Rating:  Summary: Not exactly "horror", it's "disturbing!" Review: I never saw this version with the Spiderwalk and everything, but I'd say having seen the other one's power and disgrace, this would be even worse.I first saw this movie in the year of 1999. My mom and I were sitting down watching television and turned to the Superstation. The show that was on had just ended and the menu said that a movie was coming on. Sure enough, it was "The Exorcist". I'd never saw it then - only heard of it. Mom told me that they said it was the scariest movie you'll ever see back then. She added that it still is for most people. I asked her the story. Mom told me: "It's about a little girl who is transformed into a monster." I'm only ten, so she told me in that sweety pie voice. It came on. Tubular Bells played at the beginning. I watched the entire show, and at the end, told my mom that I was mesmorized by its terror. I didn't have a single good dream the rest of that ENTIRE YEAR. That's how scary this is. I had a part of my life where all that was on my mind was this movie. My dad said that this was not a very healthy movie to have an obsession with and I quite agreed. For, this movie contains a lot of violence, profanity, gore and blood and other bad material. I'm not allowed to see the version on video, version you haven't seen nor the old one. Beware! This is as scary as any movie will get.
Rating:  Summary: A Brilliant movie...a fair DVD Review: The Exorcist is the scariest movie ever made, and with this DVD, you get to see 11 minutes of footage that was cut from the original. Most of it is just talking between the characters, except for the "Spiderwalk" scene and a scene where Regan is diagnosed for a nervous disorder. The picutre quality is superb, also. However, the only special features are a commentary track with the director, 2 theatrical trailers, 6 TV spots, and 2 radio spots. By buying this DVD, you lose the "Fear of God" documentary that is on the Special Edition DVD. It would have been easier if they had just combined the two...maybe a "Special Special Edition" or something to that effect.
Rating:  Summary: great dvd - but not as good as the 25th aniversary edition Review: I am a big fan of the movie in general and the additional footage enhances the film. I prefer the original ending but that's a minor point. If a person can own just one version, I would go for the 25th aniversary edition. It does not have the additional footage but it has a fantastic 78 minute documentary about the making of the movie. In fact, the documentary is almost as interesting as the movie!
Rating:  Summary: The Power of Christ Compels you! Review: This little gem of a movie - which, I think suffers a bit in the small screen format- gave me and my family lots of warm memories. I remember, for example, my little brother, who, after seeing this movie learned to stick out his tongue way out and say, "Lick me! Lick me!" He didn't think it was a much too vulgar display of power. I remember seeing this flick in the theatres. The audience reaction at this film was amusing. Whenever that pesky demon did a naughty bit, first you'd hear a gasp, followed, a few seconds later, by a titter of laughter. A great flick. Made me learn to love pea soup.
Rating:  Summary: Better than the original Review: The Exorcist: The Version you've never seen is GREAT! I've seen it in the theaters 4 times, but I don't have the DVD. I'm sure it's the same. It has 12 minutes of extra NEW footage. The original had scenes cut because the running time would be to long. 1 of the couple of scenes cut, this was the best one,"THE SPIDER WALK" You see her bent over in a backbend, and walks down the stairs in the backbend, while she is crying, BLOOD Spils down out of her mouth. This movie is GARANTEED to cause tears for people who have never seen it.
Rating:  Summary: Still powerful after all these years Review: Adapted by William Peter Blatty from his runaway bestseller (which was inspired by an actual event that took place in 1949 and was widely reported in the media), "The Exorcist" tells a supernatural story that is firmly grounded in the everyday. Many have noted the film's documentary qualities, which was very much the intention of director William Friedkin ("The French Connection"), who started his career making documentaries. Like Roman Polanski's "Rosemary's Baby" (1968), Friedkin spun his tale of demonic horror in a place his audience would recognize, thus making it all the more believable. Shocking events are much more shocking when they take place in the arena of the mundane, and Friedkin exploits this to great effect. Friedkin went back into the vaults to uncover deleted scenes and alternate takes to rebuild his film by an extra 11 minutes. While that sounds dangerous for any film, particularly one considered a classic as this, those extra 11 minutes are hardly noticeable in the new cut. I found myself enjoying it even more than before and being much more fulfilled at the end. I think what made the original version so terrifying was that evil does seem to win out over good in the end. There's a bit of a more optimistic tone at the end of this special edition which offers a little more hope. That may be good in the long haul (and for making a much more full circle film) but it also might take some of the power of the the original nihilistic feel. Warner Home Video brings the film to DVD in a terrific looking wide screen presentation that features the anamorphic enhancement for 16:9 displays. It is framed at 1.78:1 and all of the compositions appear correctly balanced. Occasional film grain can be seen in the same places where it was present in previous releases of. The image on the DVD is usually quite sharp and well defined; although there a few shots that appear a tad soft. Color reproduction is excellent for a film from 1973, with the majority of the hues on this DVD appearing rich and vibrant. Flesh tones look natural, plus the warm oranges and cold blues are especially well rendered by the new transfer. The basic interactive menus provide access to the standard scene selection and set up features, as well as a few extras (note: the 25th Anniversary DVD contains a wealth of supplements, which are not offered on this disc). Director William Friedkin has recorded a new running audio commentary, however his interesting and insightful talk never sheds any light as to why he finally made the changes to the film the author Blatty had wanted. Other extras include a cast listing, four TV spots, two radio spots, two theatrical trailers and various production notes.
Rating:  Summary: Some say it don't make sense, but it's the best Review: This is one the best movies I've ever seen, this is real horror. Now-a-days, if this movie was made now, it'd probobly kind of be retarded becase Hollywood tries to make it more interesting with parts that are not in the movie, characters, ect... Sometimes people say this movie doesn't make sense, especially the part in the begging. Well, if you read the book (which I did, it's like way more scary than the movie, honest...) It would make sense because you're in the "minds" of the characters, you know what they're thinking, and it would make more sense, (i.e. why does she talk like Burke Dennins? or how exactly she got possessed (there had to be a cause) just read the book, you'd love it) The new version, well, with the added scenes, I thought it was great, but a lot of people are like "...it was a jip! only 11 minutes of new footage..." and that gets me mad, because it was recorded when the movie was recorded, they were scenes that would've scared the hell out of people (or should I say "..in them..."..j/k) and it's not like they were people who looked like the characters and added in, like recorded now, this stuff was recorded back when it was being made! So why not pay to see the original? I think that this movie would be well worth it...
Rating:  Summary: The Greatest Horror Movie Of All Time Review: This will always be the greatest horror Movie of all time. Maby not the best MOVIE of all time but the greatest horror movie. I don't care what anyone says but IF YOU MISSED this in theaters on its re release you just missed a GREAT masterpiece! You missed out on something VERY special.
Rating:  Summary: A movie of halves. Review: Namely, First Half, good; Second Half, bad. I've always enjoyed the psychedelic, nasty flashbacks in the first half, as well as the general state of confusion the movie seems to generate: you don't know all the characters yet; you're confused; what's up with this or that hideous image; what does IRAQ have to do with all of it . . . so forth. This sense of discombobulation is quite effective, more so than the rather silly second half of the movie. Linda Blair, utterly without talent, is hidden behind some (admittedly) great make-up -- once hidden, she spends the rest of the movie vomiting split-pea soup, spinning her head around in defiance of physics, growling with the voice of Mercedes McCambridge. The two priests, old-fashioned Max von Sydow and young, 1960s-ish Jason Miller, are subjected to constant harrassment from the "demon" within the brat. Every time they enter the room, something "horrible" happens. This grows tiresome . . . and if you've seen *The Exorcist* more than once, utterly without suspense or even interest. But that zany, somehow more evil-feeling first half of the movie is worth seeing again and again. In any event, the mark this film has made on popular culture has been enormous -- but you have to step back from the movie's "baggage" and view it carefully. The rewards are uneven, but it's still worth checking out. [By the way, the "extra" footage was fine; what WASN'T fine was suckering people to pay theater prices to see it in re-release.]
Rating:  Summary: It's scary, scary stuff... Review: I dont know what it was about this movie. I saw it last night and let me tell you..i was trembeling with fear. I've never felt that before..and i'm not one to get scared at movies. [Other horror films?] come on..this movie deserved best horror film in '73. I dont know if it is because of my religous beliefs, but after the movie i wanted to go to church..ha..thats' how scary it was. I've talked to people who arent religous and they say that it wasnt scary..so you be the judge.