Rating:  Summary: "There is no Spoon" Review: What to say?
This is perhaps one of the coolest, most stylish films out of the UK, and it was modestly put together, which shows quality doesn't always have to be spawned from ILM (Not that I have a problem with Industrial Light and Magic). Dog Soldiersis one part "Aliens", One part "The Howling" and one part every war movie ever made. The acting is good, especially from Sean Pertwee, and it definately entertains. A bit of warning: it is a bit gory in sections, and if you have no stomach for such, then you might want to have your fast forward button handy.
See this movie. Own this movie.
Rating:  Summary: A HOOOOOOOOOOOWLING GOOD TIME! Review: I LOVE werewolf movies and this one is no exception!! I happened to take a chance and buy this just on the box description alone. There is plenty of action, plenty of gore, though not over-done, a captivating story line to keep you on the edge of your seat, and the werewolves. Did I mention the werewolves? Some of the best looking lycanthropes since "The Howling". I highly recommend this movie! Picture quality and sound of DVD is quite decent.
Rating:  Summary: 'BOUT TIME!!! Review: FINALLY!!!!! after so,so many failed attempts at making a watchable werewolf movie,a GOOD!! werewolf movie has been done. but, this movie is hard to stick the label "werewolf movie" to because of the overabundance of action, dark comedy, and sheer entertainment you'll be subjected to while watching it. the story centers on a group of soldiers dropped off in the woods against a spec. op. team for war games. it does'nt take long for them to realize that there is no more spec. op. team(except for a few parts here & there) and they need to find somewhere besides the woods to stay until morning.and let me tell you,when they do, it's a LOOOOONG time before morning arrives for them. excellent acting all around,enough well done gore to satisfy any gorehound,and(believe it or not)an outstanding HAND TO CLAW fight scene,make this a definate MUST SEE for any lycanthrope fan out there.or for anyone who justs likes to have a good time watching a movie.
Rating:  Summary: Up there with the classic horror movies Review: Let's start this off with two rules you can expect this review to follow. 1.) It's a Werewolf film, and a horror film. If you don't like Gore or being scared or action then you won't like this film. 2.) I love horror films, I have seen every horror film that I can get my hands on. From early Peter Jackson classics like Brain Dead and Dead Alive, to Italian Horror from Fulci and Mario Bava, to old American Black and White films good and bad such as Day of the Triffids and Manos Hands of Fate. Because I love horror films, and because I have seen so many this review is definately from a biased point of view. I will try my best to be as unbiased as possible but I warn you that I promise nothing. Now lets get to the review.I picked this movie up on a whim while picking out some of the latest selection of low budget horror films at my local video store. I usually pick up one or two cheesy B grade films every weekend and this was no exception. Now the stuff I usually watch is low grade mindless "Look what I can do with CG effects." flavor of the week. All in all it tends to be very dissappointing, but from time to time I come home with something truly great; something like Dead Alive, or Evil Dead 2. The truth about low budget horror films is that they have to have something to rely on since they don't have the budget to compete. Now while this usually ends up being CG effects, from time to time you find one made my a filmmaker worth his salt. In these cases the film is based on it's story, characters, or passion. Each of which in it's own right can take a film that normally would be plain and mundane and elevate it to cult status. The amazing thing about Dog Soldiers was that it had all three. From the get go I was drawn into a story that moved smoothly from point to point, and was full of characters I found rich and interesting. At a couple points the story slowed down the pace to draw out more character development, and while for some action fans I can see this being boring, for me it deepened the interest in the characters as they interacted with one another and made me care what happened to each and every one. The story was solid and even threw a few curves that while predictable were still interesting and believable. The acting was not what you would expect from a Top Notch Hollywood Drama chock full of Academy Award winning actors and actresses but once again if that's what you want then why are you watching a Werewolf Movie? The Acting was good, better than I think anyone would expect and it drew you in, made you feel concern, compassion, or hatred for the various characters and it was never distracting or annoying as is often the case in Low grade Horror films. And the Effects were brilliant, the effects team decided to go with old school latex and mechanical construction rather than the more modern CG extravaganza which I think was perfect for this kind of film. Not only did it make the creatures feel more visceral and realistic but it added a sense of realism when the actors and actresses actually interacted with them. There is a fight scene where one of the soldiers breaks out whatever he can to defend himself, from knives, to kitchen pans, to his bare fists and that kind of scene just would not be possible with CG. With everything under consideration I have to say this is the best werewolf film I have ever seen, and ranks up there among the best creature features I have ever had the pleasure to watch. It surpasses even such greats in my mind as the Howling (Though this also is a classic.) and An American Werewolf in London. Silver Bullet may come close but not by much and even then it's effects just cannot compare. This is a film I will be adding to my DVD collection, If you love Werewolf films, or good horror films then I recommend you do as well.
Rating:  Summary: Solid Not Spectacular Review: Good show. Definitely better than the Scream clones out there. Won't give away the plot other than to say that there is too much of it. Soldiers inside, Werewolves outside would have been fine but the tension disappears at the end with a couple of feeble plot twists and too much "I love you man!" hysterics. Interesting to note that most good horror movies are made on the cheap. Not a great movie by any means (the fact that its been reviewed so highly illustrates the dearth of good stuff) but a solid hour and a half of good horror.
Rating:  Summary: good movie but lame special effects Review: I heard so much about this movie before its release, that when it came out I immediately went out and bought it. It is a good movie and it is scary, but the werewolves are so fake looking it kind of ruined it for me. The acting is fine, the plot is fine, the blood and guts are realistic, but WOW! the werewolf costumes are bad! If you can ignore the bad costumes, the movie is good, but rent it before you buy it.
Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly good Review: Notwithstanding the fact that I couldn't understand half of the dialogue because of the nearly-incomprehensible English accents (and what I wholly understood was the cursing) this is a funny, smart, action-packed horror flick about a bunch of soldiers who hole up in a farmhouse, trying to save their lives from a family of werewolves. There were scenes which were actually disgusting, but I couldn't help but laugh, as when a dog has gotten ahold of a wounded soldier's innards and is tugging on them. "Piss off," he yells, "let go!" Or when another soldier brawls with a werewolf and knocks one of his teeth out, which flies across the room and sticks in a wall like a knife. Somewhat gory, obviously, but if you can get past that you are in for a minor treat.
Rating:  Summary: It's Different Review: When I went to see this I expected a horror instead a got a Thriller the special effects are good although it was funny at times especially the dog's cameos. It's different to the typical werewolf story maybe cause these guys are soldiers people who should know how to attack, escape and trap etc. However I think the knife details at the beginning are a bit of a giveaway and telling one character from another becomes tiresome. Excellent plot 'there was only supposed to be one!' I enjoyed it and I intend to buy it.
Rating:  Summary: Nice Try. Review: I watched it last night and I thought it started out really well. But as it went on it asked alot of questions that for me, were never answered. A bit gory as well. I don't want to give away any of the plot because I know some of you will find this movie fascinating, and I salute you. But for me, it can't hold a candle to classics like "Southern Comfort" or "Aliens."