Rating:  Summary: Good Film, But Very Poor Example For Dealing With Terror Review: This was an interesting story, but many will have problems with the manner in which the characters dealt with the situation. First, the surviving Londoners appeared to act unilaterally in dealing with this perceived "crisis" -- not once did they seek help or approval from the United Nations. Also, they effectively dehumanized an entire segment of society by labeling them "the infected," which converted them into impersonal targets for shooting, beating and other abusive, discriminatory acts. In not one instance did a character stop and ask himself, "Why do they hate us?" The characters simply attacked the "infected" in a pre-emptive fashion, without even attempting to understand their culture, religion or motivation. In one protractedly violent scene, a group of hungry "infected" folks were merely approaching a building in search of food, and the regular characters made the "infected" undergo shock and awe by simply gunning them down.This would have been a much more sensitive film, a vastly more Democrat-minded film if the characters, instead of reflexively killing the "infected," had spent more time doing yoga, visualizing world peace and asking themselves what they had done to make the "infected" hate them so.
Rating:  Summary: Well made "smart" horror movie Review: This movie is NOT what I (and probably most people) expected. Its not some action packed slasher movie with a cool soundtrack. Its a relatively slow paced "atmospheric" movie that promotes you to think "What would I do in that situation" There are some VERY slow parts in this film, some extremely quiet parts (so quiet you can hear people eating popcorn and such), but it adds to the ambience of supposedly bieng "the last person on earth". I wouldnt call the people "zombies" but they are something else all together. I only saw 2 somewhat major plot holes, but otherwise very well made and kinda artsy fartsy. Not recommended for the ADD adlolescents out there but more for the patient thinking types. Other than the 2 plot holes it would get 5 stars from me.
Rating:  Summary: It Will Happen!! Review: In a world of road rage, air rage, sidewalk rage and a rage for whatever else you've got, Danny Boyle (Trainspotting) sends a message to everyone with this movie that our anger is out of control and will consume us all. A cycle courier wakes up in hospital (nod to Day of the Triffids) to find that everyone has become infected with a disease called 'Rage' and the London he knew is a deserted wasteland full of blood-crazed zombies. He eventually meets up with some allies who were hiding out and together they set off to Manchester after hearing a radio message claiming to have the solution to the problem. Of course, things aren't that easy and the film brilliantly portrays the madness of solitude as the question arises: what is the point of survival when everyone and everything is dead and gone? Danny Boyle knows this genre enough to make several nods towards George Romero - the scene in the shoppping mall is an obvious parady of Dawn of the Dead and he also shows that the surviviors end up more crazed and behaving more inhumanely than those infected a la Night of the Living Dead. It is also full of thought-provoking lines such as when Cillian Murphy first tries to come to terms with the devastation and says "The government will do something" to which the reply is: "There is no government." There is also a beautifully directed scene when Cillian is lying on his back in complete desperation and his hazy eyes focus on an airplane flying overhead, like a dove telling him that all is not lost and civilisation is still happening somewhere in the world thus giving him strength. Those reviewers who balk at the blood and gore (see above) are missing the point this movie is making completely. It is NOT a slasher Wes/Carpenter flick. When someone cuts you up in your car, nips into the parking space you've been waiting for, takes too long at a checkout or just annoys you in general, what is your reaction? Rage? Go see this movie to find out where Rage will lead us all eventually.
Rating:  Summary: resident evil........gone cheap! Review: i will admit the zombies were pretty good but the storyline was just horrible i was about to leave the cinema before it ended take my word for it waste of valuable Time!!!!! the only scary and horrible thing about this movie was...... the movie itself
Rating:  Summary: resident evil........gone cheap! Review: i will admit the zombies were pretty good but the storyline was just horrible i was about to leave the cinema before it ended take my word for it waste of valuable Time!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Great until the end Review: This movie starts great and really set the mood for a good horror movie. The actors are very believeable and I'm a fan of the director's previous work. So why one star you ask? First I never really found this movie scary and I'm soooo tired of the fast edit effects sorry blair witch is dead let it go directors! Just because I can understand what's happening Does not make you a sellout. The real reason I give this flick one star is for the last 40 minutes. When they enter the military base and all the soliders wants to do is rape a 14 year old that's when the movie lost me. I have a strong stomach but I was sickened by such a cheap plot device just to make the military look bad. Did they stop their NOOO they have the military attempt to rape a second woman who happens to be black. What was the thinking their: Well we have the military trying to rape a child but that's not evil enough let's make them raciest Good God what a horrible idea! One quick note the soliders have only been without female contact for a month and their supposely ready to rape anything that moves? Do I really need to tell you why this idea is INSANE? Just in case you don't get it most armed service force are away from their family for months at a time and I don't think they just get rape crazy ok! This film was shot in london I'm guessing during the leadup to the Iraq War and It's very clear the director didn't support the war which is fine BUT It's suppose to be a horror movie not a political rally! The brave men in both the British and american armed forces deserved better treatment. Here is a little fact hollywood The Iraq people were raped and killed by their brutal leader and not by the Armed forces and their loss of life should not be cheapen just because You and your ellite friends don't live in the real world and our desperate to make the military look bad. News flash without them you can't make [stuff] like this ok! Bythe way if the infected are such a threat wouldn't it be real stupid to let them infect the military base wouldn't that put both women in more danger? By the way for the people who are saying I hate political views in movie reviews remeber I hate politics in horror films ok! I think their are more effective ways to suspense then the threat of a child being raped.
Rating:  Summary: Don't waste your time and money Review: This movie was nothing but a vehicle to show Cillian Murphy nude. You've read the other reviews and know the tired old over-used plot-line. The acting was incredulously bad. Cillian is actually smirking on camera when he's supposed to be acting wildly crazed and lost and fearful. Jim (Ciliam Murphy) has a totally unbelievable reaction to deserted London. Patrons were walking out of the cinema before the movie had run 30 minutes. The slow, agonizing start to the movie blended into a boring, boring, tedious job, not an entertaining stunner. The only reason that I didn't join the patrons walking out was to sneak into the Terminator afterward. The supposed surprise ending (Jim sees something in the sky as he's being stalked) is as anti-climactic as they get. The effects couldn't be discerned because of the way they were shot so fast -- a symptom of a low budget flick trying to look like a block buster. The trailer is the most decieveing trailer I've ever seen. Go see the Terminator instead if you want real entertainment!
Rating:  Summary: INTELLIGENT HORROR MOVIE WITH AN AESTHETIC BRAIN. BRILLIANT! Review: First off, 28 Days Later is billed as a horror movie but if you are expecting ghosts, quaint ogres walking at midnight dripping blood off their ears, or spirits in funny baseball masks, you shouldn't be looking here. The "horror" in this movie is crisp and intense, but emerges from the predicament of the characters rather than the usual gory antics of typical Hollywood genre films. Rarely have I been so frightened and made to think at the same time, and I don't mean only in the cheesy "Night of the Living Dead" manner. This movie is a very visceral and scary harbinger of what may lie ahead for humanity, what with all the biological and viral threats that have become commonplace conversation starters these days. The acting is tight; the musical score clearly shows passionate creation, hear out the samples here on Amazon itself under the Popular Music section to see what I mean; the reel is slightly pixelated/blurry with a colorful strobelight effect resulting from using a deliberately smaller-than-normal frame rate (the whole movie is shot in digital video btw); and the editing techniques sport a very stylized jerking/stroking (remember "Pi"?). You may relish the movie for just the aesthetics alone, if you are into that sort of thing. But above all, the film evokes some pretty leery thoughts in almost any person with common sense and a basic awareness of current affairs. It is almost an allegorical warning for things to come. Edge of the seat stuff. Watch it!
Rating:  Summary: THE WORST Review: Yeah... I realize that the film makers were operating on a shoe string and that only through endorsements could they make London look abandoned.. but PLEASE. This movie is a showcase for [the] most SHAMELESS product placements ever to be seen in a feature film. People were actually walking out of the theater when I saw this and it wasn't because of the gore (which was mostly disguised by violently shaking the DV cameras that it was shot with) it was because this was the most [bad]attempt at a zombie film ever to be made. Dawn of the Dead and other classics were heavily borrowed from in an attempt to legitimize this sorry film. 28 Days is neither scary nor unsettling nor entertaining. ... END
Rating:  Summary: Creepy cool entertaining disturbing Review: Quite a disturbing movie on many levels. Plays upon two of societies current concerns - bio warfare and rage. Concerns about both ore everywhere today, from the half truths disseminated by the Bush administration concerning Iraqi bio-warfare capabilities, to the tragic and senseless Anthrax outbreak of 2001, to the epidemic of road rage on our nations streets (anyone drive in DC lately?) and the violence and humiliation that passes for entertainment in our popular culture. This movie combines both - a virus that causes rage. Is violence a virus, insidiously spreading its way through the culture like a Richard Dawkins meme? This movie suggests that it is. The virus spreads through our culture easily. In real life, it casues people to extend their middle finger while driving or kill their wheelchair bound brother in a dispute over a NY Yankee cap (see today's NY Daily News). In this movie, it makes people's eyes turn red and want to eat other people. Even people not infected with the virus succumb to its effects. Witness the uninfected soldiers and their response to the females. The epidemic of rage around them cannot help but influence their attitudes as well. And the one soldier who attempts to remain decent in a world gone to hell is eaten alive by this horrible world. Is there a solution? The movie suggests there is, and its similar to how we must combat the epidemic of rage in our own world - hunker down, wait it out, and display a big howdy HELLO for anyone that comes along.