Rating:  Summary: A disappointing sequel that creeps in the wrong direction Review: What now gets to be referred to as the original "Jeepers Creepers" had one of the best first half-hours I have ever seen in a horror film. It was not until I found out what the Creeper was supposed to be that I find myself requesting a respite from sexual intercourse. I thought the film was working just fine without the whole winged demon from whatever hell bit, and the rest of the film was all down hill. The film did well enough to warrant a sequel (how many horror films even manage great openings?) and writer director Victor Salva is back to continue the tale.The movie begins with the basic "rules," by informing us that every 23 years, for 23 days, it gets to eat. We then find out that we are up to day 22 where the Creeper (Jonathan Breck) snatches his next victim and kicks off the major subplot of the film, which is the quest of farmer Jack Tagger (Ray Wise) to get the thing that took his boy. We then jump ahead to day 23, at which point we are introduced to a bus full of teenagers and I start counting all the things that bug me about this film. Ready? (1) The bus has a high school basketball team that has just won the state championship, so where is the trophy? I was expecting it to be used as a weapon at some point. Plus, have you ever seen a less unhappy championship team once the signing stops? (2) The team only has three cheerleaders, although all the cheerleaders at my high school had pom-pons. (3) This is a team that has just won state and yet none of the parents are caravaning with the team. Yeah, right. (4) I understand the bus is on a back road that nobody takes anymore because of the interstate, but I still would like to know the odds that the only car that passes them the entire time they are stuck comes along the first minute. (5) The equipment manager really left equipment on the bus after the track meet? Bad equipment manager. (6) I think having a cheerleader have a vision that provides exposition for the Creeper was awfully convenient. This was almost as bad as the original version of "The Thomas Crown Affair" when Faye Dunaway just picks Steve McQueen's photo out of a pile and announces he is the guy. (7) The same thing applies to the idea that the only times the radio on the bus works is when we get to hear updates on what the Creeper has been doing and when the sub-plot shows up to join the main plot. (8) In terms of the exposition, what is this nonsense about the Creeper making menu selections? I find it hard to believe it only kills for food, especially after the first film. (9) Oh, and if the Creeper is jumping around the county in its feeding frenzy, flying around in broad day light, how come the cops are not criss crossing the area like crazy? (10) Once the cops find the Creeper's lair and 300 bodies sewed together, would that not up the ante on the situation and triple the number of cops brought into the county? (11) Without even taking into account the aerodynamics of this thing's wings, how comes the Creeper flies slower when chasing kids in a pick up truck than when it is normally swooping down on its prey? (12) Who cares if something cannot die if you can slice and dice it? (13) If the Creeper is supposed to return to the ground ever 23 years, what happens if it does not? Okay, I will stop now. My explanation for most of the above consists of me holding up my hands and wiggling my fingers, but not my thumbs. The idea is that I am miming typing and it means that the above things happened because somebody wrote them that way. The main goal is to have the Creeper terrorize a bus load of teenagers on a lonely stretch of rural highway and that is exactly what we get in this film. If logic gets in the way of the proceedings, defy logic and keep on filming. Remember the episode of "South Park" where the kids were stuck on a school bus? Now that's what I call getting out of a sticky situation. There are some things I like about the film, such as the opening scenes were we are dealing with terror in bright sunlight, a fairly different idea), and the Creeper running through the corn field stalking the bus. What happens when the sub-plot catches up with the main plot certainly results in some innovative stunts, including a creative war for cutting a bus in half. A lot of it reminded me of "Jaws" and I was actually thinking Ray Wise was going to comment about the taxidermy man have a heart attack when he sees what our heroic farmer is bringing in (which would have been rather apropos given the final scene of the film). But even at that point I am still number counting off things that do not make sense. (14) Are pick up trucks really made that well that you can still drive them after taking a beating like that? (15) Did we ever see the Creeper actually creep in either of these films? Okay, I will stop now.
Rating:  Summary: The Creeper is back ! Review: Decent movie atleast better and more action in part 2 than one.In the sequel they get into the Creeper's character alittle more which is cool since we don't even know what he his exactly.I'm a big fan of the Creeper but not really the movies.But JC2 is better than the first in my eyes , but not worth buying if your not a fan of the Creeper.
Rating:  Summary: almost decent. almost! Review: if this movie hadn't been made, it would have been great, because this movie just ruined it. People that are saying this movie is great are probably little kids who haven't ever seen a scary movie before and this was the first introduction. i don't recommend this movie at all unless you just have to see it. if its just a maybe rental, then don't waste your money (4 bucks for this... NO STINKING WAY!). Wait until it comes on HBO or something and then watch it. Seriously man, I knew from the get go that this wasn't going to be good, I wasted an hour and a half of my precious life on this! No, if you want to see a good scary movie watch "Freddy vs. Jason" (at least it has a good final battle scene at the end)!
Rating:  Summary: Terrible sequel but decent standalone movie Review: As a sequel, 'Jeepers Creepers 2' fails on most counts - long gone is the sense of stark tension and isolation, as is the menaching image of the Creeper in human form - to be replaced by a cast of forgettable teens and one very shiny demon. As a movie, however, 'Jeepers Creepers 2' does a fairly good job of keeping us entertained, with a few good old-fashioned schlock-shocks along the way. The plot goes something like this: School Bus full O' Teens is picked out by the Demon for food - as the Demon only has 23 days to feed, and must then go away for 23 years - and Teens, not content to sit and wait to become dinner, try a variety of different methods in order to survive. That's about it, save for a sub-plot about a farmer out for revenge, who eventully arrives to semi-save the day. The cast are totally forgettable, with the marked exception of Nicki Lynn Aycox as Minxie Hayes, a starlet, who, if her clever and emotional performance here are anything to go by, is a starlet destined for greater things. Where this film succeeds is in blending OTT Shocks with a hefty dash of comedy, but taking itself seriosuly enough so as to avoid a 'Scream'-like feel. The Creeper, by now a fully-fledged demon, looks something like a charred and sweaty Freddy Kruegger with Wings. His special effects, thankfully, are far better in this movie than in the prequel, and the creature comes off as visually credible. Setting this movie almost-entirely aboard a bus may have seemed like a risky venture, but director Salva proves his talent in this regard by not allowing the storyline to plod or become boring. The imagery, although sometimes crude (the Demon's knives look less like supernatural weapons and more like tourist purchases), works well, particularly in Minxie's dream sequences. A nice touch is the reintroduction of Justin Long as Darry Jenner (from the first movie) and the contrast between these dream sequences and the dark nighttime scenes that take up the vast majority of the film. There are one or two cameo references to the prequel like Darry Jenner's appearance, and a radio story about the Creeper's 'Church of Pain', finally discovered by humans - and the whole movie moves at a decent pace. It's not boring, and the shocks, though standard, are indeed shocking. All in all, 'Jeepers Creepers 2' may disappoint fans hoping for more of the same, but could well bring new fans to the series.
Rating:  Summary: Still Yawning while Writing My Review Review: This was pitiful. Pitiful is worse than a film just being bad. At least when a film is bad there is still room for it to get better. I'm afraid Jeepers Creepers 2 couldn't get better or worse. The first film was great. The Creeper was scarier. He was more realistic looking. Creeper 2 was too computer generated looking. Everything he did was too fake to speak on. The first film will scare the hell out of you. It also had real actors ( who've appeared in other things ). I'm so sick of horror films sticking in loads of no-name actors and making the characters so cardboard and dry. I couldn't tell one from the other. I was so disappointed. I loved the first Jeepers Creepers. They must have switched writers or something because it just didn't feel the same. The first movie did much more. There were car races, running through the woods, screaming. The sequel didn't even make mention to the song Jeepers Creepers. The song was supposed to be the element that held the film together. The sequel completely forgot that and turned into Halloween Part 14. They could have at least brought the psychic black lady from the first film into the sequel. She could have been the one to explain what would happen. Instead they pick the blond girl to " see " things. I wish I was psychic. Then I wouldn't have wasted my money on this DVD. It's a shame when the special features section is better than the movie itself. But it was. Serves me right for thinking the sequel of a horror film could in anyway be decent. You'd think I'd learned my lesson from Urban Legend 2: Final Cut and Scream 2.
Rating:  Summary: Same old thing Review: YOU could number the horror films with the imprimatur of Francis Ford Coppola on the fingers of one severely maimed hand, but having acted as executive producer on both the Jeepers Creepers movies, one can only assume he is revisiting his few youthful flirtations with the genre (Dementia 13). Victor Salva continues the saga of the winged demon, The Creeper, who awakes every 23rd spring to feast on human beings for 23 days before retiring once again. The victims this time around are a busload of high-school football players and their cheerleaders returning from a successful game in an appropriately remote part of the country. Having picked out from a burst tyre a sharp object that resembles a Ninja star fashioned from human bones and skin, various members of the party are soon being picked out themselves by the Creeper, who has been lying in wait in a neighbouring cornfield posing as a scarecrow. Better-than-average production values and a decent set of performances (especially from Ray Wise as the farmer whose youngest son is the Creeper's first victim), lift an otherwise standard slasher into another realm. Unfortunately, with the mystery of the Creeper's identity - upon which the first movie traded so successfully - revealed, the only thing left for Salva to do is increase the gore and limb-removal and up the ante on teenage hysterics. All of which he does with some style, providing enough quality shock time to satisfy the target audience with an additional dose of humour ("You were waving pom-poms this morning. Now all of a sudden you're a psychic hotline?") and a climax that puts an aerial spin on Ahab's encounter with Moby Dick.
Rating:  Summary: Jeepers Creepers 3, ya think? I hope not Review: "There are two classes of people now," one guy says. "What the will be eaten and the wont be eaten?" another guy with glasses replies. Just an example of what you're in for in the movie. It's more funny than it is scary, but when it tries to be funny, it's not.
Rating:  Summary: PLEASE! MORE!!!! LOVED IT ALL THE WAY!!!!! Review: I really enjoyed the first JC, and have watched it many times since my first viewing and see new things every time...this monster and the modus operandi he uses are so fascinating and he is so awesome, I can't praise this series (?) enough. Not since Alien has a movie monster affected me to this extent. Teens and terror; can't miss, as a rule, but this movie succeeds beyond belief. I think that many people really love this movie and others in the same genre, but are afraid of expressing themselves for fear of enjoying what they feel, erroneously, is schlock...they prefer to be praise safer, more "acceptable" movies, but for the die-hard horror fan, hey, it's great, and if you're a true horror fan, this one's for you. It is very well-acted, and each and every actor in the movie is entirely believable...every single one, amazing. From the opening sequence, which is riveting, throughout the rest of the movie, you can't move, can't leave and can't take your eyes off the screen for one second; in my book, it doesn't get any better than that. I just got the DVD and was going to watch it "casually" and do other things; well, didn't turn out that way. I never moved a muscle. Not even once. I hope (and believe) that there will be a JC 3, and hopefully, in the next one, there will be more exploration of the Monster. Where does he live? How did he originate? When he wakes up for his every twenty-three year snacks, how does he decide where to go?? I would love some background on him, but keep him mainly in the shadows, out of frame and only fleeting glimpses; but he is so interesting and there are so many unanswered questions about him. I understand the necessity of keeping him under wraps for the most part, so to speak, but I would love to see him in his "lair." Also, in the original JC, when Darry went into the Church from Hell, we could be taken BACK in time, instead of twenty-three years ahead...let's go BACK and see how he created his hellish Church. I see almost all new horror movies, and really enjoy most of them, but this one tops them all for sheer terror and twists. Whatever they come up with for JC 3, I will be first in line to buy it. Amazing, well-done, and incredible special effects; this one is the BEST.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Sequel With A Little Dose Of Action!!! Review: Not as scary as the first but still it can be creepy!!! Ok now these bunch of stupid highschool kids are trapped on a bus with the Creeper outside waiting to get them! THINGS CAN ONLY GET BETTER! Well this worthy sequel has its tongue plated firmly in its cheek! With a few mild scares and a dose of action to keep the blood pumping!!! COOL MOVIE!
Rating:  Summary: is that Freddy or the crepper? Review: Okay. This movie could have been better. Plus the crepper looked more like a "minny me" of the great killing legend Freddy Kreuger. Anyway this movie was still pretty good.