Rating:  Summary: Great story and acting, but very blasphemous Review: This is a great movie with great acting. It is impossible for Pacino to act bad. The reason I took 3 stars off is because there is a scene for approx. 10 minutes in which Al yells and states things that are very blasphemous towards Jesus Christ, it is 5 times as bad as the Exorcist (as far as blasphamy). I would not reccomend this for anyone very religious.
Rating:  Summary: Get prepared for a wild ride! Review: Keanu Reeves has just been offered a position at a high-price law firm in New York. He takes his wife, played by Charlize Theron, and they begin their new life. But his time is demanding of him, and Theron, a simple Southern girl, doesn't know what to do trapped in their posh condo all day. While he winning cases, she slowely goes insane. Al Pacino, who of course is the Devil, plays John Milton, the head of the law firm that represents some of the worst clients ever. Murderers and rapists walk free because of them. The film is like a take on " the Firm", with the young lawyer tempted by evil, and even working for it. And you have to love the references that the Devil is a lawyer. Kind of fitting, isn't it? A very enjoyable movie, especially with the great picture and sound offered by this DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Pacino Rocks!!! Review: Forget the pleasing shape - when the Devil appears in the end of days, he'll take the countenance of the more familiar champions of evil: the lawyers. As the chief partner of a high-priced firm that backs every evil cause you can think of (I mean really evil, not just the ACLU kind), Pacino rocks. He's so good, that even though I can barely remember the film (except for the fact that Keanu Reeves was in it, practicing his young Al Gore routine), It's impossible to forget Pacino.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting and Entertaining morality tale Review: The first time I saw "The Devil's Advocate" I found myself glancing at my watch. But because certain lines from the film haunted me two years after the initial viewing ie "Behold! I send you out as sheep among the wolves" I decided that the film merited a second viewing. It really isn't a crime for a film to be overlong, and this is really "The Devil's Advocate"'s only flaw. Pacino gives a tour de force performance, delivering his lines with typical Pacino-esque vigor. Reeves is good in this role as a seemingly consciousless lawyer. But the real highlight to me was the brilliant performance of Charleze Theron. Wow. She was brilliant in "Boy's Don't Cry" and "The Astronaut's Wife" but in this film she really smokes as Reeve's wife who appears to be losing her mind.... The film is never really scary, but does have creepy shocks, and interesting effects. This is a very well written intelligent movie, and is not just another Rosemary's Baby/End of Days/Omen clone about the coming of the Antichrist. The film will cause you to question the nature of right and wrong, and what the consequences may be when you think only of yourself.
Rating:  Summary: I can't take it anymore. Review: Three stars. Five stars for Al Pacino, and take away two for Keanu Reeves. Who the hell told this guy he could act? Making silly kid movies is all he can do and it was still hard enough watching him. The absurd Southern accent he tries to pull off goes from silly to ridiculous to nauseating. Who the hell talks like that? I avoid Keanu like the plague, but he's always in some movie that I end up seeing anyway.
Rating:  Summary: cool movie Review: this is a cool movie with Al Pacino in top form. Rent it and then buy it. On DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Vanity is the Devil's favorite sin... Review: Rather than re-write the many wonderful reviews already posted here, I'll just add my insights about this film's underlying statements of good vs. evil. The climatic ending of this movie - Al Pacino's monologue at the very end - is quite a good summation of the nature of evil. This monologue is almost as good as C. S. Lewis' "Screwtape Letters" in which Lewis exposes the subtle and seemingly innocuous tricks of the devil. As Lewis said, the path to hell is almost always a gentle slope. Sadly, the movie is stuffed full of vulgarities and sexual explicitness and other seriously "R-rated" kind of stuff. For that reason, if you want a keyhole peak into the devil's best tools and techniques, I'd recommend Lewis' works. Because of the violence and sexual improprieties of "The Devil's Advocate" I give this movie 3-stars. But if you can watch the sanitized version of "Devil's Advocate" on TV, it may be worth your while.
Rating:  Summary: The devil and all to pay Review: "The Devil's Advocate is one of those movies that sneak up on you, grab you and won't let go. The story is simple enough; a young fireball of a lawyer, Kevin Lomax, played by Keanu Reeves, who has never lost a case, finds himself in the middle of every defense attorney's nightmare, representing a slimy sleazeball accused of molesting little girls. Halfway through the trial he realizes his client is guilty as hell, which presents him with a dilemma: he can extend his winning streak at the price of losing his soul; or he can do the right thing at the possible risk of torpedoing his career. What's a young, up and coming hotshot to do? In no time at all, he and his beautiful, fatally naive wife (excellently played by Charlize Theron) are off to New York, where he has been recruited to work for a high-powered law firm headed by a omnilingual, diabolically clever lawyer named John Milton (Al Pacino looks like he had the time of his life in this role) and staffed by a bunch of hell-bound associates. While Kevin's career takes off, his wife descends into a miasma of loneliness, despair and finally madness; and when Kevin berates Milton for driving his wife into her personal hell, Milton reminds Kevin that God, whom Milton fears as much as he hates, gave us all a left-handed gift called free will; we are free to make our own choices, and we have to live with the consequences. As the feller says, you can't win 'em all. The film runs somewhat overlong but holds our interest throughout. There are many good performances in this movie and a few excellent ones, but when all is said and done, the film belongs to Al Pacino and his gleefully wicked portrayal of the devil incarnate. Kevin is finally left to make his own choice, which I'm not going to give away here; suffice to say that the film's resolution is a shock. Maybe you can't win 'em all, but director Taylor Hackford clearly came up a winner with this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent commentary by director! Review: This is an excellent movie on many levels. The director, Taylor Hackford, offers an insiteful, flowing commentary, enhancing the entire experience.
Rating:  Summary: Best movie since a long time Review: I have seen this movie 9 times without exageration. This is my favourite movie since a long time. The reason is because if you can go deeply inside you understand a very important message: "The error we are all making is by being so ambitious we keep on wanting more even if we know that people close to us needs us and are being hurt, we keep on putting them at the second plan and forgetting their needs. Vanity makes us forget everything around us unfortunately..." With this movie you will see that too much ambition is not that good. Beautiful movie with great actors: Keanu Reeves and the best of the best: Al Pacino of course.... Ýf you have never watched it before, get this movie immediately you don't know what you are missing.