Rating:  Summary: Boring B-movie crap Review: Okay, the story is not that bad. A squad of british soldiers, who are on some kind of training mission, suddenly get slaughtered by a family of werewolves. What could have been a great movie just turns out to be the most boring crap i've ever seen. there is no tension because you always know what happens next, and the actors are pretty bad too. But the worst thing about the whole movie are the werevolves. When i saw them for the first time i really thought about switching of the tv. They are just so damn unscary! To me they looked a bit like the dogs the Queen has.A little advise for werewolve lovers: Watch Ginger Snaps!
Rating:  Summary: A great jump movie! Review: I have to say that I've watched horror movies for years, and my favorite monster has always remained werewolves. It had been awhile since I had seen a good werewolf movie when I ran across an Amazon list recommending Dog Soldiers. I had never heard of it. My nephew is in the film industry and I asked him about it and he told me to watch it in no unceratin terms. I did, and after years of watching horror films and figuring out the direction and plot early on in general, I jumped multiple times during this one. I watched Dog Soldiers alone and in the dark and was hooked from beginning to end. Honestly I was surprised how many times I jumped. Anyway, of course there's some issues with it and that's why I gave it 4 stars but it is really fun. If you are a videographer, notice the cuts at the beginning of the film where the soldiers are chatting. It's some good filming. I think this was a good mix of Aliens and Predator with werewolves. The interaction between the soldiers was good as well. It provides a different view on dealing with werewolves especially from a soldiers point of view. Yes, it's filmed by Brits with British actors so if you don't like their touch you may have some gripes. I thought Dog Soldiers was a fresh take on werewolves and I recommend it highly
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely dire! Review: Wow, average review 4 and a half stars. Ridiculous. Don't be fooled by all the platitudes heaped on this, the average reviewer would have no enjoyment coming from this movie. A strange mix of army, werewolf and slasher, i was at first intrigued by this curious mix. But do not be fooled, it's one of the worst movies i have ever seen of the genre! First of all, the plot is completely incoherent at times, it simply does not make sense. The effects are laughably bad, the gore effects bloated and overblown, not to mention fake looking, the film has absolutely no idea of pacing and feels far too long, even though it was probably not much over an hour and a half in length. The 'squaddies' themselves, who we should respect and admire, come across in many cases as arrogant, obscene and wholly unlikeable. Some interesting character development unfortunately does not save my dislike for these fellows. Other flaws: The plot is very predictable, the low budget shows many a time throughout the running and the action scenes often continue far too long. Less is more, or in this case not. This mix of evil dead/howling/we were soldiers does have a few points which is why it doesn't totally fall flat. The acting is surprisingly above par considering the basicness of the production and some of the performaces are not bad at all. Unfortunately they are portraying unlikeable characters so it doesn't really matter. I'm glad i didn't buy this. The saddest thing of all is that as A Brit myself it shows how far we have fallen behind the rest of the world when it comes to filmmaking, it wasn't always like this. But i have to acknowledge Americans 1-0 British. I am sure they could have done a far better job with this. Stay well away.
Rating:  Summary: werewolves versus soldiers, like horses versus machines. Review: have you ever noticed in horror movies how the normal average hero somehow suddenly becomes as good as the average Special Forces operative with a shotgun, despite the fact he spends his time stacking shelves in the local supermarket. and have you ever noticed how in werewolf movies the werewolves don't act like actual wolves, but more like really hairy cannibals? if you have, you are in for a shock with Dog Soldiers. An intelligent and darkly funny little film from British director Neil Marshall, the victims become soldiers, and the werewolves stalk their prey like David Attenborough's worst nightmare, meaning that this is no ordinary horror movie. With an ambitious idea like this, it needs good performances to pull it off, and you get exactly that, especially from Sean Pertwee and Liam Cunningham, and Marshall directs it all with enthusiasm and atmosphere. but never fear, there is still enough old school horror cliches to keep everyone happy (even watch out for an hilarious nod to Day of the Dead towards the end) but it is all done in a fun and quirky way that makes this worth while. open your mouth, cover your ears and mind your toes when you watch this film. you are in for a ride.
Rating:  Summary: Werewolfs are waiting outside... Review: A squad of soldiers is on a standard training maneuver on the Scottish Highlands where they are suppose to encounter a unit of Special Forces. However, the military exercise is swiftly cancelled when they find the Special Ops soldiers slaughtered and the radio out of order. Stranded in the wilderness, the soldiers find themselves not being on the top of the food chain as something fierce is ready to snap at them at any moment and from any direction. Dog Soldiers begins with a very interesting premise, however, this changes as the story unfolds and temporarily the film becomes awkward. Nevertheless, there are some first-class horrific moments that will startle the audience, but the overall experience ends up being a cinematic frustration.
Rating:  Summary: A Terrific Sleeper!! Review: This is perhaps the best 'Sleeper' horror film since "Near Dark"! A pleasant suprise in a werewolf movie whose genre treatment more time than not is hokey at best. I think I see where the girl in 'Underworld' got the idea to shoot out the floor to make an exit when the furry bad boyz were comming for her! Bon Apetit!
Rating:  Summary: At Last! A New Standard in GOOD Werewolf Movies!!! Review: When they set their minds to it, nobody can put together a scare fest in quite so satisfying a way as the Brits. Here a talented cast, witty script, taut pacing and truly grisly special effects make for one of the most enjoyable and entertaining horror films I've seen in years... and I had to watch it first time through on the Sci Fi Channel! No matter; I went out and rented it the same night, and ordered my own copy the next day. What "The Howling" was to '70's horror flicks, "Dog Soldiers" is for the 21st Century. There is something for everyone here; great battle scenes, boy-toy eye candy for the ladies and Emma Cleasby as the leading lady is the sexiest Thinking Man's Babe since "The X-Files'" Scully. There's even a terrific mano-a-mano between a werewolf and one "puny human" who just doesn't know when to quit or how to be afraid; in other words, your basic everyday British Army Regular! More than enough truly chilling moments, very clever send-ups of overblown movies like "The Matrix" and it even has a cool dog! Lope, don't trot, to your video store for this beauty. This is a new horror classic. P.S. Don't even bother with "Bad Moon" (argh, egregiously awful), but DO try to find the novel it is based on: "Thor" by William(?) Smith. The book is so much better than the movie as to be a different yarn entirely. WARNING: If you have ever loved a dog, read "Thor" with hanky to hand.
Rating:  Summary: Not good Review: I'll try to keep this short, as i have a habit of typing overtly long reviews. This film, about a band of soldiers holed up in a keep located in the scottish highlands, who are then beset by lycans left, right and centre, seems to have garnered many rave reviews. Allow me then to pull that bar down slightly then. Firstly, let me say i really like good horror films. I like films that seem solid, well made and polished. So not surprisingly i hated this. It starts out promisingly enough, it is set in a very creepy setting and has good performances from most of the unknown cast. But the film only deserves one star because it is overlong, too laborious and, oddly given that this suggested in the editorial what this film wasn't, bloated. Allow me to explain my point of view: 1. Too bloody obvious! I saw ALL the werewolf transformations coming halfway thorugh the movie! 2. Far too long! How long did this last? It felt like hours and hours, thogh i suspect it wasn't more than 90 minutes. There is absolutely no idea of pacing in this film. 3. Fake. The effects in this are truly terrible. They look so dated compared to most modern pictures. 4. Too many pointless twists. There was some seemingly random things in, such as when the soldier blew up the shed and the sarge's eyes glowed yellow at the end. What's with that? 5. Boring. Throughout the middle it's talk, talk talk. Yawn. 6. The wolves themselves. Apart from looking like Godzilla extras, they take an unreasonable amount of killing to die. A fit young man butchers one with a silver knife, and it does nothing. They make it too hard. 7. Too many of the herioc soldiers die when they shouldn't have. 8. Over reliance on football trivia (that's our british football to you yanks). So overall no more than one star please. I wanted to like this sprightly British cross between night of the living dead and the howling, but altogether it only highlighted how far my country lags behind the Americans in the filmmaking stakes. Feels tired, dated and ponderous to the extreme.
Rating:  Summary: it'll be a while before i visit scotland........ Review: recently id been put of werewolf movies after having the misfortune of seeing american werewolf in paris (oh dear.....),but with this being a british effort, i decided to check it out.what i got was possibly the best horror ive ever seen!.the storyline follows a group of soldiers on a training exersise in scotland, who find the remains of a special ops team, and its wounded commander.after being chased through the woods by terrifying wolf like (duh) creatures, they are saved by a mysterious woman who takes them to a deserted cottage. what follows is a frenzy of blood, guts, black humour, and fantastic one liners. before to long, i found myself cheering and absolutely wetting myself with laughter/fear. it is beautifully shot in scottish wilderness, and some of the set peices were brilliant to say the least,and unlike most american werewolf flicks (sorry), theres no gung ho heroism, just the gritty will to survive. when you consider the low budget of this film, the creatures themselves are remarkable, and it makes you wonder where all the money for werewolf in paris went. the best british (thats right...BRITISH)film since train spotting, i recommend it if you like anything to do with the military, well, thought out ideas, and shotgun weilding werewolfs. (NO KIDDING) Also some advice: 1.before going to scotland, check your silver bullet collection 2.dont step into strangers cars 3.when you lock the doors, check INSIDE your house as well 4.keep the whiskey and glue handy now i must go. i hear howling at my front door......
Rating:  Summary: ONE OF THE BEST WEREWOLF MOVIES EVER!!! Review: There have been many many werewolf movies made that have been good and some that have been bad!!! The Howling was a great, original werewolf movie but its sequels were so horrible and boring!!! Bad Moon was suprisingly good with a few scares!!! Ginger Snaps and American Werewolf in London were great!!! Now one of the newest werewolf movies now is DOG SOLDIERS!!! And it rocks!!! It was scary, gory, and full of action!!! It is one of the best that I have ever seen!!! The best time to watch it is at night in the dark!!! Do me a favor and buy it today!!!