Rating:  Summary: Crafty. Hokey. Utterly Demented Review: Honestly, I wasn't expecting to like CHUD. I only got it out of curiosity as it was one of those horror movies I used to see in the video store as a kid. While it may be low-budget schlock it's still rather good.
John Heard plays a photojournalist who is suspicious of multiple disappearings in his New York neighborhood. The local Fuzz are suspicious too. As is a half-mad soup-kitchen Reverend (Daniel Stern). Together they uncover a ruthless plot by some government scumbags (are there any other kind).
The monsters may be cheap looking but they still make formidable bad guys and set pieces still excite. For all it's low-budgetness, CHUD still has a decent plot, good characters and, would you believe, a surprising twist near the end.
Just try to ignore the reeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaalllllly tacky synthesizer score and enjoy the OTT silliness. And keep a lookout for John Goodman and Jon Polito.
The DVD is in not bad-looking 1.78:1 anamorphic widescreen with Mono sound. Extras are a trailer and a hilarious commentary track with Heard, Douglas Cheek and Christopher Curry but dominated by Daniel Stern.
Rating:  Summary: This is what DVD is all about Review: I am proud to say I took part in an Anchor Bay poll that led to them picking up the rights to this movie. They did a splendid job. The digital transfer is beautiful... almost too beautiful. And the widescreen picture allows you to see everything as the director intended (in this Director's Cut!)...Some might argue that this film is a slap in the face to the digital medium. Maybe. But this film represents to me the tongue-in-cheeck bad horror movies of yesterday. If you're a fan of C.H.U.D., the commentary alone is worth the purchase price. Just picture John Heard, Daniel Stern, and director Douglas Cheek arguing back and forth about who ruined which scene. They didn't even realize it was the director's cut they were watching until about halfway through! And if you own the DVD, there is an Easter Egg worth checking out. From the Special Featurs menu, press the up arrow on your remote and the C.H.U.D.'s eyes should light up. Hit enter and it will take you to that oh-so wonderful shower scene, only this time uncut. I wonder if the actress knows they re-instered her breasts into this DVD? Yeah, this is what DVDs are all about.
Rating:  Summary: An "A" of a "B" movie Review: I first saw this film as a child and it scared the hell out of me. Years later, I picked it up on DVD and it is still just as good. Though the director and actors could have taken this project less-than-serously, they play it straight and I thank them for that. It portays some homeless people get mutated by toxic waste being stored under the New York City in the labyrinth of sewer tunnels under the city. It sounds cheesy, but its not since the film is played very seriously and straight. The film has a great atmosphere with the dark dingy tunnels of the sewers. What a great place to set a monster movie! I mean in reality there are miles of old tunnels under the city. The film just fells dingy and you can almost smell the stale stench. The monsters themselves look very good, espcecially for the budget this movie had. They just don't make movies like this anymore. One complaint I have about the DVD is the commentary. I was really glad they got the entire leading actors to return for it, but I was upset that they spent most of the time bashing the film. A lot of people put some very hard work into this movie, and they just sit their bashing their work. I was not impressed. Its a decent movie that deserves to be looked at.
Rating:  Summary: CHUD Sucks the big one Review: I got sick of this crap like 10 minutes into the crap. it was like, it was like a damn monstrousity with crappy suspense and bad acting that makes this one reek undeground. how John Heard and Daniel Stern came to be in this one the world may never know. CHUD is a DUD
Rating:  Summary: scarrry movie that still chills me. Review: I sasy this when i was fourteen years old back in the 1980s, and it still scares me with the tension and gore. i think it is a step beyond the alligators in the sewer myths we here aboout im not sure.
Rating:  Summary: Classic 80's Horror movie makes for a wonderful DVD. Review: Im a child of the 80's. I love just about everything the 80's had to offer. The toys were better, the cartoon's were better and the horror movies were better. Sure, the special effects might seem a little crude to the crowd of today. But I think its more the idea's and story lines that make them alot better than horror movies of today. "Scream" and "I know what you did last Summer" just don't cut it as good horror movies. Its just a bunch of pop teen idols getting slashed up by the "who done it" killer. *yawn* BORING! 80's horror movies had interesting plots, creepy idea's, dark and brooding camera work, scary bad guys. The list could go on and on. C.H.U.D is one of the 80's classics and one of my own personal favorites. Its about homeless people who live under the steets of New York. Soon the hobo's and city people come up missing. As it turns out, the city has been storing toxic waste drums beneath the streets and the hobo's are turning into horrible, mutant undead monsters! Most people pass off the monsters as "corny" looking, but I would rather see make-up special effects than CGI special effects. Don't get me wrong, I like CGI special effects. Im a fan of the Jurassic Park movies because the CGI is so sweet! But you can't beat all the hard work and morbid detail that went into movies like C.H.U.D, Hellraiser and Friday the 13th. Anyways, the rest of the movie is a cat and mouse chase beneath the city streets to escape before its too late. I don't want to get into too much detail about the movie, you'll just have to see it for yourself. Take my word for it, C.H.U.D is what horror movies are all about.
Rating:  Summary: I'm the producer of this film Review: It wouldn't be fair for me to comment on this film, having produced it. But since this DVD has a commentary track that is loaded with lies about the production (the actors ALL got paid and I can prove it - deferments come from PROFITS and thus far there haven't been any - I should know I have a deferment myself and I haven't ever gotten any of it either). If you really want to know go to [...]. It will explain it all.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Ask Me What It Stands For Review: It's been several years since I've seen this movie and I don't remember very much about it except this: IT SUCKS BIG TIME! Don't even waste your time.
Rating:  Summary: Bossest movie ever made!!!!!!! Review: Let me just tell you that if you have not seen the movie, CHUD, you are not living a complete life!! Seriously, this movie will most definitely get you where it counts!! Daniel Stern plays an excellent AJ. Look for a possible CHUD 3 starring, Randy Deeks, Dan Kubiak, and Jim Butler. Those three actors are three of the most talented artists around!! You should see what they can do!! May the C.H.U.D. be with you!!
Rating:  Summary: Monster movie with a message Review: Many movies try to teach you important, preachy lessons and disguise them in the trappings of fantasy. CHUD is one of those. Here it is: Homeless people are people too and should not be treated as throw away citizens. But wait! There's more! CHUD manages to squeeze in two lessons for the price of one! Lesson two: Our dependency on products made with toxic chemicals combined with our innate greed is going to be our eventual downfall. Now that we have learned our lesson, start the DVD and just enjoy the fantasy trappings. Because CHUD is a monster movie. A good one. John Heard (Cat People, Pelican Brief) and Daniel Stern (Home Alone, The Wonder Years) headline a decent cast occupying a New York neighborhood where people have started disappearing. Oh, people have been disappearing for a while, but those others were just homeless people (see Lesson One), but now "important" people are coming up missing. And soon it becomes apparent that creatures in the subways and sewer systems of the city are dining out on the local passersby. It takes a while before you get a good look at one of the CHUDs (c.h.u.d. representing "canniballistic humanoid underground dwellers"). When you see them though, they are good, original looking monster freaks with glowing eyes and snaggly teeth. Add to that image the fact that they live in those dark places underground and the creep factor is complete. We all know that there are miles of tunnels and passages under our big cities, but no one wants to go down there. In our minds, we see THESE things jumping out at us. A monster movie has to appeal to one of your fears and I guess this is one of mine. People tend to condemn CHUD for some reason or another. I think it does a good job at creeping you out while providing a solid 90 minutes of entertainment. It won't be shown in your American Cinema 101 class though. DVD special features include some cool production photos and pre-production looks at the design of the creatures. Audio commentary includes the director and 3 lead actors. Always a plus when they can get the actors to come in and chat. Buy CHUD and I think you will enjoy it. HOWEVER, avoid the sequel "CHUD 2: Bud the CHUD" at all costs. It has almost nothing to do with this film and it is horrible.