Rating:  Summary: I dreamed of a bad Kim Bassinger film.. Review: Oh wait.. it's not a dream.. this film had the greatest potential.. it could have been a creative, fesh and spine tingl;ing chiller.. IF THEY HAD TRIED!!! Kim basinger should stick to chomp at the bit romantic comedies.. The only two things about this movie that didnt completely suck were some graphics strewn throughtout the film and Rufus Sewell playing the bad guy.. his "henchmen" were pretty cool.. but Sewell did a great job playing the satanist on a mission to destroy an innocent child of GOD.. if you are really bored and need something to pass the time between Friends reruns.. rent this and take a nap.. otherwise.. dont waste your time.. go with a good end of the world drama and rent The Seventh Sign..
Rating:  Summary: Superior Thriller Review: "Bless The Child" was a truly excellent film, fast paced, full of suspense. The little girl is incredibly impressive in her role, and Basinger and Smits shine as always. The film isn't predictable and contains great interesting images. I really liked the religion angle, and it was nice to see perhaps the most positive portrayal of nuns since Sister Act! Great special effects as well. A winner on all counts.
Rating:  Summary: FALLS FROM GRACE Review: This is one of those movies that has a good idea but cannot seem to figure out just what to do with it. The early segments of the film are testament to this, because, at first, I was really hooked and enjoying myself and wondering what had sired all those bad reviews I'd read. But mid-way into the film what was subtle becomes blatent, what was creepy becomes cheesy, and what was promising does not ever find its full potential. The climax of the film is completely underwhelming, though mid-way through things start to become more amusing than frightening. All in all, it's a bottom-of-the-wrung supernatural thriller, and if you want to see good against evil on a Biblical scale, check out The Devil's Advocate instead.
Rating:  Summary: A load of junk Review: First of all, I understand the Christian Faith. But what I understand more is the art of the cinema. It does not matter ONE BIT if the film has uplifting Christian values if the whole thing is done with such bad taste and awful storytelling. A famous critic once said, "It doesn't matter what the film is about, it's how it is about it". This film is awful and I didn't care what happened to the little girl (whose most amazing talent is spinning plates! WOW!) Poorly executed special effects, such as the demon and the bedroom full of rats, don't help this badly acted and dull klunker. And enough with the STUPID end of the world, Christian mumbo jumbo, ala "END OF DAYS" and "STIGMATA". And just because "THE SIXTH SENSE" had a child with special powers, doesn't mean every film does. Just avoid this CCCCRRRAAAAPPPPP.
Rating:  Summary: Tripe au gratin with gratuitous violence garnish Review: What a waste of time, money and effort making this trash is. Forget that "you won't like it if you're not a Christian" claptrap. This movie is so insulting to anyone who cares about parenting, children, the clergy, with no intelligence behind it. I'll give them some high marks for some scary special effects. But how can Kim Basinger have anything to do with this trash.Having a cult leader demonstrate to a six year old girl how to douse a homeless man with gasoline and set him on fire right in front of us? Yes, that's an important message to get out. This movie was made in the hopes of sucking up a few more hapless teenagers' movie dollars, and they didn't care for one second how they did it. Its worse sin? It's sinfully stupid. The dialog is not to be believed. "Say his name [Satan, we assume]. SAY IT" yells the villain as a knife is held to the throat of a small child. I think they hired a few small children to do the screenplay, is what.
Rating:  Summary: "Bless the Child" Isn't Scary, Just Silly Review: The main problem with a movie like this -a scary movie I mean- is when it is not scary. Kim Basinger is just bad in this film about a young girl that has a special gift to lead people to God. I wouldn't be surprised if the reason her and real life ex-husband Alec Baldwin split because of her lack of being in good movies(this and "I Dreamed of Africa"). The young girl featured is good. But the murderer of the film has to be the screen writer chickening out when it finally get really creepy. I mean, Satan shows up, roars and is gone just like that. Why couldn't he eat someone or at least say how hell is doing these days. An okay attempt that falls short compared to others of its kind.
Rating:  Summary: Good Movie Review: Bless the Child is another Good Versus Evil type of movie, but unlike most of them, this one is pretty good. Kim Basinger and Jimmy Smits were great(although Smits' role wasn't a far cry from his character on NYPD Blue). There is just enough suspense to keep you wondering what was going to happen next. The special effects, although sparingly used, were well done. Overall, its an enjoyable movie, and worth checking out. Recommended!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent!!! Review: This movie was incredible - espeically to those familiar with the Christian Faith. There was so much symbolism throughout the whole movie that each time you see it you pick up more. I thought this was excellent and definitally recommend to anyone who wants a more realistic view of the Devil and the concept of Good and Evil.
Rating:  Summary: Bad Career Move Kim....But It Happens Review: I wasn't mad so much that I wasted my money on this movie. It was more the fact that I wasted my time! This movie simply had nothing going for it. It's undoubtedly Kim Bassingers' worst career choice ever. Jimmy smits should stick to television shows because their is a huge difference between the silver screen and the little grey one! As for the little girl she should watch tapes of Haley Joel Osment if she wants to really know how to be a successful young actr/actrss. Special effects were horrible, story was pretty decent but it just wasn't adapted well. Weak music as well. Also the bad guy just wasn't bad. Rent it if you must, but be prepared for an I told you so. Sorry, 1 star.
Rating:  Summary: Worthless waste of time Review: I don't see how anyone could spend money on this boring waste of slop. If you've seen the trailer, you've seen the movie (they just added Kim Basinger wandering around in between shots). No surprises, no cool effects, and no scares. Although it did scare me into never to see a movie directed by Chuck Russell again. I wish I could give this negative stars.