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The Exorcist (The Version You've Never Seen) |
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Rating:  Summary: So good! Review: Honestly, The Exorcist is the best movie I've ever seen. It's a really spiritual film and it is also mysterious. I hope William Friedkin (the film's director) decides to re-release The Exorcist in theaters in 2003 for the film's thirtieth anniversary. Unfortunately, I missed out on seeing The Exorcist when it came back out last year. This film is really scary and I strongly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: Don't listen to the criticism (hey that rhymes!) Review: What's up, hey I know that The Exorcist is controversal and all that stuff and that it's about touchy subjects: faith, religion, God & stuff but you have to realize that The Exorcist is a film, not a real-live documentary like some people make it out to be. Come on, I can't believe some people actually think that The Exorcist is like the ultimate evil on film or something. It disgusts me to read all this bad stuff about The Exorcist 'cause I know it's a masterpiece and that a lot of people just don't appreciate it and bash it 'cause it scared them or something. Anyway this film is king of films and I advise that all people watch it, regardless of it's content. Watch it for it's subject matter. Peace out.
Rating:  Summary: A very controversal film indeed... Review: Wow, I am surprised to see that the majority of Exorcist reviews are positive! I love this film, it really struck a note with me, I am very shocked actually at how many people say THE EXORCIST IS EVIL! What's evil? If you think the devil has left a mark in the celluloid than you are absolutely nuts. This is a MOVIE, such an incredibly well-made movie that it seems so incredibly real...I think some people are just ignorant and take The Exorcist WAAAAAYYYYYY too seriously. I am not a religious person but I find it offensive that I would be called a "devil worshipper" for liking this film. See this film but remember - it's only a movie.
Rating:  Summary: A premiere example of a great book made into a great movie. Review: This film is a work of pure brilliance. Nurtured like none other by William Friedkin and written superbly by William Peter Blatty, it fluctuates between utterly disturbing and compulsively watchable. The character development in this movie--aided by the top-notch, A+ casting job--gives you raw emotion at many levels, making the film real and shocking. There is a general pathos about this film--a personality that (I mentioned this in another review) few other movies have. This one has it--it's present from the very first notes of the score to the last fade-out. Because it is so authentic, <> has been credited as the #1 horror movie rather than an Oscar contender. It should have been given more professional accolades--few movies serve its purpose as well as this one does. On one hand it is an obvious struggle between good and evil; on the other it is a provocative study on human tendencies and emotion; and lastly it is a test of faith, and not just the faith that asks whether you attend church or not--the faith that questions the reality and makes good seem dishonest. Everyone should see this movie: I think Friedkin himself said it best, that (paraphrasing) "People get out of <> what they bring into it." That holds true today, and will probably be the accepted philosophy as this film continues to attract audiences in the future.
Rating:  Summary: An artistic and accomplished frightfest Review: You can definitely make an argument for this film, which stunned audiences in 1973 to near-heart attacks, as the absolute bar-none scariest film ever made. But what makes it so strong to me is that its the type of film that has a lot of artistic merit too, and you can pick it apart and discuss every little detail thoroughly as much as you want, because all you will find is, what most film buffs already know, that it is a stunning achievement in every aspect of cinema. Taking the subject of the ultimate evil in the everyday home light years further than the chilling but not all that graphic 'Rosemary's Baby' did a few years earlier, this film follows in the technical tradition of classic horror films, but manages to deliver hair-raising and heart-stopping thrills like none you've ever experienced. And while the scenes that truly frighten become a little stale after excessive viewings, the content itself has undiluted shock value.I won't go into a detailed plot summary, because as I see from the number of reviews that have already been posted, that would be both pretentious and unnecessary. Instead, I will comment on what it is that makes this movie so disturbing to so many people. It must be stated that if you are not a God-fearing person, you may not find it quite so troubling to see a film about a 12-year-old girl being possessed by Satan himself, because you will detach yourself from something that you see as not feasable or at all possible. But, for most people, whether you're a church-goer or just someone who accepts the possibility of such an evil in the world, this film will probably TERRIFY you. As it did me. When I first saw it at the age of nine, I literally had to sleep with the light on for a full week, because every time the lights were turned out and I was in darkness, all I could see was that demonic little girl's scarred lacerated face, and empty white eyes. No film has ever frightened me on such a level. I was raised in a devoted Catholic household, and content such as this was as troubling and disturbing as it got. After that first viewing, I stayed away from this film to the point that I could not even allow myself to look at the cover when we'd go to the video store. It was the fear of getting all those horrific and blasphemous images back into my head. Well, needless to say, when I got to be about thirteen years old, I decided that I would watch it again. I mean, I was young when I first watched it. No way would it scare me now, right? After my second viewing, I found myself ghost-white with terror once again. I vowed to never expose myself to it again. I know it sounds childish, but you really have to have been raised the way I was and brought up in the household I was to understand. I've actually seen it probably three or four more times since then (one of them being in the recent theatrical re-release) and, now being a passionate student of the art of film, I can appreciate the fine cinematic qualities it possesses. William Friedkin did an exceptional job with it, adding his exhilerating touch and his expert ability to create tension-drenched scenes from a simple structure (as he did with 'The French Connection' two years earlier, but he should have won the Oscar for this one). The performances are excellent all around, particularly Jason Miller as a soul-searching priest who has lost his faith, and the special effects like the levatation scene only prove that the computer-generated rubbish of today is not nearly as impressive or effective as the optical effects that were used back then. The extra scenes that have been restored into the movie in this version, in all honesty, are unnecessary, and don't enhance your experience at all, but they certainly don't detract from it either. I guess that's really all I have to say about it. If you haven't seen it, you're missing what is undoubtedly essential viewing for the film fan. Unless of course you have a weak heart, in which case you're probably better off avoiding this film.
Rating:  Summary: A Horror Classic Review: Don't get me wrong I would give it a 5 but I want to be as honest as possible with this one. To be completely honest if you didn't get the original before the Never Before Seen one you really haven't missed much. All you really missed was her crawling down the stairs backwards although that was a very excellent scene. The rest of the never before seen footage was mostly conversasions. This movie although as a whole is a classic. The only problem with it really is the first half an hour. Some movies you have to pay attention to what goes on in the begining but most of the time they run slow and this one does. She damn near has to [urinate] on a rug to get the audiences attention but when she does that's it. This movie is a horro classic and will always be. Infact it originally hit theatre's with an x rating and was so powerfull that it almost cause two Miscarriages at the time of it's release. Very good film and highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Forget "Citizen Kane", The Exorcist is the best! Review: Gosh, this film is so good! I've honestly never seen a film so incredibly well-made before in my life! It stars Linda Blair, Ellen Burstyn, Jason Miller, Max Von Sydow and Lee J. Cobb. They all do an excellent job of portraying humans the way they'd probably act if a demonic possession did actually happen. Some say this film's boring, I say it's a roller coaster ride of a movie. It's a really wondrous, enchanting film that you can't help but become possessed by!
Rating:  Summary: THE EXORCIST: The WORST Movie of All Time. Review: THE EXORCIST, the saddest and most disgustingly bad movie of all time, is the classic story of a young girl, Regan, whom through a Squeegy Board, becomes posessed by Satan. The film is supposedly based on a True Story about a young boy, whom in 1949, became posessed. That is unconfirmed. MY REVIEW: "I hate this movie with a passion because it is so evil, and only a devil worshiper would love this movie and want to watch again and again. It is the ultimate evil you can find in this world. The scary thing about it is, is that this movie is based on a true story. NOW DON'T GET ME WRONG: This movie is VERY scary, but is just a gross out devil movie. No one in this whole world should see something so terrible. IT IS BAD- plain and simple, and I mean BAD as in it isn't a good movie for anyone to see. So all of you people who say this is a great movie, you just make evil seem so good."- MJV & the Movies.
Rating:  Summary: People laughed at this? How can you see this film as funny? Review: To start out, I will say that I am a major Exorcist buff and have been compelled by the power of this great film since I was 9 years old. When The Exorcist was re-released last September, in a new cut, (I prefer the '73 version) many people who weren't even alive in 1973 went to go see it. For some reason, people laughed at the scenes of poor Regan's body being tormented, mutilated and beaten badly. So from what I see, nowadays it's considered to be humorous that a once innocent little girl would violently jab a cross between her blooded legs while screaming obscenities in a strange, demonic voice? That's sick. I will never understand why people insist on laughing whenever Regan (or the demon, I should say) swears or something. I know most 12/13 year old girls of today think nothing of using the f-word in public or even in front of their mothers. You see, society has changed so much in 28 years that what was once considered horrific or obscene is now considered funny and ridiculous. That's painfully true with The Exorcist. I think that people don't understand the film at all, and really, they don't want to understand the film becuase they know if they did then they wouldn't laugh along with their friends when Regan did something gross. The Exorcist is not meant to be taken lightly, if you're bored or want a movie to watch you wouldn't just casually grab The Exorcist and relax on the sofa, and hope to be entertained for a few hours. It's a film that stays with you for a long time, whether you like it or not. Billy Graham said in 1974: "It's evil. Pure evil", almost as if there were some kind of evil force imprinted on the celluloid. While I agree there is some kind of mystical power imprinted on the film, I don't believe that it is a power of evil nor good, just a power that will grab you and hold you. Movies like 'Scary Movie 2' parody The Exorcist which just tells people to go out and watch The Exorcist and laugh and laugh. It's really sickening, here a very serious psychological film that is meant to tell the audience: where's you're faith? is being laughed at and poked fun of. I can only hope that the people laughing at the film can get a better grip on reality and see the Exorcist for what it truly is. Thank you for reading.