Rating:  Summary: The Not So Scariest Movie of All Time Review: I've heard it thousands of times, The Exorcist is the scariest movie of all time. I can tell you right now that I watched it until 2 o' clock in the morning last night and I could sleep as soon as it was over, even during it at some parts. I saw the new version of it, which I believe had some deleted parts even though it has a few new parts. The spider walk down the stairs followed by blood coming out of her mouth was ok, but not that great. The scariest part was the devil face flashing on the screen when she was becoming possessed, but other than that, I did not think this flick was scary. You guys need to rent a real horror flick, such as the original Evil Dead, now there is a sweet movie.
Rating:  Summary: Powerful, disturbing and virtuosic - A true masterpiece Review: I first saw this film in 1998. In fact that's when I first became aware of it! Being born in 1983, and living in the UK (where this film has been kept hushed for many years) puts me at a slight disadvantage. Anyway, having seen this film is like nothing else that I've experienced before. Everything little thing, every tiny detail and attention in the film is miraculous - just like the storyline itself. I am not religious in any way whatsoever. However, the use of religion within this film is more a symbolic representation of good versus evil. In all honesty nothing really spectacular happens in the first hour of this film. It is the exorcism scene that is a mini-movie within itself. This is the part of the film which is outstanding. The use of sound, special effects, and the acting is beyond brilliance. The true power of film is revealed within 'The Exorcist'. The whole idea of film and cinema is a mixture of escapism and entertainment. Yet, this film will take you to places you've never been to before - the hellish nightmare of what possession by Mr Satan would be like. The sound effects in the film are wonderful. At one point we hear young Regan's bed shaking like thunder, the demonic voices, the background music and the priest's voices all at the same time - at the same volume (pure genius). Brilliant acting, superb realism and wonderful sound. This is not a film, this is a virtuosic masterpiece of cinema. If you ask me they should make 'The Exorcist' compulsory night-time viewing in jails and prisons everywhere - now that would stop crime! lol.
Rating:  Summary: Absoulutley Brilliant! A Masterpiece! Review: This is the best horror movie I have ever seen! Yes, I am a complete horror buff and I've seen a lot of shocking movies (Faces of Death, Cannibal Holocaust etc.) but this has probably shocked me the most. It's is a very scary film and will no doubt give you nightmares for months after seeing it. It's has excellent make-up, acting and great effects. I think the worst scene of all is either the 'Spider walk' or the scene where we have a close-up of her scarred and truly disturbing satanic face (after her head spins around). However, if you're looking for a gore film, then The Exorcist isn't for you. If your looking for something to scare the ... out of you then I would DEFINATLY choose this film!!!!! Anyone who's thinking about watching this film for the first time be warned - it is truly scary/disturbing and chances are you won't be able to get to sleep for weeks after!
Rating:  Summary: Just wait till you turn the lites out !! Review: I saw the Exorcist and read the book in 1973.Everything was cool until I went to bed and turned the lites off.Long story short the lites came back on and I kept my shoes next to me in case of a sprent out of the house.This cd version is no exception;well produced,excellent sound and after almost 30 years the lites will stay on again. Well done !!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Creation Review: The classic horror movie, The Excorcist, has been reborn. It has been completely remastered. Now, the the sound and picture are crisper and cleaner and the grainy appearance that accompanied so many movies of that time has been removed. It is still by far the best horror flick ever produced and the newly added scenes will scare the pants off any viewer that dare watch it. Reagan's performance still captivates onlookers as the demon dwells inside her. If you want real terror, rent this one on a Friday night for a weekend of nightmares. William Peter Blatty's classic tale lives on in a new version that will keep you hypontized till the final scene.
Rating:  Summary: The scariest movie I've ever seen! Review: This is a scary,bloody,freaky amazing film. I love it this is so amazing it ranks on the same list as "The Usual Suspects" which is obviously the best film ever made. It's so great an amazing film. Great performances. I loved it. Definetly see it if not buy it.Great. When I heard they were adding extra stuff and releasing "The Version You've Never Seen" I ran out and bought it watched it, and loved it. See it!
Rating:  Summary: The Exorcist: The Version That Could Have Been Better Review: *sigh* I know this is something like the 350th review of this film and I doubt I'll add a whole lot of new info but here goes... The Exorcist has long managed to scare me. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that it appeals to my Roman Catholic heritage and the fear of the Devil that countless nuns instilled in us. So when I heard that a new version of the film was being released with added footage I was quite excited. I'd read the novel years ago and wanted to see some of what had been left out put back in. For the most part I was not disappointed. Fans of the original version will most likely enjoy this one as well. Much of what is added serves to make the viewer even more sympathetic to Regan's plight. However, two things prevent me from giving this version the five stars that the orignal gets. First, the 'subliminals'. Friedkin has thrown in a number of subliminal images that really add nothing to the film and serve more as red herrings to the real scares in the film. Second, the new ending drags a little. In the orignal we see Fr. Dyer wave as the car pulls away with Regan in it. Here we have a 3-5 minute conversation between Dyer and Kinderman that adds nothing to what has come before and really serves to weaken the slight ambiguity of the original ending. In short, this is not a bad version but I'd recommend the original version to those who have never seen the film before.
Rating:  Summary: Best horror movie ever made Review: This is a very disgusting movie. Some of the scenes (especially the new ones) make you want to vomit. This is NOT for anyone under 17. I just don't remember the original being this gross. Also, I could be mistaken but I think they actually deleted some scenes from the original for this one too, like some scenes that explained a little better what was going on. This one seemed to be a little choppy and didn't flow very well. Some of the details seemed very sketchy and hard to follow. Most people already know the story, but here's a summary. A 12-year-old girl becomes ill and is possessed by an evil spirit, a sick monster who "claims" to be the devil. Whether he is or isn't Satan is speculation. It torments the single mother who tries every known medical solution to no avail. When she finally calls on a psychiatrist/priest to examine her, he concludes that she does meet the criteria set by the Catholic church to receive an exorcism. An experienced exorcist is then called in, and with the original priest, they attempt to cast the demon out of the girl. This is as realistic as a horror movie can get. Maybe the best horror film ever made.
Rating:  Summary: Finally.........the original!! Review: I have searched far and wide for the ORIGINAL version of this movie and finally found it at a movie rental store near me. This movie is absolutely the best horror film I have ever seen and now that it is out in it's original version, I will add it to my collection very soon!!
Rating:  Summary: If this scared you please seek help! Review: Being a TRUE horror fan this piece of crap always rubs me the wrong way. What do you sad saps find so scary. Is it the little wanna be devil voices or Pea soup being spewed. Go see a real horror film with real atmosphere. What is there to be scared of anyways a demonic possessed little girl. That's a pathetic vilian at best. Not only that but She isn't even convincing there is no suspension of disblief. I wanted to like this movie I really did but I can't forget all I know about horror and just Conform. For real Scares see a Dario Argento directed movie or just see Henry: Portait of a Serial Killer both are superb in atmosphere and suspension of disblief.