Rating:  Summary: Hopefully Will Be Good Review: I thought Jeepers Creepers was really good for a monster movie. I'm glad they're making a sequel I just hope it won't become really stupid like A Nightmare On Elm Street.The Creeper reaches the end of it's 23 day hunger strike and decides to finish it off by stranding a high school bus full of cheerleaders and basketball players on the deadly highway 9. The students have no idea what is going on until The Creeper begins killing off everyone onboard. I've seen the trailer for this movie and it looks as good as the first. It may be better? I just don't understand why Justin Long is reprising his role as Darry because well . . . HE WAS KILLED IN THE FIRST MOVIE!!! I think the new cast looks good although I really think Gina Phillips should have come back to play Trish because she survived the first movie and she was really good! Personally I can't wait for this movie. I just hope they don't make Justin Long's return stupid like a dream sequence or something!
Rating:  Summary: jeepers creepers an instant cult flick. Review: Well i liked the first one it was o.k the hole underground cemetary thing was pretty cool, not relly origanal if you have seen .IT. you would know what i mean the cool part in the movie is the crazy old lady with the cats. Only cuz she reminds me of my mom and the ending blows i thought if they were making a second part rory should at least be in it i guess the sister is coming back with avengence. well i cant wait to see what hollywood comes up with next.
Rating:  Summary: 5 stars for a better sequel... Review: I thought the original "Jeepers Creepers" was okay if not too good. Now that they're making a JC2, we can all only hope that everything comes together here with the plot. I'll have to admit that the original seemed kind of rushed and a bit off color at times. Now I just hope that the second one will blow the first one away! Maybe if they were to find a way to defeat the monster once and for all in this one then it just might get interesting.
Rating:  Summary: Sniff, something stinks. Oh! It's the Movie. My bad. Review: I went to go see this movie with my girl at the drive-inn. Now, I'm not sure if it was the fact that it was the drive-inn that made this movie ... so badly (sound, visuals), but something was wrong. I couldn't get into the movie at all. My girl thought it was scary and stupid. I just thought it was stupid. I had so much faith in this movie however, that this would be a great horror flick, and it failed on so many levels. I thought it would have been forgotten. To my surprise, they are making another one. I guess hollywood can do anything they want nowadays. But if these morons can get film studios to give them millions of dollars to produce a film like that, shoot, they should give me half and I can produce a film that will turn a profit too. Can anyone say "Blair Witch 3:Toil and Trouble". I'm sure someone would be itching to see what I could come up with yet again.
Rating:  Summary: A second one?! Review: First of all, the first one WOULD have been really good if they hadn't screwed it up in the end. However, I did "enjoy" it enough to buy it and add it to my "let's watch a movie that really, really stinks and wasn't scary at all" list. :) I'm interested to see what the 2nd one has in store.
Rating:  Summary: jeepers creepers 2 Review: Hey i have to say i loved the first one it was one of the scarys horror movies i have seen in a long time this movie is what the word horror is all about and i am looking foreward to seeing jeepers creepers 2 i hope it will be just as good as the first one.
Rating:  Summary: I can't wait for this movie Review: First off,I really loved the first one mostly because it was different then any horror/slasher film I've seen.I just hope they don't make it a gore fest like alot of sequels become.Can't wait for this film to come out
Rating:  Summary: Not As Good As The First....But Not Too Bad Review: I really liked the first "Jeepers Creepers" (well, up until the brother-sister made their way into the police station..). I thought it was an original film with a very original "monster". And the ending was off the hook!!! I've heard alot of people moan and groan about the first JC but I think it's because they failed to realize that the movie was a sort of homage to 80's horror flicks. Moving on to "Jeepers 2"... I think the "Creeper" lost the appeal he had in the first movie. The human-like qualities he displayed in the first film(whistling the eerie "Jeepers Creepers" tune while carrying a human head, driving that truck that was almost as scary as he was, tilting of his hat...) made him all the more creepier. In JC 2...well, he's just a giant bat. The acting was pretty good by the whole cast and the movie did move along at a pretty steady pace. All in all, it's a movie worth watching if you don't mind spending the money to rent it and some might even want to add it to their dvd collection. A decent movie but no way comparable to the first.
Rating:  Summary: Scarier than the first Review: My roommate and I laughed through the first one. The sequel is scarier. You see more of the creeper and he has an attitude. His attitude is like Freddy Krugeur's. JC2 is a fun horror movie.
Rating:  Summary: He can taste your fear, among other things... Review: The Creeper is back, and I am not talking about that feeling I get when my underpants ride up too high...ugh...Victor Salva, who wrote and directed the very popular Jeepers Creepers (2001), takes us back to the horror buffet for a second helping in Jeepers Creepers II, which picks up the very next day to the events in the first movie. A little background...the Creeper is a creature that hibernates in the Earth, and every 23 years it awakens for 23 days to feed on victims, gaining strength to go back into the ground until the next cycle. What exactly is the Creeper? I would speculate it's some kind of demon, given its' supernatural abilities and leathery wings, but it's never really determined within the films, at least to my knowledge. The film starts off on a farm, with a boy working to secure scarecrows within a cornfield. Upon noticing one of the scarecrows is different than the others, namely that it's moving (yes, Dorothy, he's looking for a heart, among other body parts), the boy soon learns that the scarecrow is none other than the Creeper, and both the Creeper and the boy quickly vanish, much to the father and the boy's older brother's dismay. Cut to a bus full of high school football players, a few cheerleaders, some football staff, and a couple of coaches traveling on a fairly desolate stretch of road (is there any other kind in movies like this?) After the bus suffers a flat tire from rather peculiar means, the occupants soon find themselves under attack from the devious fiend. They try to fend off their attacker, but as we know because we've already seen the first movie, it will not be deterred. It's your flesh it wants, and once it picks you, that's it, buddy boy. Can nothing stop this vile beast, or are all chosen (it chooses its' victims by smell i.e. if you have the right scent for the particular body part its' looking for, you're in trouble) destined to be blue-plate specials? The film plays up nicely to the first, and the setting of the bus added a real sense of claustrophobia. This follow up to the first does offer a bit more information about the creature, but less than most probably would have preferred, leaving a sense of wanting. The scares, for the most part, were pretty genuine, but I did find the 'jump out and scare you' technique a little overused. We do get to see a lot more of the Creeper in this film than the last, but that doesn't necessarily mean it was for the better. The effects for the Creeper are really sharp, but I felt as far as his abilities went, there seemed discrepancies. Given what it seemed to be able to do, like ripping the roof off an automobile, he seemed to have a decent amount of difficulty getting into the bus. The factor that it used fear to sniff out potential victims was bandied about, so I figure maybe it was just trying to work the kids up. But still, at some points the creeper seemed vulnerable compared to other points when it seemed unstoppable. And something else that kind of bothered me...there seemed to be a number of scenes with bare-chested young men and given the director's past (I am not going to go into it here, look it up), I felt a little creeped out. It seemed like a side of the director was coming out that I really wasn't interested in seeing. And all the silly tension created within the group based on first racial and sexual stereotypes, and then the mirroring of these stereotypes to those 'chosen' and 'not chosen' by the Creeper seemed so very obvious. Where's the subtlety? And I'm no prude, but the excessive use of profanity seemed to get a little out of hand. Sometimes less is more, and in this case, that would have held true. The main thing missing from this film compared to the first was a real likeability of the characters. In the first, we were able to learn about the characters in fairly good detail, spending time with them. Here, most of the characters are presented in an unfavorable light, with little focus on if and why we should like them, giving us little reason to see them make it to the end of the movie. Given the copious number of characters in this film, that kind of intimacy would have been difficult, but not impossible. As far as stars, I really only recognized character actor Ray Wise, who played a farmer and the father of the first boy abducted in the film. His scenes were great, especially as he tries to avenge his son by use of a pneumatic fence post driver mounted on the back of a pick-up truck. Ahhh, revenge is a plate best served cold, or a six-foot wooden post skewering your enemy's sternum...also, returning from the first film is Justin Long, reprising his role as Darry. Gina Philips, who starred as his sister Trish, declined to come back. The picture looks really good, in wide screen anamorphic format, and there's quite a bit of special features including commentaries by the director, another by the actor who plays the Creeper along with a makeup effects person and a production illustrator, featurettes on the making of the film, special effects, music, photo galleries, theatrical trailers, deleted scenes and more (whew, dat's a lot of schtuff)...despite the films shortcomings (I noticed a definite lack of atmosphere), fans of the first shouldn't be disappointed, as this film doesn't suffer too much from the dreaded 'sequelitis' (no budget, no story, and a persistent feeling that the only reason the film was made was to cash in on the first) that many do...yeah, I'm talking to you, Starship Troopers 2... (...)