Rating:  Summary: the best Review: well i'm 14, and i've seen these twice and i was very scared, this is the oNLY film ever that has made me scared, i do not get scared , and i do not often like a film as much, any1 who whants there body full of sweat and goosbups all over, see it, 10/10~!~~~
Rating:  Summary: Amazing!!!! Review: Simply put, it's the scariest movie I've ever seen! That's saying alot, because I don't get scared at all. This and Night of the Living Dead, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Psycho(1961) are the only other movies that have scared me. Buy this now!!!
Rating:  Summary: The Scariest Movie EVER?! Review: I don't know why people think this is even a horror film. It wasn't even that interesting. Not to say I hated it, I just think it is overrated. The DVD is good, and the picture and sound are both pretty good (for a 1973 film). If you want stuff that will scare you, I reccomend ALIEN (1979) or ALIEN3 (1992). Both gave me nightmares for weeks. Chao!
Rating:  Summary: great great horror film Review: the exorcist is the scariest movie ever made. not one of the scariest. IT IS THE SCARIEST. linda blair as a little girl played a unbelieveable part. i love this and i own it on dvd. but my favorite linda blair movie is sweet hostage. and as soon as sweet hostage comes out on dvd i am definitely buying it. the song strangers on a carousel went excellent with the movie.
Rating:  Summary: The Most Disturbing, the best in horror. Review: When Exorcist hit the big screen in the seventies, audiences around the nation waited in lines around the block to get into theatres everywhere. This movie revolted, facsinated, and flat out scared the hell out of them, and most of them loved it! The rest either fled the theatre in sheer terror, or became sick, and went home to turn on all the lights, and head straight for church the next AM. Wow. What a movie, and a stroke of brilliant filmmaking, to get an audience to behave as such. There are many subtle scenes that may escape those who only want to see head spinning and green pea soup. Such as the young priest's disturbing dreams about his mother. Young Regan fooling around with an Ouija Board, or the nasty demonic visage that keeps popping it's face throughout the possessed house. Regan eventually transforms into one of the most terrifying monsters in cinematic history. Her possessed 12 yr. old girl character is demonic, vile and pure evil. One can almost feel the chill in her room, or smell her repulsiveness. Dr. Billy Graham himself admitted that the film had a sense of real evil to it. The reason it scares us is fear of the unknown. If one is strictly an atheist, then it is sheer nonsense. But if one has faith in God, or any gods, then possession is a VERY real reality. The fact that the film's screenplay was based on a real story that happened in the Midwest in the fifties, only adds to the sense of dread and terror that one feels alone at night after viewing this movie. Throughout history, and in the Bible there are many mentions of demonic possession. If these instances werent mere seizures, or mental illness, then perhaps the horror that Linda Blair portrays is chillingly real.
Rating:  Summary: The Devil Made Me Do It Review: Loosely based on a real-life incident, THE EXORCIST, film and novel caused quite a stir. The movie remains a classic. Chris MacNeil (Ellen Burstyn) is horrified to learn that her daughter, Reagan, (Linda Blair) is showing signs of demonic possesion. Not a person of faith, she reluctantly turns to a Priest who is having doubts about his own belief system (Jason Miller) for help. Father Karras then asks another Priest (Max Von Sydow) to perform a true exorcism on the young girl. Almost everyone that I know thinks of the film as a horror movie. I don't. While there are horror elements in it, in my view, I see it more as a "drama", that looks at our inner belief systems, than a "scary" film (even folks who don't believe in a higher power have a belief system). Linda Blair and Ellen Burstyn give great performmances, the late Jason Miller really plays his part realy well too, and every time I watch the film, he is the one that "sells" the movie for me. Directed by William Friedken with a script from the book's author, William Peter Blatty, the film may set out to scare you but it will also make you think too. There are 2 different DVD versions of the film available. Personally, I prefer and would highly recommend, the Special Edition, over "The version you never saw" Not only is Anniversary DVD a more feature packed disc, but the 12 minutes of added footage in TVYNS, is available to see on the other disc. The other thing is that Friedken prefers the original cut with the added scenes as part of the bonus features. I don't the decision on which disc to buy is all that difficult. Aside from the 2 really good commentary tracks on the SE,. there's also an excellent 74 minute retrospective documentary, produced by the BBC. The rest of the extras are standard for most Special Edition DVDs. The 25th Anniversay Edition is must have for anyone's DVD collection
Rating:  Summary: One and Only Review: This is (and no argument) the scariest movie. watch it to get scared, don't watch it to laugh at it. Our society today thinks that there is something wrong with getting scared. Are they afraid of ridicule. Come on people! It's okay to be scared, doesn't make you less a person! This is the scariest. Watch it alone with the lights off.
Rating:  Summary: The One and Only Review: This is THE Scariest film. Watch it as a horror film and take it seriously! Turn off the lights and watch it by yourself when your in the need for the biggest scare of your life. This is awesome. I rented Salem's Lot and this. I watched Salem's Lot first and thought" dang this is the scariest movie I've seen, I guess this next one will be a le down." ... was I wrong. This totally blew Salem's Lot away! The best horror film. Good acting, real people, great story, and excellent music make this gem a treat for any horror or movie fan. Superb!
Rating:  Summary: Great Horror Classic from the 1970's Review: The Exorcist is truly a scary movie, even almost 30 years after its release. It had just the right amount of special effects to comprise some truly gory scenes. An excellent cast and crew featuring Ellen Burstyn, Linda Blair and Max von Sydow made the movie quite engaging. In one sense, The Exorcist is almost the scariest movie of all time; it is second only to John Carpenter's Halloween. Michael Myers in the dark seemed just a little creepier than a bedridden, demon-possessed Regan. However, I say almost in the context of what was played out on the screen. In another sense, The Exorcist is truly the scariest of them all. With scenes featuring the unholy desecration of a Statue of Mary at the start and evil eyes that come from nowhere, especially those that Regan suddenly sees as she is undergoing EEG's, there is not much left to the imagination in terms of what more might have been added. And that is enough to make one say, "Thank God that these visions and added effects were limited!"
Rating:  Summary: The One and Only! Review: This is the scariest movie ever made! I almost couldn't make it through. Gave me nightmares for weeks, and some images are still playing my mind. Scared me the first 3 times I saw it!