Rating:  Summary: predators meets the howling Review: this film may be low budget, or at least not a major studio release, but it is a rather nicely done film. As others have noted, its a familiar plot, but somehow manages to take on a life of its own and keep the viewers intrest peaked. Another nice touch is the way the film teases the viewer by witholding the sight of the beasts, giving little tid bits here and there until way into the film. The flim seems to have a fascination with entrails, as several scenes of decapitated bodies, and entrails are flaunted, giving the film its grittier than most feel. The tension level works as the team of soldiers find refuge in a cabin, that becomes more of a prison than a haven. So, if you liked the Howling, which I thought was a terrific film, and the Predator, then you should do ok with this one.
Rating:  Summary: What I've Been Waiting 4!!!!!!! Review: I wont waste words on reveling how great this movie is; the previous reviews did that for me... I LOVE Werewolves!!! This gave the genre to me in a completely unique way... Army Vs. Army; Squad Vs. Pacc! Let me tell you... there are no annoying screaming females or cheap effects! There is blood and guts (REALLY & REALISTICALLY... even in the first 30 minutes of the film you have a soldier fighting the W.W.'s off holding his own insides in) Great creature & special effects, impressively decent acting, a unique and captivating storyline! Well worth the time and money to anyone who loves Werewolves!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: A Great Werewolf Movie! Review: If you like horror movies (especially of the werewolf kind) this movie is for you! I was a little skeptical at first, the Dog Soldiers jacket cover looked a little low budget and non-high tech. I realize now, that they saved their money on the jacket cover to make a better movie. The story line was great and the werewolves looked pretty good. The actors did a really convincing job of playing terrified soldiers trapped in a house. I jumped from my seat more than a few times, which is pretty good for a person who has become desensitized over the many years that I have been watching horror movies. I would definitely buy this movie for my horror collection. "Move over American Werewolf in London, there is a new dog in town!"
Rating:  Summary: A fast-paced, witty and creative horror debut! Review: Having seen the DVD in Blockbuster a few times, I was a little skeptical of this movie. For some reason I expected it to be unwatchably low-budget and/or very cheesy, direct-to-video schlock. Got to say, having watched it twice in the week I rented it, I was very pleasantly surprised by "Dog Soldiers." You all know the plot so let me tell you what I liked about the film: The movie is surprisingly well-acted and scripted for a horror film. There are several very strong acting performances throughout, and even when the dialogue is bad it's typically tongue-in-cheek bad-good. Most often when I watch horror movies, the "characters" are really zombie food. In "Dog Solidiers" I found myself rooting for the good guys to survive, particularly Cooper and Spoon (sorry, don't have the names handy). Ryan is also a very arrogant and hateable villain. The film has a very sharp sense of humor, sometimes in the dialogue and other times in the ridiculous, over-the-top action. But unlike say "Evil Dead 2", "Dog Soldiers" doesn't beat you over the head trying to be funny. More often it's a dry wit that breaks the tension during some of the action/horror scenes. And, the movie looks great. When I first popped it on I was a little put off by the slightly blurry, "Masterpiece Theater" type film stock. But as the film moved on, I was really impressed with the atmophere and fast-paced was the action and violent scenes are filmed. Some of them are quick edited almost like Hong Kong cinema. The farmhouse, out in a secluded patch of fog-drenched woods, recalls the moody look and feel of both "Evil Dead" films. And the werewolves may not be top notch, but they are not far from the monsters in "The Howling" and in my opinion they were pretty damn impressive for a low budget film. If you're into more slick, mainstream horror films you may not like this. But if you're a fan of "old school" horror like the early John Carpenter films, the "Evil Dead," etc. this is most definately worth at least a rental. Personally, I wish I saved the $4 I spent at Blockbuster and just bought it. The best new horror film I've seen in years.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best Werewolf films ever. Review: Dog Soldiers reminds me of Southern Comfort told with werewolves. This movie centers around three parties, a mysterious special Ops team, regular soldiers on training maneuvers, and the werewolves. The special Ops team is out looking for the werewolf. The regular soldiers are in the same territory. Then there are the werewolves. The special Ops team is quickly eliminated except for their leader who is rescued by the regular soldiers after they spot a flare. They don't know what to make of the situation, but they know it is bad. But soon the werewolves are after them as well. They only manage to escape by running into a young woman driving by. Now everyone is holed up in a cabin while the werewolves prowl outside. Then the fun begins. How do they get out? Does this house belong to the werewolves? What was special Ops really doing out there? What happens when you are wounded by one of the werewolves? Will anyone get out alive? This is a wonderfully suspenseful movie and I will not spoil it by revealing more. Suffice it to say, this is a spooky film that makes excellent use of atmosphere and camera angles. Although this is not a gore-oriented film, there are some bloody moments. The werewolves themselves are a wonderful design full of menace. Even in a relaxed pose the broadcast power, anger and menace. If you like scary movies and/or monster movies, then this one is for you.
Rating:  Summary: Let the dogs out! Let them out! Review: When I saw "An American Werewolf in Paris" I really thought werewolf movies were dead and buried. Fortunately, two little jewels came out the last couple of years and changed my mind. Curiously, both came from outside the US, both were given poor theatrical releases and both have the potential to become cult classics. I'm talking, of course, about the canadian teen-gore "Ginger Snaps" and the British houndfest "Dog Soldiers". Unlike its Canadian fellow pack member, "Dog Soldiers" does not try to offer an analogy of puberty. This movie is simple, plain fun! Six soldiers trapped in a cabin in the woods (does it sound familiar?) must battle a pack of hungry beasts that see them as their next full moon meal. In the process, the soldiers too will have to become a pack in order to survive. With a lot of references to other horror movies, this flick blew me away mainly because of the energy that comes out of the screen. Its simple, yet effective, style of horror reminded me of the old black&white monster films that were all about the visceral reaction that we had towards the creature, instead of relying on silly CGI graphics or actors taken fresh out of the cast of "Buffy". I can assure you that this movie will excite you, and if you enjoyed those classic monster flicks, then this is the one you want. As for the edition, it certainly could be better, but at least we were not left bare-boned like we did with "Ginger Snaps". We get a commentary track (sadly, not by the director), but it's something. The rest is pretty much the usual stuff (trailers and so on), with the possible exception of a 20-minute featurette that includes a number of interviews with writer/director Neil Marshall. Let's hope that a special edition is considered in the future. So, in a word, next time you want to get together with tour friends and watch a horror flick, make this your choice, you won't regret it. In the meantime, keep your fingers crossed for a sequel.
Rating:  Summary: Best Werewolf movie since American Werewolf in London! Review: Finally a great mindless (in a good way), enjoyable, bloody werewolf movie! This is one of my favorite horror movies now. I am only mad that I didn't buy this for $10 when I had the chance and instead only rented it. Some people have complained about the accents, but they were not that hard to follow at all. I also liked the way the film looked. If they shot this in a "smooth, polished" way it would have taken away from the "gritty reality" they were trying to express. I LOVE the fact the werewolves were practical effects and not CGI. The script is lean and full of witty dialogue. I could have just watched the actors sitting around talking. Thanks to the reviewer who pointed out the team was whistling in order to get caught so they could leave, that was brillant! I won't retype the plot since many others have, but if you love horror movies you have to see this. It really reminded me of the old 70's and 80's horror movies like Evil Dead, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Zombie but updated for today. If you liked this movie check out The Ugly. It is a New Zealand flick that puts the last 6 years worth of American horror movies to shame!
Rating:  Summary: DOG head wolfweres look alike Review: Overall this movie delivers some good horror moments however one thing that bothers me is that a soldier stabs a werewolf to death(in the kitchen) when they can't kill the werewolfs with machine guns in close range. C'mon. And it's too dark and I can hardly see the actions.
Rating:  Summary: rare occurance . . . a really good werewolf movie Review: I'm not a person who usually likes many werewolf movies but I got a chance to see this one in its theatrical release in Scotland which was how I first became aware of its existance, and am now overjoyed that it was released on dvd because I thought the chances were slim to none that I would be able to own it. This dvd is an american release of a film geared towards a uk audience so the accents aren't always as clear as can be but even if you're not use to hearing them you can for the most part still muddle through and catch most of what they say (takes a little effort sometimes on the first try) and still enjoy the movie. the only disappointment I had with the dvd is that the commentary for the American release has the director and some other behind the scenes guy where as the UK release has the cast commentary, which I would much rather hear. The characters are brilliant, the scenery is great, the werewolves are impressive looking without going too far into the silly disfgurements that seem to be a trait of the average movie of its kind and budget, there's a little comic relief sliped in at certain points, it is bloody as all get out, and there is a semi surprising twist at the end. All in all well worth the price of ownership. dog soldiers Rocks!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Mindless Junk Review: This was the worst horror film I have ever seen. The lighting was horrible and the actors virtually impossible to understand. The camerawork was dizzying. The werewovles looked like what they were, men with fake wolves heads on them. Between the mumbling accents of the actors and the film looking like it was shot with no lighting at all, it was absolutely impossible to figure out what was going on. Don't waste your time or money.