Rating:  Summary: Overrated and not very scary! Review: I held off on watcing the Exorcist for quite some time because anytime someone says a horror movie is so scary and makes people puke I know they don't know what good horror is (check out some of the classic itallian horror movies by Fulci! sure the acting isn't the best but it's a horror movie for crying out loud and Fulci is the master of gore). Maybe this film was something to be scared of back in 1973 but some 30 years later this film doesn't do much to scare me. I will admit that the images of Captin Howdy are quite creepy and his time on screen, which are a few seconds makes him one of the most creepiest horror creatures in history. The acting in this film is ok, Linda Blair does an amazing job for a 12 year old in her first major role but the other acting isn't the greatest. I also found there to be way too much dialouge for a so-called scary movie (there were way more scenes without Blair than there were with her). I also got annoyed at how they showed a scene with Blair and then not even 2 minutes later the scene was over (most of her scenes lasted under 5 minutes except for her excorcism scenes in the end) Being one of the most hyped and talked about horror films around i'm left confused after viewing this. What exactally made people run from the theater screaming or throw up or pass out? This film is very controversial I will admit and that was one of the great things about it but the movie in no way is one of the scariest ever. I will also admit that the make-up is excellent for a movie and the transfer to dvd makes this film look brand new and if it wasn't for the clothing and hairstyles i'd never believe that this was made in 1973! After finally viewing this I really can't see how films like The Sixth Sense (pg-13 horror...give me a break!)and the Others even resemble this film or can be compaired to this. Sure they aren't your typical slasher horror films but in no way are they good horror films. The Blair Witch Project has been called the new Exorcist and to me that movie is scarier because I like 10 minutes from Burkittsville and have been there many times and the town is very creepy at nighttime. Do yourself a favor and go out and rent or buy some real horror classics that will really scare you and make you throw up. Try checking out Zombie, Cannibal Holocaust, The Beyond, New York Ripper, Hellrasier, Hellbound Hellrasier 2, Dawn of the Dead. and Day of the Dead. Also check out two of the most terrifying horror films ever, Night of the living dead and Bela Lugosi's Dracula! Both don't have the gore but the mixture of black and white and creepiness make them two of the greatest of all time. The Exorcist is a decent movie but in noway one of the greatest horror films of all time. Sure it pushed the envelope and was something huge for it's time but that was 30 years ago and so much more gore has come out since then that will really scare the hell out of you!
Rating:  Summary: I would recommend this to anyone Review: I thought this movie was great. I would recommend it to anyone who wanted to be scared. I remember like 2 days before I watched it my mom was at her friend's house & we were all talking about scary movies & I said how I had seen all thses horror movies & hadn't gotten scared. And her friend goes have you ever seen the exorcist & I said no, why? And my mom started laughing, & I said what's so funny? And she goes you think you can watch ANY horror movie & not get scared? And I replied with yeah, So she said we'll stop at blockbuster on the way home and I'll rent the exorcist for you & then we'll see if you can watch ANY horror movie. So I got through maybe half of it & I couldn't watch anymore. but even though it scared me half-to-death I still loved it, I thought it was brillant!
Rating:  Summary: An intelligent and frightening film Review: A good, scary film about demonic possession. This is not a film about dead-teens, bloody ax murders, and naked nubile bimbos. This is a horror drama with realistic charactors portrayed by wonderful actors. The terror in the film is effective and works on many different levels: There is the actress/single mom who doesn't know what is wrong with her daughter, there are the endless visits to the hospital which creates its own steril, cold horror, then there is the demon. The story builds and takes its time, so don't expect some cheap-shot gruesome murder in the opening 5 minutes. This is not a film for those with a 12-year-old mentallity who want to see bimbos & gore. This is a film for those who have seen real horror films like "The Haunting (1963), The Innocents, The Other, Rosemary's Baby, etc. The "new & improved" CGI additions were unecessary and all wrong. The original cut was best but this is still a great film.
Rating:  Summary: Sad. Review: Since I was a kid, I have heard people all over say time and time again that THE EXORCIST is "one of the scariest movies of all time." Well, I've never been a huge fan of horror, but in order to improve my cinematic horizons, I have been watching a lot of schlock and horror lately and finally viewed THE EXORCIST. My impression: what in the world is the big deal? Outside of superb acting and some neat special effects, THE EXORCIST isn't that great. The writing is terrible and contains loads of dialogue that when found in other movies is referred to as "cheesy" and "unimaginative." The movie moves at an incredibly slow pace, so much so that I almost fell asleep fifteen minutes into the film. The movie makes hardly any explanation of what is going on or why (I know this is a film that's supposed to make one think, but good thinking movies give a foundation from where people can begin to form their assumptions and ideas; this movie has no such foundation). The film has several major plot holes. The ending is predictable (come on, who didn't know the priests were going to die in the end?). The film paints Christianity in a negative light, picturing it to be something leftover from the Medieval Ages. And lastly, the movie really isn't that scary. I guess that the reason so many people find this film so frightening is that they think something like it could happen to them. There must be a lot of people out there who are totally unsure about their salvation and the state of their eternal souls. Something like what happens in the movie would not happen to someone who is a Christian. Of course, Biblically speaking, it probably would not happen to an innocent (young child) either. Watching the movie, I got the idea that Linda Blair's character wasn't all that innocent. Even before she becomes possessed she hints at sexual promiscuity she has been involved with and some of her earlier actions with her mother and servants aren't all that innocent either. I will admit that the acting is done well and some of the special effects are pretty cool. However, other than that, there really isn't any reason to see this film. I find it difficult that it is held in such high regard.
Rating:  Summary: THE GREATEST, SCARIEST MOVIE...EVER! Review: What makes this film so horrifying? So unsettling? Why did this movie shock the nation and become the center of controversy and in some places, censorship? It's simple. The movie delivers. It's a film about the mystery of faith. The belief in good and evil. This film can be analyzed and disected so many different ways. Some people hated the movie because of the graphic language and shocking scenes. Some people hated it because they have no religious beliefs whatsoever and to them, the film is unrealistic and goofy. Some people actually said that the film had no point, no story. Some people are pretty...well, everyone has their own opinion. The story is simple. Inspired by an actual case of Exorcism in 1943, Maryland, the 12 year old daughter of famous actress becomes possessed by a demon. The acting is simply outstanding. The movie's pace, although slow by today's standards, is deliberate. The scene which actually made people squirm and sick, is the arteriogram scene which looks VERY real. It is actually a very spiritual film. The music will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up, the sound goes from loud to soft which really gets to you, and the scenes of horror will give you that "roller coaster ride" feeling that will stick with you for a long time. This film is so realistic. When the film first debuted, people were screeming in terror, ducking, some became sick, some fainted, and when I worked at a video store, a customer told me that he remembered when he first saw it back in late December of '73, there was an ambulance parked outside the theatre. If you have already seen this movie and haven't seen the new footage of the infamous "Spider Walk", you have to see it! One of the greatest movies ever made. Brilliant, intelligent, spiritual, and shocking. Turn all the lights off and enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: the best horror movie ever made Review: this movie is the best horror movie i have ever seen. it is not gory and it doesn't need to be. the special efects and the make up job were great. this is a true classic in my book and the dvd looks great. a very scary entertaining movie. this movie scared everyone and that means it was a very well made movie. just remember a horror movie is to get you scared and this one has done it's job.
Rating:  Summary: What the DEVIL were they thinking????? Review: "The Exorcist" was the scariest thing I've ever seen, and I've seen quite a bit. Now, I love to watch fun horror films, the kind that scare you but also give you quite a bit of entertainment, and even some humor. But, "The Exorcist" did no such thing. The film was way too scary to even entertain. All of the disgusting blood and the nonsensical devil spirit made the movie far too gross and horrific. Plus, the story didn't seem to be going anywhere. I admit I could be wrong. Maybe the story begins to get better. I only saw a little bit of it. Alas, the little bit I saw left me so frightened and disgusted that I didn't want to see anymore. For those of you who love scary movies, even if they aren't intellectually stimulating and entertaining, see this movie. But, for those of you who enjoy fun, suspenseful, intellectually stimulating and yet still horrific films, see something like "Cape Fear" instead.
Rating:  Summary: Haunting, Entertaining, and all around great!!! Review: I have seen this movie since I was a little kid, and it never fails to entertain me. My friends and family think I am so strange for saying that this is one of the most hilarious movies I have ever seen. It actually seems like an extremely dark comedy in my opinion. The lines that Linda Blair has to say to the priest and others are soooooo funny. At the same time it can still be very moving. I was incredibly excited when I found they were releasing the re-release of the movie. This has been one of my favorite movies for years, and it will probably always remain that way. I do think that this movie is only geared for a few people, but if you don't like swearing, sexual inuendo, or desecration of the catholic religion don't watch this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Still scares me to death, My wife won't watch it. Review: In terms of a MOVIE this is clearly one of the best ever made. Only the Godfather I & II compares to it, in terms of performances, (not a single bad one) Special effects and plot it is incredible. This movie doesn't rush itself. It slowly builds up until you just can't take it anymore. This is high art. All the people involved in this movie should be rightly proud. It will outlast anything else in the Genre. I know Linda Blair's career has paid a price for this but very few great actors have ever made a movie as great as this one. I would rank it in the top 10 of all time easy, maybe even top 5. That being said I watched this version only once. I will not buy this film, or rent it again yet if it is on TV I watch it, in fact I am irresistably drawn to it; Why, becasue it scares me! You would think that at 39 years old and a life full of real things to deal with a movie 30 years old wouldn't do that: You'dd think wrong. This movie not only scares me it is the ONLY movie that still does. I'm sure a lot of it has to do with the fact that I'm a Roman Catholic and I believe this is not out of the realm of reality, but what really seems to get me is in this movie THE DEVIL WINS! What most people don't understand is that the devil even possessing the girl can't steal her soul in the act. The attack is more directed toward the family and the Excorcist himself. Will he have the faith to keep up, to do the rite again and again and again. With they have what it takes to outlast the demon. Fr Karas does not. He willingly accepts the devil into himself and thus gives Satan the actual win he is looking for. In that actual case the movie is loosely based on the Excorcism lasted for months until the demon was finally driven out. The victory of evil in this movie is very visable to me. How it is not noted by others more often is beyond me. (I have this fantasy of the final scene where Father Merrin is on the floor and all is about to be lost when the door opens and George Burns in his fishing hat walks in [Reference Oh God series] slowly to the Amazement of Fr. Karos and the Horror of the demon. That happy ending allowed me to sleep many times in my younger days.) Buy it if you dare.
Rating:  Summary: A TRUE HORROR CLASSIC!! Review: I'll admit, I'm a fan of "slice 'em and dice 'em" flicks, but even I thought this movie made the hairs on the back of my head stand on end!! I was 10 years old when I first saw this film (my parents would fall asleep with the T.V. on and I would sit and watch it). It scared the pants off me, and it still does 18 years later, no matter how many times I see it!!! The film centers around a rather typical young girl, Reagan, her talented actress/mother, Chris, and several other characters. When strange things start to happen, young Reagan seems to be the center of it all. As a last resort, her mother calls apon a middle aged priest, Father Damien Karris, who discovers that the youth is possessed by a force who calls himself The Devil! This movie kept me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end. Some people that I have talked to weren't to impressed with the slow begining, but I found that it added so much to the film. The deleted scenes made it even more frightening than when I saw it the first time. The acting was excellent, the story line is an A++, and the special effects were haunting (who knew that a whole room had to be refridgerated an entire night so that they could achieve those special effects!!! So much for computer generated, wouldn't you say!!) If you are a fan of classic horror (and even if you're not), I strongly suggest you get the 25th Special Edition DVD! It'll give you a chill like no other!!