Rating:  Summary: maybe 3-and-a-half Review: One of the most famous sci-fi/horror movies of all time, "Alien" is defineately worth seeing. One of director Scott's first films, it is packed with zesty sets, better-than-average special effects, decent music, and plenty of chills. The plot isn't every complicated. The hyper-sleeping crew of a large cargo spaceship is awakened by a distress call from a nearby planet they are passing by. So, the seven crew members (including Sigorney Weaver in her film debut) take a shuttle down to investigate. The distress call is coming from a crashed "alien craft," so the captain and two others stupidly walk inside and take a look around. One of the crew (John Hurt) is lowered into the alien ship's cargo hold, where he discovers "rows of eggs." When he bends down for a closer look, one of the eggs opens, and an organic parasite leaps out, attached itself to Hurt's face, and knocks him unconscious. Uh-oh! The two others bring Hurt back to the ship, where they carefully examine the crab-like creature. After running a catscan, they realize that the parasite has something down Hurt's throat. Yeah, whatever. All seems well when, after a few hours, the creature falls off his face and dies, and Hurt wakes up, seems fine, and demands something to eat. But of course, all is not well. And then comes the most famous and visually shocking scene, nicknamed the "chestburster." Hurt is killed, and the Alien espaces, brining an absolute nightmare to the rest of the crew. By the end, the alien kills/eats everyone except Ripley, who eventually slays the homocidal monster and barely escapes with her own life. "Alien" is definately a good movie, but it has it's flaws: the atmosphere and cast is rather dark and depressing, not to mention the blood 'n gore. Weaver's film debut doesn't bring good acting, and her performance is a joke next to seasoned actors like Ian Holm (who has a particuarly good role). Director Scott does a worthy job of making a Jaws-in-space, but he could have done better. Followed by an even better James Cameron sequel, along with two others, which were half-decent.
Rating:  Summary: Clean cut chest buster Review: This DVD has a very cool commentary by Ridley Scott, who speaks freely about the movie -and only about the movie- unlike other directors and stars that just drift, talk and laugh at inside jokes.Scott talks about the scenes and characters and the filming process and shows that he remembers every detail after so many years (that or he just did his homework). He comes across as someone who masters his craft and shows his respect and love for the story. You also get some comments about Blade Runner. The only thing that annoyed me a little is that he seems to be eating something while taping. The sound and image quality are very good and the rest of the extra feautures are very interesting, without the information overload that seems to plage every DVD this days.
Rating:  Summary: Alien - 20th Anniversary Edition Review: This is the creepiest movie ever made, next to Jeepers Creepers, but it still deserves five stars for its shocking surprise and freakish-looking Alien. When a crew of space travelers lands on a planet around the area of LV-426, the find what appears to be an alien spaceship! Caine, one of the crew members, investigates the ship and comes back with a huge, spider-like monster attached to his face. When Caine's stomach literally bursts, a snake-like creature emerges. Days later, the crew members begin disappearing one by one, and they find out that it is the work of that monster, who is now a full-grown, beetle-black, hard-shelled Alien! When only Luetenant E. Ripley and Jonsy, a small orange cat, are the only ones left, it is up to Ripley to save her cat and herself! This movie got five stars because it was cool. But there's just one thing wrong with it: in the other movies, the Aliens were more hostile and didn't hesitate to attack, this one just lets his victims cower in fear for a few minutes just before killing them. But I recommend this movie to any horror fan!
Rating:  Summary: ALIEN Review: Alien is first & best movie of the series. Once again we see LESS is MORE in this imaginative futuristic thriller, where one alien is as bad as a hundred while trapped on board the Nostromo a commerical towing vessel. The Alien seeks out the crew one by one to use their body as hosts for new aliens. Needless to say the Alien gets bigger and the crew gets smaller until all hell breaks loose. I gave this movie 4 stars because 5 is for something I haven't seen yet! I'll let you know...zombytoof
Rating:  Summary: A freakish, hellish ride. Review: Half sci-fi and half horror show, "Alien" was the antithesis to freindly-alien pictures such as "Close Encounters of the Third Kind." Here is the film that put director Ridley Scott on the map, and its just as creepy as it was back in 1979. The picture and sound are pretty good for a 20-plus-year-old picture, and the features include a commentary, featurettes, and trailers. People prefer "Aliens" to this one, but I personally favor this one. Turn off the lights, pump up the volume, and watch this film home alone--at your own risk.
Rating:  Summary: Science Fiction- At it's BEST! Review: This is a Sci- Fi Classic in my opinion. Hey, believe me, I am NO TREKKIE!!!! I am talking to all of the people out there like me that snore at watching shows and or movies like STAR WARS and STAR TREK and that terrible move STARGATE that was made by the same lamebrains that made GODZILLA 98. Those are BAD SCIENCE FICTION MOVIES. Alien is a REALLY GOOD SCIENCE FICTION MOVIE. I mean it was everything a non sci- fi moviegoer would enjoy: the plot is not filled with snore diolouge that contains a bunch of high tech, futuristic, out-of-this-planet-and-age crud that no one but a TREKKIE would understand. The plot is relatively simple, yet interesting. A colony spaceship in the not-so-distant-future stumbles upon a planet that they find an alien craft. A few of them explore and one of them encounters an alien nest. He looks close to the nest when an alien jumps out on his face. He goes back aboard the colony spaceship, but the facehugger alien is still attached to his face. I guess a day later( however long a day is in space is beyond my knowledge ) the alien dies. The dude thinks that he is OK until it is suggested that the facehugger alien dropped an embreo down his throat which could bring about another alien. Well, I guess the crew ignored the rest knowing that he could not give birth to such a creature, but they are proved dead wrong in one of the most discusting dinner scenes( it is up there with HANNIBAL ) in cinematic history! Thumbs up for that alone! Anywho, after that occurs, the offspring scampers away before the crew can catch it. It grows rapidly and soon the crew is hunted down one by one! Another thing to mention, this was the first real horror type movie that had a lead women character that kicked butt( as said on E! CHANNEL, they also said that Weaver was originally meant to be a man. Just a little trivia ), because now there are plenty of predictable slasher flicks where "ya just know" the young woman will be the only survivor. This movie started that trend. And there are plenty of the new cliched sci- fi movies that steal the premise of this that a small group of people are trapped in a place and are being hunted down by some evil. Those are only 2, but there are plenty more. Well, I think I covered most ground. Aside of all the pros for this movie, I do have 1 complaint which covers why I didn't give it 5 stars. Some of it is corny due to the age, and the basic Hollywood thing is there. But don't get me wrong, I did think that the ending fit in perfectly. Out of the 4 star rating, I give this movie 3 1/2
Rating:  Summary: In Space, No one can hear you Scream for terror. Review: An unforgettable Science-Fiction Shocker from Ridley Scott ( Director of " Gladiator) presents a unique bland of Scares, thrills, Gore and suspense to keep you wanting for more. It stars Segoruney Weaver with her crew John Hurt, Yaphett Kotto and Ian Holm who explore a Planet to seek another spaceship and when they leave, they accidently bring a Deadly terrifying Creature on board which will leave them nothing but Bloody Horror in space.
Rating:  Summary: An intense Sci-Fi/Horror/ Suspense-Thriller Classic. Review: This classic Sci-Fi Thriller relentless suspense is about a group of Space Explorers (Sigourney Weaver, Tom Skerritt, Veronica Cartwright, Yaphet Kotto, Ian Holm, Harry Dean Stanton and John Hurt) are in a routine mission, accidentally bring aboard an extremely dangerous and adaptable life form. It was great seeing the Old Print of Alien, which i had the Chance to See it in a Special Theater with Fans of the Alien, it was Awesome. DVD`s has an strong anamorphic Widescreen (2.35:1) transfer and Clear sounding Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound and the Original Dolby Stereo 2.0 Surround Sound. Not-Bad running commentary track by Directed:Ridley Scott (Blade Runner, Gladiator, Black Hawk Down). Weaver gives a standout performance in this film. Deleted Scenes and Outtakes and More Extras. The Film Win an Oscar for Best Visual Effects, it was also Nominated for Best Art Direction-Set Decoration. Digitally Remastered in THX Picture Quality and Sound. The new 2 Disc Set of Alien has the Original Theatrical Release and the Director`s Cut. DVD has a bring new Commentary track by the Filmmakers and Cast Members. Second Disc has Deleted Scenes, New Behind the Scenes featurettes and more. Those who still have their 1999 DVD Edition, you are better off keeping it for the Solo Commentary Track by the Director and Two Alternative Isolated Music Tracks. Panavision. Grade:A.
Rating:  Summary: Top shelf material Review: The classic film that has been tried to be duplicated more times than I can to count. This movie may not be as scarey now as it was 20 years ago, but it is still scarey. The alien is everywhere, moving quickly and quietly, and striking with such power you are shocked by it. Scott didn't go for the huge effects with the aien, but he didn't scimp, either. This movie, like any good movie, is driven by story, not effects driven. The effects boost the movie, but don't drive it. The DVD extras are a great look at how a great movie is made.
Rating:  Summary: No-Holds-Barred Horror Review: As a ten-year-old boy and monster movie fan, I begged my father to take me to this movie when it hit theaters in the late 70s. Heck, I was curious ... people were talking about it. Well, to put it bluntly, I wasn't old enough to deal with some of the images and situations that were presented. The monster reduced the human characters into defenseless prey that it would first paralyze and then feed to its young. Utterly creepy concept. While "Alien" is a scary movie to some extent, it is more the way that mankind is humbled in this sci-fi, horror tale that gripped me. It took me nearly 20 years before I could experience it again, and that was only through Alan Dean Foster's novelization of the story. Now an older and wiser man, who is less afraid of the dark, I appreciate the quality of the film, especially the way the screenwriters and director broke down male-chauvinist boundaries by making the lone survivor and monster-slayer a woman. But I'm not sure I need to see "Alien" again. The frightening images are still vivid more than 20 years after my traumatic night at the theater.