Rating:  Summary: Do not watch/buy this movie. Review: This is a terrible movie. I watched it in the theater and was blown away by how cruddy it is. It starts out quite scary, *not the monkey part, but after* A man wakes up after a virus was released upon London, and he finds no trace of anyone still alive. This is fairly scary part, but it goes down hill rapidly from there. The "zombies" are nothing more than a person who has poor cordination, throws up blood, and babbles alot. They are NOT powerful, undead, or by any means unstoppable. This creates a very very very unscarry opponent. They take them out with no problem with just baseball bats. Anyone with a basic knowledge of a martial arts could just stand in the street and fight as many as they like until they needed to take a break. From what I have above, I would of gave it 2 stars. What happens next makes me want to give it 0. They come across a highly trained group of soliders who fight in a team and use good fire control. These people take the 3 main stars into their fort to live with them. UNTIL later that night, you find out these soliders just want to have sex with the 2 female characters, well, the main dude aint having that, so he kills them all. Once it becomes obvious the soliders are bad guys, they loose all the skill they showed earliar. They fire their guns from their hips, they panic and drop their weapons, and they run around like mice, when just 10 minutes prior they took out 20 plus 'zombies' without any trouble. The ended was one of the worst I have ever seen. They sew together a giant "HELLO" blanket to lay on the grass so an overpassing jet will radio for help for them. My first complaint is, why Hello? Why not HELP or SOS, but HELLO? Second.. they make mention that the jet has been flying over and not seeing them everytime they sewed something together. This is bogus, they are out in a pure green grass lands, and a jet pilot searching for surviors would not need to see a 30 foot blanket of HELLO, all they would need to see is a person or even a white flag. LOL i am getting upset just talking about it, terrible terrible movie.
Rating:  Summary: A new favorite movie has been added to my list. Review: Danny Boyle and Alex Garland have done something special, delivering a smart 'little' thriller about the end of the world (or at least a small portion of it) that is both dark and hopeful. Well meaning animal activists break into a research facility and release a primate infected with RAGE, a fast acting and easily spread virus that turns its victim into a homicidal maniac. 28 days later Jim, a bike messenger, awakens from a coma to find himself in a deserted hospital. He makes his way outside and finds the rest of London equally deserted, or so he thinks. The city, the entire country actually, has been overrun with people infected with RAGE and the few uninfected struggle to survive. While people have pointed out the numerous parallels to such thrillers as The Day of the Triffids (the novel, not the movie version), The Omega Man, and, most significant, the Dead trilogy created by George A. Romero, what most don't notice is that these homages actually enhance the story rather than detract from it. The movie had me on the edge of the theater seat, heart pounding, both looking forward to and dreading the next plot development. While it does not reinvent the 'zombie' movie (it most certainly is NOT a zombie movie) 28 Days Later does show that horror movies can be witty, smart, and harrowing all at once. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Not so original..... Review: Opposing what many of the other reviewers have said, I didn't find this movie very original. In fact, it seemed more of of a remake of "The Omega Man" with Charlton Heston, mixed with the Resident Evil game. The movie is based around some sort of contageous virouse that effects the world. Somehow one man didn't get infected, and thinks he is the last living human on the planet. He later finds out that he is not, and most other people are rage infested zombies. Which, is very much like the plot of the Omega Man. Later he goes to a mansion where there are several military personel camping out. (Let's see, zombies, secluded mansion, sounds a lot like Resident Evil). For those of you looking to see a good zombie move, I would reccomend it. But I give it 3 stars for not giving credit where credit is due.
Rating:  Summary: Chilling Suspense! Review: A virus that locks those infected into a permanent state of killing rage, is accidentally released from a British research facility. Carried by animals and humans, the virus is impossible to contain, and spreads across the entire planet. Twenty-eight days later, a small group of survivors are trapped in London, caught in a desperate struggle to protect themselves from the infected. As they attempt to salvage a future from the apocalypse, they find that their most deadly enemy is not the virus, but other survivors. The film starts brilliantly with a brief prologue in which animal rights activists break into a top secret laboratory to set free the animals held there. Unfortunately, they decide to release a chimpanzee that carries a deadly new virus called Rage. 28 days later, Jim (Cillian Murphy) awakes from a coma in hospital to find the city of London apparently deserted - little does he know that the homicidal victims of Rage are at large across the country. This British variation on the post-apocalyptic zombie movie was scripted by Alex Garland, whose book The Beach had previously been filmed by director Danny Boyle. But where zombies in other movies are slow and crave the taste of human flesh, the red-eyed zombies here sprint around at high speed and are satisfied with merely killing or spreading the virus through bloody vomit. We are told that Britain has been evacuated, so only a few survivors remain to share the country with what's left of the infected population. The streets we see are deserted (there's a nice sequence at the start with Jim wandering alone through the city) and only occasionally will bands of marauding zombies emerge to pick off the uninfected, which makes you wonder where they go to for the rest of the time - the attacks aren't quite relentless enough in their frequency. The vision of a devastated society is convincingly portrayed, with plenty of pop culture references and brand names to show what has been left behind. There is also nostalgia for lost families; in fact, the people Jim joins up with become surrogate families for him, whether it's with Brendan Gleeson's decent taxi driver and his daughter, or the rather more dysfunctional troop of soldiers headed by Christopher Ecclestone. The soldiers make it clear that now the culture is in ruins the violence inherent in everyone has broken through to the surface, infected or not. The film carries a few twists to the plot which will keep you interested through-out. The film is well-acted, particularly by Murphy (Disco Pigs), who has a spaced-out quality as an actor that really adds to his role. It`s also filmed on digital video, giving the film a gritty, more realistic feel and distinguishing it from glossy Hollywood horrors such as Scream etc. This is an excellent film that presents a unique view of London and breathes new life into the zombie genre. In addition, the shocks work brilliantly and there are some truly terrifying moments. Which, let`s face it, is all you really need from a zombie flick. Impressive, atmospheric and very scary, this is an extremely effective British horror movie. Worth going to see. This blows any horror film released this year away. It is te film "Stephen King's The Stand" should have been. Highly Recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Heart Stopping Film for those who think....... Review: 28 Days Later touches on many excellant themes that are apart of the human condition, and filled with all the gore and scares a horror film fan could ask for. The beginning starts out a bit slow but soon it takes off at a much faster speed, making it hard to move your eyes at all. One aspect of this film I truly enjoyed was the fact that you could identify with each character, those wanting to survive, those who want happiness again and those who commit evil acts with the understanding that it is neccesary to do. I enjoyed the fact that there was an interacial couple in this film and the fact that this film contained the most vital ingredient to life............ hope. I think those who give this film a chance will really enjoy it very much. But take the time to listen VERY carefully to the dialogue so you understand the metaphors and symbolisms taking place.
Rating:  Summary: Utter garbage. Review: I would not recommend you to see this horrible movie. First off, the ending was ridiculous. It started off with promise along the line with Kubrick's "A Clockwork Orange," and then it turned into a very Hollywood version of "Gunfight and the OK Corral." For this, Boyle left Hollywood for indie filmmaking??? Another problem I had with this movie was its implausibility. If the infecteds were filled with rage to kill--then why were they killing only the uninfected people and not each other? Finally, I also had a problem with the ending. I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen the movie yet--just let me say that it was a major letdown. Very corny. Boyle has a good eye for filmmaking. Maybe one of these days he'll actually make a good movie.
Rating:  Summary: Don't waste your money Review: One of the worst films I've ever had to endure...went to it based on good reviews here (yuck) and my positive experience with previous work (trainspotting)...characters were narrow, boring and depth of a wading pool...with the woman as usual victums and "love" interest developed upon NO substance...if you are young, boring, uneducated, I recommend you see this loaded so you can enjoy, otherwise--skip it!
Rating:  Summary: A morality play Review: Although the coming attractions would lead you to believe that this is merely another "monster" film, quite the opposite is true. There are at least three major themes in this film which suggest that being "human" isn't all that we believe it to be. First, there is the indiscriminate attempt by well meaning folks to "save" animals (in this case, chimps), disregarding the warning that the animals have been infected with a deadly virus that causes "rage". Contemplating this single theme, one wonders why any laboratory would even consider infecting animals with a virus that doesn't present a widespread danger to the public. The rioting, the epidemic and the resultant effects on humans are sufficient to provide a morality lesson, and the writing and the acting rise to the challenge. As the film progresses, both the violence with which humans are capable, and the ability of humans to rise above such violence, are beautifully presented by the actors. The desire to find other survivors leads our survivors on a harrowing journey, and the film holds up admirably to the second morality lesson, which teaches us that we are capable of love in times of great stress. Finally, when our group, somewhat diminished by the dangerous journey and the infected humans they encounter, reach their destination and find a remnant of military firmly entrenched in a compound, we see the unfolding of the third morality lesson. Saftey is not what our group of travelers find, but rather that most (but not all) of these soldiers have lost most of their humanity in their effort at survival. The acting and direction of this film are excellent. It is a film worth seeing, and I predict that it will become a classic of the genre.
Rating:  Summary: Just happy I seen it for matine price Review: This movie is horrible. It drug out so bad. It had a great storyline and had so much potential but it just didn't come through. Those brits got awfully annoying after a while too. Not enough action either ... I can't stand these new directors that think whnever a gory scene comes that the camera should get eal shaky and jump around showing quick dark images so that we can't even see whats going on. Horror is losing it, besides House of 1000 Corpses I can't think of very many good horror movies that have come out lately. True horror was made in the 70's and 80's with Evil Dead, Zombie, and Friday the 13th movies. Those movies you can at least see whats going on. There's nothing scary about what you can't see in a movie, making the screen too dark to know whats going on isn't scary, these directors need to go back to film school or something ... They need to sit down and watch some Lucio Fulci movies and Wes Craven movies, then they might realize what classic horror is, and what it means for a movie to last generations in time because it's so damn good. These directors from 28 Days Later and Wrong Turn don't know what the hell I'm even talking about.