Rating:  Summary: Just as good as the first movie! Review: Im going to defend this movie because I think the general public dosn't understand Horror movies and what makes them actually "scary." The reason so many people in the public always say that Horror movies are not scary is because they themselves are not creative. They don't use their imagination. It's not how good the special effects are, it's more if the idea that makes a good Horror movie. Jeepers Creepers is juat a good idea. Think about it, if you were in that situation (a monster trapping you inside of a bus and trying to eat you is a pretty intense idea) you would be scared too! But many people don't use thier imaginations so they dub the movie as "not being scary." Scary isn't some troubled teen getting revenge in a ghost face Halloween mask killing people with urban legends. Thats just BORING! SCREAM and I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER are sorry excuses for Horror movies. They have no creativity. No imagination. Scary is creative plot lines, good acting and dark, brooding moments. Jeepers Creepers 2 has all those elements. Granted it's not AS scary as the first Jeepers Creepers, it still has it's classic Horror movie moments. Look for a scene where the Creeper removes his own head! If your into good idea's in Horror movies, this flick is for you! Another good Horror movie that came out these past couple Month's see "Jason vs. Freddy." Thats a classic Horror movie already!
Rating:  Summary: Jeepers Creepers 2- Actually Good Review: Jeepers Creepers 2, the sequel to the 2001 surprise hit is actually worth watching. Jeepers Creepers was a good horror film which actually had originality and was suspenseful and scary. The sequel isn't as scary, and is more predictable but still a good B movie. Johnathan Breck reprises his role as the creepers and we a cast loaded of unknown actors. Ray Wise plays a farmer who early in the film loses of his kids to the creepers in a well done intense sequence. From here the plot continues with a bus of basketball players, cheerleaders and teachers who become the prey of the creeper. The teachers die first, and the kids soon become restless with one another and turn on each other in order to survive. From here we encounter some reasonably scary scenes though with less gore than the original. If you're into gory films this one isn't for you, (even Bad Boys II contains more gore) but if you're into films with a serviceable plot then this will do. Writer/Director Victor Salva creates an exciting picture without being heavy on violence, sexuality or language in contrast to the hardcore Freddy Vs. Jason which wasn't bad. Jeepers Creepers 2 is rated R for Horror Violence and Language, this film is for horror buffs. The gore mainly consists of severed heads, a headless body, and quite a bit of stabbing with javelins, harpoons, etc. There is some occasional strong profanity, racism and homophobia. The ending sequences are rather intriguing, this film has some nice car stunts/crashes. I luckily got to see this one on opening day (August 29), it's worth viewing in theatres, but owning on Video or DVD might be another question.
Rating:  Summary: More Fun Than The First Review: I liked the first Jeepers Creepers, with it's 70s/80s horror feel. And I very much like the sequel, even if we've found ourselves falling back into the same old teenagers getting slaughtered plot line. What makes it original is the creature and It's history. A flesh eating monster that can smell out what it needs to eat in the fear of its victims. This time around the creature effects are a lot better. I've heard people claim they could see a zipper on the monster's suit in the first film (though I've never seen it myself). This Creeper, as I've heard him referred to, is tall, lanky, dark and very monstrous. Though the perversion of what he is never shows better than when he is delighting in the scents of his near-future-victims; snuffling and licking at the air in a way that makes your skin crawl.The pacing is a bit differant in this film; a little brisker, a bit more polished. The characters are for the most part standard stock teens. Two characters that stand out effectively are the father of a farm child who is abducted, seeking revenge for the death of his little boy, and the family's faithful dog, who warns them of the creatures presence and helps track it. The obsessed father, wanting to kill the Creeper, is definately a clever take-off of Moby Dick, and it works well. Instead of falling into the same dismal plot line of past teen/horror films, where the parents are witless and die for the sake of blood on the screen, this man is a rugged contender for the Creeper. He forges his tools of destruction from fire and water much like the iron monger in Moby Dick forged his harpoon, and I half expected him to slit his forearms and add his own blood to the steel (though I'm glad he didn't, that would've gone over the line into the area of lampooning). The interaction between the teen football team, cheerleaders, and few adults that are stranded on a very long stretch of highway as the Creeper continually assaults them is filled for the most part with believable tension. All of these actors did a fine job. The bus driver is standout as plucky and self-relient, and I found myself wishing she had more screen time. Everyone of the young actors playing highschoolers were believable, and helped move the terror along. I will say that I am terribly disappointed that Gina Philips did not return as the vengeful sister from the first Jeepers Creepers. I truly expected some of my frustration at the Creeper winning in the first film to be assuaged by a fierce battle between her and the Creeper in the sequel. I felt her character was an incredibly strong and likable heroine, and I wanted to see more of her. But perhaps the producers felt that would not be original enough. Perhaps in a future sequel. All-in-all, a good summer chiller, with some standout performances.
Rating:  Summary: A heck of a lot better than I thought it would be!... Review: Well, when I first sat down in the theater I actually didn't know what to expect. The trailers and previews I had seen made it look promising, and finally when I walked out of the theater I knew I had witnessed a horror classic! It was much better than the first movie, and it, surpisingly enough to me, surpassed even Freddy vs Jason! I didn't think that would happen, I didn't think any movie that I watched would surpass Freddy vs Jason, but this one did! The plot is this: It is the Creeper's last day on Earth for 23 more years, and he goes on a final, voracious feeding frenzy, and he actually goes and strands a bus full of high school cheerleaders, football players, their coach, a teacher, and the female bus driver (who has a knack for the excessive use of profanity). Meanwhile, while the Creeper pursues these teens, and few adults, a farmer who lost his son the day before has converted some farm equipment into whoop-@$$ weapons of destruction, and is desperate to hunt the Creeper down and kill him at all costs. The Creeper, for one thing, was a lot more scary. Replacing his longer-than-average toe-nails on regular human-like feet protected by workboots are now bare feet with eagle-like talons, and instead of being a dry old thing that sheds dust every time he moves, we have a creature that has been soaked down in KY-Jelly, which makes him look freakier, and his body has been darkened. Also, replacing the five-foot wingspan of the first film is now a 10-foot wingspan, which is, in my mind, extremely cool if not scary at the same time. The acting was good, fair for a horror movie. There were a couple of elements I wasn't too sure about, like a couple of confrontations on the bus. One problem with a certain scene was when the Creeper tore of this teenager's head, then the kids body flailed around and threw a few cheap punches before hitting the floor in a heap. The Creeper also took quite a beating in the movie, he lost his right arm and his left wing and leg, so he was forced to "hop" after one of his victims that had been thrown from an old truck in a head-on collision that resulted in the Creeper's injuries. The hopping was funny, but it was also kind of scary in a way. There was absolutely no mention of the "Jeepers Creepers" song, as in the first film, but the movie did just fine without it. I really also liked how we got to see more of the Creeper in the air, and those throwing stars of his were wicked awesome! I must confess, I didn't think they were gonna be able to do much with the Creeper trying to kill a bunch of high school kids stranded on a bus, but they made the movie 20 minutes longer than the first one, which stood at 1 hour and 30 minutes, so this awesome sequel is 1 hour and 50 minutes. Interesting, huh? But, one thing I'd also like to say is that I'm glad Jonathan Breck returned as the Creeper. I don't know if anyone else could play the part like he does. The ending, oh man, the ending was also pretty creepy, and it was necessary, chilling right down to the bone, and of course, left the door open for yet a third installment. I can't wait to see what United Artists and American Zoetrope have planned for the third film! But, for now, this is definitely my all-time favorite horror movie! Jeepers Creepers 2 was better than Freddy vs. Jason, and I will definitely buy this when it goes to DVD. I will even see it in the theatres again if I can. I strongly recommend it to any fan of the first film, and even if you hated the first film, this one is much, much better!
Rating:  Summary: Jeepers Creepier Review: Jeepers Creepers 2 was one of the best sequels I have seen in a very long time. It was way more creepier than the first. I felt that the film had a much scarier look than the first. The openning scene was very well done. The special effects were way better than the first. This movie made me jump a few times. The gore was cut back a little more than the first, but don't worry. It's sure to please a lot of viewers. I'll be buying the DVD when it comes out.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Sequel. Could Be Way Better! - CONTAINS SPOILERS - Review: Jeepers Creepers was a great film and due to it's box office success a sequel was predictable! Every 23 years a horrifying creature awakens and for 23 days eats body parts in order to regenerate itself. In the original Jeepers Creepers the demon was nearing the end of it's eating spree and this film takes place a couple of days after the original one finishes. On the final night of The Creeper's hunt for flesh a group of high school jocks and cheerleaders are stranded on the infamous East 9 Highway when their school bus breaks down. It turns out The Creeper is to blame though and is planning to stuff his face with tasty teenage meat. Soon all the adults are killed and the teenagers must fight for survival. But they're not alone. A man seeking revenge is on The Creeper's trail with his son and loyal dog. He also has a homemade harpoon device which he hopes will bring down the beast once and for all! This film is definitely scarier than the first film and I liked this film more but I just felt that this film lost the series originality. It might be because in the original we only discovered the killer was a monster near the end but this film you know all the way what he is. The acting is really good though and the guy who plays Scott (The blonde haired jock who starts fights with everyone) is a really good actor! The ending really leaves you thinking if another film will be made? I think they should continue the series because The Creeper has the potential to become a horror classic like Michael Myers and Hannibal Lecter. The only thing I didn't like about the ending was that it took place 23 years later! So if they did make a third one it would have to be set 23 years later which I think is a little too far in the future. I wish Gina Phillips (who played Trish in the original film) had appeared in the sequel! Even if she just did a cameo I think they should have carried on with her character because she is such a good actress and her character is really funny and adds sanity into a film which could easily be a tacky monster movie. The new heroine in this movie is good though but doesn't get enough exposure. She should be in MORE of the film. I wish the guy who played Scott had survived though because he was such a great character ...
Rating:  Summary: Silly, Senseless and Nothing Scary Review: I'm back...and so is "Jeepers Creepers" with its sequel "Jeepers Creepers 2"...that opened today. I wandered some three miles from my office at lunch to catch a first glimpse since I figured the theatres would be insane this Labor Day Weekend. Actually, what I discovered is that the movie is insane. SAVE YOUR MONEY! If you are a true horror film fan, skip this one. If you haven't seen the original, go rent it ... and you'll be seeing a true horror flick. JC2 is silly and senseless! It is the kind of horror film that keeps you on the edge of your seat only because you're waiting for something to happen. "Something" never happens. To be honest, I found myself dozing off. This one will probably be the top grossing movie over the Labor Day weekend, but only because there's nothing else new to see. No one will see it next weekend. It'll probably be on DVD by mid-September. I wish I could say it had its moments, but just when I thought I'd get scared, the silly script ruined everything. The hauntingly nightmarish Jeepers Creepers character (played by Jonathan Beck) was chilling in the original. This time he's corny; the camera stays focused on his face too much (to the point where you can actually see he's wearing a rubber mask) and the editing is no more exciting than Disney's Pinnochio (actually Pinnochio was much better). The film was billed as "He can taste your fear". Guess what? The only fear you'll experience is second-guessing your unwise decision to spend $6 (that's matinee price) on such a BOMB! The worst horror film is a "predictable" horror film. The second worst, is a cast that couldn't earn roles on daytime television. The third is a script that a 10-year-old could write. The fourth is filling the lousy script with monotonous screams and yelling. You guessed it. JC3 has all of the ingredients of a LOSER...and it is. On a scale of 1-10. 10 being the highest, JC2 gets a 2 (only because...because...because). I take that back. It gets a 1. I don't think I've ever rated a movie that low. Another note. I hate horror films that don't scare you. If I had taken a date she would have had no reason to cuddle up or grab me. Where is good horror when you need it most?
Rating:  Summary: Uneeded sequal to a great original Review: I have been waiting to see this film for over a year now and now that I have seen the trailers, practically read the screenplay, and seen over 20 minutes of the film, i can say that this one will be everything that the original WASNT. What made the original so cool was the first 45 or so minutes of suspence! What is this man? Is it a man? or creature? Instead of interesting characters like Trish and Darry (who apparently has a brief cameo which makes a whole lot of sense since he had his eyes eaten out of his head) we get 1 dementional, stereotypical high school teens who we could give a Fu(k about. Where the original showed nasty and often too sickening to watch killings, this one apparently has a decapitation and people being picked up and taken away. Writer/Director Victor Salva apparently has forgotten what made the first film so good. 1) Suspese 2) Characters we actually CARE about (rarley seen in horror movies these days) 3) GORE. NOW I HAVNT SEEN THE FINAL CUT. Hey maybee it will suprise me. But i can only guess that without any suspense about the creature, stupid disposible teens, and minimal gore, the creeper has lost his juice.
Rating:  Summary: This one looks better then the first one! Review: JEEPERS CREEPERS 2 looks a lot better then the first one. It even looks like this one could be scary in a way. When this comes out on Aug. 29 I will be going to see this in hope that I will get me moneys worth. The first movie was good but it could have been better. I think this movie will be awesome.
Rating:  Summary: Does Anybody Have A Dictionary These Days? Review: Geez, so much animosity for a film that was actually fairly original compared to the goop we've been seeing. I liked the low-budget 80's horror feel to the original "Jeepers Creepers". And I liked the serial killer in this film who turns out to be an ancient evil that lives off the body parts of its victims. There were times during this film I was on the edge of my seat with suspense. And the heroine is one of the strongest leading lady parts since Ripley in "Aliens". So why are so many people put off? Maybe it's because we've all become jaded with Hollywood. Think about it. When we were kids growing up, most everything we saw at the theaters seemed new and bigger than life. You just knew you were going to see something exciting, even mind-expanding. But it all seems to have been done again and again by Hollywood until there's nothing to do but make sequels and re-makes. The first few films you saw inspired by Romero's "Dead" films all seemed like exciting ways of telling the same story. Then along comes a movie like "28 Days Later", and everyone is angry because we don't follow down the same old path and have the "monsters" be Romero's zombies. I think the same goes for "Jeepers Creepers". The first few dozen times you see Michael Myers, or Jason, or Freddy kill several hundred young and healthy teens, you think it's new and fresh. But Hollywood is made up now of the grownups who were fed on these genres, and sub-genres, and sub-basement genres. And when they make a film, it always seems like more of the same. But "Jeepers Creepers", though really only Freddy and Jason and Michael dressed in wings and a top hat, still seems fresher to me than say "Ghost Ship", or "Thirteen Ghosts". And with the cornfields and old lady with cats, and the out of the way township, it all seems to have a kind of "Stephen-King-esque" feel to it. A dark peek into a nightmare that's killing you. ...