Rating:  Summary: Get the Canadian edition Review: Ginger Snaps is a fantastic movie, but Fox Home Entertainment really cheaped out in their release. Fullscreen, with no special features. If you want to see the movie in widescreen, buy the Canadian edition. The Canadian release is a collector's edition dvd which presents the film in widescreen format, with directory's commentary, and deleted scenes, etc.The deleted scenes are especially good for this film, since they resolve a number of plot holes that were bugging me - like what happened to Mimi Rogers?
Rating:  Summary: GINGER SNAPS RULES!!! Review: I am suprised that this movie didn't make it to the big screen!!! It was good! It was sad and touching, and full of blood! The werewolf was pretty slick looking! A pretty good cast too!!! Good movie!!! Give it a try!!!
Rating:  Summary: Ginger Snaps is addictive Review: Ginger Snaps is a deliciously frightening film with Katherine Isabelle and the all grown up "It" star Emily Perkins. With co-starring appearances by Kris Lemche and Mimi Rogers. It all begins in Bailey Downs where two teen outsiders, performing imatations of death, walk through the dark woods. Ginger (Isabelle) is attacked by a gruesome werewolf, or to be considered the beast of Bailey Downs. After exposed by the wolf's marks, Ginger is transformed into a destructive, yet sexy tennager. Sister Brigette (Perkins) tries to stop Ginger's actions by the help of Sam (Lemche), running over the real beast who infected Ginger. Concerned mother Pamela (Rogers) tries to dig in after discovering Ginger has begun her menstual period the first time. With hints of a death to an enemy of Ginger and Brigette Fitzgerald, everyone seems to wonder what has happened. Ginger Snaps is a guarenteed addictive, sad, and frightening horror. It is awesomely outrageous and should have deserved more credit. Please don't miss this flick!
Rating:  Summary: Not Scary Horror, But Awsome Anyway Review: I got this movie for 10 dollars of the Halloween Discount Rack at K-Mart while buying paint. I didn't expect it to be good, but I brought it anyway. When I got home that night, I put it in the DVD player and saw it didn't have any bonus features. Another bad thing. But then after I hit play, I was captured after the first second. The movie wasn't cheesy, it was amazing. The opening credits was about as gory as it got, showing death scenes of Ginger and Brigette, and there were a few lame scenes, like when a character gets pu and walks away with a syrnge sticking out of his neck. At least it was funny. The werewolf effects however, they just made me sad. I was raised on Sci Fi and Horror, so I've seen some amazing graphics in my time, and this indie film just didn't have them. Mimi Rogers was also the only cast member I had ever heard of, but I will defentally be looking for more things with Emily Perkins and Kathrine Isabell. The way that they played their parts, two gothic teenage sisters, was amazing. If you're looking for a horror-slasher film, buy Nightmare on Elm Street, but if your looking for a good horror movie with a lot of blood, amazing acting, and 'dead dogs on every lawn', then rent GS. It's well worth it. I, personally, cannot wait until Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed comes out. Final Grade: A
Rating:  Summary: good Review: I thought this movie was good nothing wonderful...over looked and underrated YES ....I see alot of movies like this at the video store with similar cover box art and I never bother with them cuz usually their terrible after seeing these reviews I got really curious and rented it..Suprisingly the acting was good and theres a lot of violence & gore...If your into werewolves I definately recommend....Not scary but it's cool like in a "Lost Boys" way if that makes any sense to anyone hehe !
Rating:  Summary: Lives up to the hype Review: After hearing a lot about this movie in horror chat rooms, I decided to give it a shot. The two sisters who are the main characters are well portrayed with humor and compassion. It's nice to see young talented actors instead of overpaid stars who are popular because of their cheesy TV shows. If you ever got picked on in school, you'll find yourself siding with these two Goth-type girls against their preppy counterparts. Lots of black humor without becoming idiotic, thanks to the intelligent script. A great example of how movies don't need huge budgets to be successful. The overuse of CGI is one of the main things holding back the horror genre today; Ginger Snaps also represents a refreshing return to good ol' makeup and latex effects. Highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Don't buy! Get the Canadian DVD from Amazon in Canada!!!! Review: This is a horrible dvd version of a great movie. Full Screen, not dolby surround NO EXTRAS, no insert card, a black and white label.... The Canadian version is Widescreen, dolby 5.1, has deleted scenes, commentary, an insert card...you get the picture. Amazon Canada has it, it works on US DVD players, and it's only a couple of bux more once you convert the dollars...and as usual, amazon is amazing and I got mine within 24 hours!!!
Rating:  Summary: please keep away from this movie ! Review: For all german people ! Dieser Film ist ein schlechtes Beispiel für die Kunst der Horror-regieseure ! In den ersten 5 Minuten wird lediglich erzählt, dass ein unbekanntes Wesen sein Unsewesen in einer Kleinstadt treibt und dass dort ein Mädchen ist, dass von diesem Wesen angegriffen wird. Nachdem hier klar ist, wie sich dieses Mädchen (Ginger) infiziert hat, dreht sich die Story 70 Minuten nur noch um ein Mädchen, das im Begriff ist eine Frau zu werden. Im Laufe dieser 70 Minuten stellt sich bei Ginger eine Verwandlung ein, die sich aber nicht über die Verformung der Gesichtszüge hinaus geht (Katzengesicht ohne Haare)! In den letzten 5 Minuten kommt der Horrorfan zumindest ansatzweise auf seine kosten ! Es gibt tatsächlich einen Werwolf (Ginger nach Verwandlung), der aber durch seltsame Weise ums Leben kommt. EIN MESSER (nicht Silber)! Also an alle, die sich einen netten Werwolffilm wünschen: bitte nicht !
Rating:  Summary: HrrrrHRrr Review: Ginger Snaps is really a cool movie. I love everything about it... its characters, story, script..... Ginger is HOT! Bridgit.. she's cool.. I hope to see more movies of these two cool teen-age stars... And I love those photos in the movie...
Rating:  Summary: This is so entertaining! Review: I live in Canada, and this film played in only one theater in my city. I saw it with my girlfriend a thursday night, and it just completely went over my expectations. Let's be clear, this film won't impress you with its storyline, dialogue, exceptional intelligence, or anything in that range. Ginger Snaps had a pretty low budget, but they didn't waste it. There are pretty graphic murders and gore, for fans of the genre. But it's not the only point that could potentially make it interesting...the characters are nice, the relationships are developped, there are surprises, the atmosphere and terror are both rendered in a very appropriate way. The whole movie is simple: two sisters living in a very normal town living in a very normal house go in a very normal high school. One day, one of the sisters is attacked by a mysterious beast, but she's still alive. Later on, the two sisters discover that she changes, not only physically, but in her behavior too. Wait, even though there's a high school, this is not a high school movie, or at least it's not the usual high school movie, for the parts where they're at school. I will say that Ginger Snaps has nothing to do with clichés of any kind...really. The acting is okay, except maybe for Mimi Rogers, but for the rest its very acceptable. The music is good too. The atmosphere is scary enough, and the relationship between the sisters is interesting. This film is a werewolf flick, but it's not only about the beast killing people...it's much more than that. Ginger Snaps tells a classic tale, taking elements of today, but not the ones that would make it a main-stream movie. And that's nice. The gore effects are really amazing at times, and again, they're not the kind of soft-core gore that you find in teen slashers today...in Ginger Snaps, you'll see intestines, cut off body parts, and blood...a considerable amount of it. So, overall, this is a whole lot of fun to watch, especially on an autumn night, when you're alone in the house with or without your girlfriend. You really get in the movie, it's a very nice little film. It's strange; they made an original movie with an unoriginal story...