up capturing the busdriver and the coaches which really put the kids in a bind. During the movie some of the kids turn on each other, trying to find out who's will be next, and how they were going to live to survive this attack. Luckily for some of the kids, the father of the child that were captured in the beginning does come back for revenge, but it was more than he expected as he finds out that the creeper cannot be killed, but when his time is up he will be gone until 23 years later from that date. In the end, he comes up with a clever solution that I think would be better to be seen for yourself. I think the first one is equally as good as the this one, but if you liked the first one, you should have no problem liking this one as well.
Rating:  Summary: Feeding Time! Review: Being a fan of the first Jeepers Creepers, I was excited to see the release of a sequel about this insatiable and indestructible monster. Needless to say, I was not disappointed! The story was fantastic, the acting was superb, and the effects were in keeping with the original film. We have a new horror villian on our hands that is sure to see more sequels, hopefully with as much success as these first two.
Rating:  Summary: Garbage. Review: This was horrible. They stole sceanes and looks(exp:The monster looked like freddy kruger)for 15 other films!!!!(yes, I did count) It's about some kids getting a flat tire and this freddy bird thing is after them. Luckily for the kids, they brought weapons on the bus so now they have a way to defind themselfs(why would you bring weapons on a local school bus?). Come on!!! They even did a two hour close up of the monster smiling!!!! If your looking for a good mordern horror film(which is hard to find) then don't look at this, look at films such as Jason X, Halloween8, and the texaschainsaw massacare. This was just pure junk.
Rating:  Summary: Not a bad sequal... Review: I really had trouble rating this movie because its not quite worth 4 stars. more along the lines of 3 1/2. but anyway. jeepers creepers 2 is a good sequal to the first. its not as scary, bloody, or as tense, but its still a cool movie. It starts out as this kid, billy, putting up scarecrows. he relizes something is wrong with one of them, he gets closer, and starts to run when he see's its foot move. then the creeper, aka the scarecrow, jumps off the scarecrow holder and fly's up and then back down and grabs billy and basically starts running off because billys dad and brother start chasing the creeper. Then a team of...i think track players...come along in a bus, singin and such, and the tires get popped by one of the creepers homeade untilsiles! so basically they get stranded and the creeper comes and picks them out one by one. meanwhile back with billy's dad....billy's dad is making some kind of "creeper killer" to get revenge on the creeper for killing his son. there is a little more to the story that you will just have to figure out for your-selfs. I hope this review was helpful!
Rating:  Summary: Great flick Review: I liked this for following reasons : The scenery is beautiful, rich gold cornfields, lush countryside, starry midsummer night It's suspencful and scarry, not stupid. Also, the people you thought weren't going to die, do....you never know who's next! The Behind the Scenes section is great, they really tell you how the movie was made, quite fascinating to watch The Creeper is nasty , hungry and unstoppable....I had a great time watching this movie, dont take it too seriously and youl'l enjoy it too.
Rating:  Summary: Good Horror Movie. (for a sequel) Review: I think this film is pretty good considering that it is a sequel and the two main characters from the original do not have big parts. Darry has a cameo when he tries to warn this girl named Minxie that The Creeper is going to get served dinner if they don't turn around. Jeepers Creepers 2 has much better special effects than the first and the characters are interesting and you will find yourself rooting their survival. My favorite kid on the bus was "Double D", a black kid with more acting skill than anyone else in the film. Bennett Salvay's music score blows the original right out of the water. Films like these help keep the horror genre alive and I am very thankful for that. The only bad thing about this film was Justin Long(Darry) could of had more screen time and Gina Phillips(Trish) could have made a contribution to the sequel becuase I think she is a great actress and made the first movie rememberable(I think she is pretty too). Victor Salva is a GREAT director. If you have not seen his first movie called "Clownhouse", then I recommend that you rent it although it may be a little tough to locate.
Rating:  Summary: Wow! This is Fantastic! Review: I was really blown away by this movie and I wasn't expecting much. For one thing, I wasn't impressed by the original and thought it could have been a lot better. But my older sister, whose taste is identical to mine, told me: "See this one! You'll love it." I did. And I watched it twice in one sitting. First of all, Director/writer Victor Salva has done a masterful job in shaping this movie into something so much more than the usual squealing teens doing dumb things. The kids are all believable, likeable and the suspense is outstanding. the photography, settings and performances all elevate this sequel to the level of extraordinary. I wish I knew exactly who was who because there were so many characters. The man who played the tragic father who loses his son to the monster was a knockout--as was his older son who helps him track down the monster. The blonde hunk whose kidded about maybe being "gay" was also great. One major factor to this film's triumph is the amazing musical score by Bennett Salvay. This is a major score, on the level of Bernard Herman's score for "Psycho." It added mightily to the depth and mature dimensions of this movie. For once, the extras were worth watching. I've seen so many DVD's with lousy, making-of documentaries or hideous movie commentaries where someone's talking about something totally different than the movie you're watching. I'm adding this dark, gleaming gem to my permanent collection and Victor Salva and composer Bennett Salvay both deserve nominations for Academy Awards.
Rating:  Summary: Where to begin.......? Review: I suppose I could start with a little-known fact about the origins of the story. JEEPERS CREEPERS 2 is a lousy to sequel to a substandard movie that in itself was a rip-off of a book that Stephen King wrote in the 80's while snorting cocaine. If that doesn't drive you away, I don't know what will. So many ways to slam this lemon, so little bandwidth. Perhaps the most depressing thing about this movie is Francis Ford Coppola's producing credit. Oh, how the mighty have fallen! But then again, what did you expect? William "The Princess Bride" Goldman wrote the sceenplay for DREAMCATCHER (another King story which should have stayed off the screen and between covers). The original film found a brother and sister hunted by a creature that wakes up every 23 years to eat children. In Stephen King's IT, the monster wakes up every 30 years, and I don't care who you are, the leap from 30 to 23 years just doesn't cut it in terms of originality. The brother's name, by the way, was Derry, which was the name of the town in which IT was set. Still no word on whether there is anything special about the 23rd hour of each day, or the 23rd minute of each hour, or the 23rd second of each minute..... God Willing, these questions will not be answered in JEEPERS CREEPERS 3. The character developement in the first film was what kept above complete mediocrity. It then bogged down in cliches, but THIS clunker is right at the bottom of the Pacific ocean, unsalvagable in a sea of genre devices. First off, everyone is really, really stupid. Example: a monster has just ripped a hole in the top of the bus, and then disappeared. Should you approach the hole? How about stick your head out the top of it? Example 2: You have clearly seen that a scarecrow next to you is quite alive Should you approach it? Hell, the second I even got the FEELING that a scarecrow was looking at me, 2.5 seconds later you could find me safely under the covers of my bed. Say you've rigged a harpoon gun to your truck, and have caught that flying sucker on the end of the line. But the beast is so powerful it can actually drag the truck. Fortunatly, the truck gets pulled into the back of a school bus, so it will not move. Do you yell to driver to GET AWAY FROM THE BUS??! I may only be in Physics 1A, but I'm quite sure the answer is a resounding NO! The creature lies incapacitated on the bus. This would be the perfect opportunity to start hitting it, kicking it, squeezing its blackheads, sticking javelines through its head, or at least chewing on its wings. But no, they just stare.... By the way, I don't care who you are, you can't stick a javeline through the roof of a school bus. Just before the poop hits the fan, one character has a premonition. She insists that they were being warned. If you were going to be warned by past victims, shouldn't it happen BEFORE everyone gets on the bus, when it might do some good? After ANOTHER premonition, she awakes and intones "Every 23 years, for 23 days, it gets to eat....." "Eat what?" A jock, not unreasonably, asks, to which she responds "What do YOU think?!?" Well sorry, not everyone gets the privilage of useless information from the dead. Once it is established that "The Creeper" picks out certain victims, one character says that they should simply ditch those that have been singled out, in order to save the "will-not-be-eaten" HELLO! The Creeper isn't stupid! It's not going to say "Hey! Those kids are all bunched up together! I can't remember which one's I picked. I guess I'll eat them all!" Then again, I don't subscribe to Better Homes and Creepers. But this is all trivial, considering I don't give a rat's about any one of these poor high school suckers, who in the face of death decide that this is time to question eachother's sexual-orientation. Except for farmer Brown, who looks and acts like a second-rate Billy Bob Thorton. It's better than the abysmal DARKNESS FALLS (I counted 17 cliches after the first viewing, which is all I will subject myself to). But when was the last time a decent horror flick came out? And no, sorry, I didn't like THE RING. There has to be some ideas floating around out there that are better than this fourth-rate JAWS-on-land. Don't even get me started on the laughability (no, seriously, it was funny) and dialogue. BUT. This is rare example of a film that is so bad its good, and could be hearty viewing for a group of high school kids looking for a few laughs
Rating:  Summary: Jeepers! This film is creepy, but not in the way you think. Review: Jeepers Creepers, the original, was a return to horror films of the late 1950's and 1960's of Britain: ghoulish and slightly gory with great sets and acting. Jeepers Creepers, the original, actually scared me. There was suspense and intrigue and up until the end, there was horror. Jeepers Creepers 2 had an uphill battle to fight from the onset. Part of the real horror and frights, in the first film, came from not knowing just what the "Creeper" was. That was revealed at the end of the first film, so that aspect of the scares is gone in this second film. Further, the first film had these really lonely, desolate places for its setting. The lead characters moved around from locale to locale realizing they were all but alone. When they come upon civilization, we are treated to the reality that large numbers of people cannot protect you from the Creeper. In part 2, the primary set is a school bus stuck out in the middle of no where. That should be sufficiently scary, but it isn't. With the exception of a few real creepy scenes, this film moves on to give us a much more special effects-laden film of the crash and explosion variety - not the horror film variety. The school bus certainly is intended to be akin to the ubiquitous horror film "house where the kids get stranded", but it doesn't make any sense. The kids are trapped in this bus only because the bus has two flat tires....I got news for you, I'd be driving that bus on its rims - damage or no damage. In fact, the director, who is also the screenwriter - and whom, I personally think is very talented - has chosen to use this film as sort of a prurient masturbatory fantasy for pedophiles. The director/screenwriter was incarcerated some years ago for molesting a 12 year old boy on the set of his film Clownhouse. It is apparent that his interest in youthful boys is still alive and well. His cast in this film is primarily pretty boys (a high school basketball team)who peel their shirts off at the least provocation. There's even a boy who is supposed to be the team towel/water boy, but is constantly berated because supposedly the scar on his face was acquired when he was thrown out of a gay bar. He is supposed to be in love with one of the basketball players. The director seems intent upon pushing the idea that young men who are gay have "scars" they must carry as they learn their way through life (don't believe me? - the director also wrote/directed Powder). None of this makes the film bad in and of itself. It just seems to be T and A of the icky variety that is very misplaced and unnecessary for this film. I'm not saying we need to see the few girls in this film topless, but to reverse the roles for no good reason doesn't make any sense either. All that garbage aside, Jeepers Creepers 2 just isn't as scary as the first film. Horror sequels rarely are. In fact, I can only think of one: Aliens. The acting in this film is quite fine for the genre. In fact, it's above average for the genre. It just seems to be going a bit over the top (or is that an oxymoron when dealing with a monster film?). If you saw the first film, you should surely see this sequel. Just go into it knowing that it's not as good as the first.
Rating:  Summary: DONT BE FOOLED INTO BUYING THIS CRAP!!! Review: This was a very horrible and boring movie which made no sense whatsoever.The movie is not even a continuation of the last one.Most of the movie is spent in a bus with a bunch of annoying teens and theres alot of things which make no sense.Probably the worst horror flick of 2003.