Rating:  Summary: This is PURE Exploitation. Review: Quentin Tarantino said it himself: "From Dusk Till Dawn" is PURE exploitation--no bones about it. If you're not in the "Fangoria" crowd, then you'd probably try to stay away. I'm not usually in that crowd either, so I'm giving it a mediocre rating. But, the first half of the movie picks up where "Pulp Fiction" left off. Great dialogue throughout the whole movie. Still, if you're not into monster flicks, you're probably better off watching another Tarantino or Elmore Leonard film.
Rating:  Summary: Quite possibly the worst movie of all time. Review: This movie is about two criminal brothers (one who has a 1-track mind, that track being sex, and the other one, a thief) who are trying to get to Mexico and on the way they kidnap this former pastor and his 2 kids. When they get to Mexico, they go to this biker bar with naked women every where. It turns out that the strippers are all vampires. this plot is so stupid. I would have thought George Clooney would have had the sanity not to do this movie, but I guess naked women impair most men's judgement. Horrble movie. Stupid story. Bad "monster" make-up. Don't waste your money or time.
Rating:  Summary: Fails Way Before Dawn... Review: A promising beginning quickly gives way to shameful exploitation and excesses that are unworthy of the participants involved, and even the most adept rationalization will not excuse them from taking part in a project that is so blatantly devoid of anything even remotely close to possessing any redeeming aspects or qualities whatsoever. Screenwriter Quentin Tarantino and director Robert Rodriguez had apparently attained the kind of stature within the right kind of circles that gave them free reign going into the production of "From Dusk Till Dawn," and the results are something akin to what happens when you turn a couple of undisciplined youngsters loose in a toy store and then refuse to hold them accountable for the mess they make. The thing is, the people involved here are artists, who collectively and individually, have proven themselves capable of achievements beyond the norm; and as an audience-- collectively and individually-- that is what we have come to expect from them. And that's not saying that every time out Tarantino has to give us a "Pulp Fiction," or that Clooney or Keitel are expected to turn in an Academy Award worthy performance. But given their credentials, it is not out of line to expect them to deliver a product that includes at least some semblance of dignity, integrity and quality. And, unfortunately, none of the above are to be found anywhere in this "B-" schlock Rodriguez and Co. have fostered upon an unsuspecting public.The degradations begin when the morally bankrupt Gecko brothers, Seth (George Clooney) and Richie (Tarantino), go on a spree of murder and robbery on their way to Mexico, where they're to meet up with a colleague who will provide them with a safe haven-- for a price, of course. Near the border, to facilitate their crossing, they kidnap a minister, Jacob Fuller (Harvey Keitel), and his children, Kate (Juliette Lewis) and Scott (Ernest Liu). Seth sees the motor home Jacob is driving as the perfect vehicle to get them to their destination, and the recently widowed Jacob-- who is currently struggling with his faith-- sees no choice but to go along with the demands of his captors. What Jacob cannot know, however, is that he will be taking them to a rendezvous that will deposit them all veritably at the gates of Hell. In the opening scene, a Texas Ranger, Earl McGraw (Michael Parks), walks into a somewhat secluded liquor store where he has a conversation with the young clerk, during which they discuss the news of the Gecko brothers. Of course, Seth and Richie are already at hand, and the ensuing violence sets the stage for all that follows. And right up to the part at which the first shots are fired, courtesy of a riveting, if all too brief, performance by Parks (this is actually the film's best scene), it's actually a good beginning to a very bad movie. At this point, the film has had it's moment, and it's all downhill from there. With this screenplay, Tarantino-- who made a name for himself (and rightly so) with "Pulp Fiction" and "Reservoir Dogs,"-- developed a blueprint for excessive (even for him) violence and moral abasement, then handed it over to Rodriguez, who took the ball and ran with it. Straight down into the ground. The characters and situations created in this film give a negative value to human life and propriety, even taken within the broadest cinematic terms of expression. And the use of advanced technology and F/X by Rodriguez toward such an end as this is contemptible. Totally without redeeming value, this film appeals to nothing more than the basest instincts of the infantile mind, and is an embarrassment to the craft of filmmaking. If you bother to sift through the detritus of this visual and psychological malady, you will actually find a decent performance by Clooney, though given the context in which it exists, it will take an extremely objective eye to discern it at all. Seeking out a good performance here is like attempting to remedy the stench of a pig sty with a can of air freshener. And it's tough watching someone you admire as an artist wallow (and willingly yet) in such claptrap as this. As far as the participation of Harvey Keitel in this, one can only wonder what could have prompted such a decision. In fact, one can speculate that Jacob Fuller's loss of faith occurred after he read this script. The supporting cast includes Salma Hayek (Santanico Pandemonium), Cheech Marin (in three roles), Danny Trejo (Razor Charlie), Fred Williamson (Frost) and Kelly Preston (Newscaster Kelly Houge). A disaster that should never have been allowed to see the light of day, "From Dusk Till Dawn" will no doubt find it's own niche in the "cult film" Hall of Fame, and unfortunately there are those who will embrace this nonsense out-of-hand. If made by amateurs or an aspiring filmmaker who simply did not know better, the existence of this film would at least be understandable and acceptable within the context of those given terms and conditions. But with the names and talents of the likes of Tarantino, Clooney, Rodriguez, Keitel and Lewis attached, there is no excuse for it; no excuse whatsoever. In the final analysis, this is nothing more than a demonstration of the blatant misuse of the magic that is the movies.
Rating:  Summary: A Classic Review: I usually don't like this type of movie... but this one is the greatest ever done! A true Classic. It's a non-stop roller coaster ride to hell and back! It's the kind of movie you want to own and watch 10 times!
Rating:  Summary: George Clooney's best performance Review: This is one of those really good movies that has an excellent plot twist right in the middle of it. What starts out as an action-thriller turns into a vampire gore fest. I think that the film for the most part was very well done. However, I found that the excessive amount of profanity in the film was really offensive and that's why I only give it 4 stars. Every time I see a movie with George Clooney, I always remember him as Seth Gecko because that's the role that I think suited him best. It's too bad that he didn't return in From Dusk Till Dawn 2.
Rating:  Summary: Salma Hayek is about the only thing worth watching in movie Review: I thought this movie could have been much better. It started out pretty good with George Clooney adding to another overly voilet crime/drama movie. The second half of the movie could have been interesting too but turned gruesome without any reason other than to make the viewer be bombarded with scene after scene of gore. Thank goodness for Salma's brief inclusion in an overwise dismal last hour of pure violence and little to nada storyline. She is beautiful! If you felt foolish for wasting your money on this as a rental, by ALL means, rewind the scene to see the almost magical dance bit with Salma to help forget what horribly unsatisying moments follow!
Rating:  Summary: Half the movie is a high-energy thrill ride. Review: Vampires are the owners of a seedy bar in Mexico and ALL hell breaks loose when George Clooney and company arrive. That should be the plot, but it takes about an hour for the action to begin. Thankfully, the last 45 minutes are wildly entertaining. I still prefer The Faculty when it comes to genre pics from Robert Rodriguez. Quentin Tarantino's pretty hilarious as an incredibly insane bank robber.
Rating:  Summary: Probably the best horror film to come out of the 90's Review: This is one of my favorite films, it combines the raw kinetic action stylings of Robert Rodriguez (Desperado, The Faculty) with the dialogue and character writing skills of Quentin Tarantino (Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, True Romance) in a gore filled splatterfest that no film has yet to live up to. It features George Clooney in he breakout role as Seth Gecko, escaped convict, bank robber, murderer. Seths brother Richard (played by the films scribe Quentin Tarantino) broke him out of jail, they then made their way across country and down to the boarder... As much praise as I can give this film I can also say that this film does have a few flaws. Theres somewhat of a dichotemy when Seth is the big tough guy who takes no [stuff] from anyone is punched out by Jacob, and old man preacher, Seth stands up and retaliates in no way and almost apoligizes. I found that to be rather annoying and one of my all time top ten movie screw ups... This film also features an annoying chinese kid, with a clearly white american father (I'm not racist nor is this a racist comment but...) but his reasons for having the father he had were never revealed. The boy did also backfired on him, every time he tried to act tough or do something heroic he was stomped thouroghly. This I found to get a little old after his third attempt to protect his sister and he's smacked across the room. All in all I give this film 5 stars because it truely is one of the great films of all time... at least in my humble oppinion.
Rating:  Summary: Clooney at his best. Review: ...Other than that, "From Dusk Till Dawn" is a very enjoyable movie. I really could not care less about all the vampire stuff; the Gecko Brothers on the run was a very cool concept in itself. For all Salma Hayek fans, this movie is a must-see since it features this lovely lady dancing around in bikinis with a huge python around her neck. Regarding DVD's extras, this collector's series will surely not let you down. Apart from the usual theatrical trailers, TV spots, music videos, and outtakes; Disc 1 also features a 90 mins. full length feature about the movie called "Full Tilt Boogie". In a few words; if you love action or outlaws or vampires or hot chicks or blood and gore or a mixture of all these factors; you jus can't go wrong with this movie!
Rating:  Summary: Full Tilt Bogey! Review: I love vampire movies and this is certainly one hell of a vampire movie. This movie is just so well done it leaves me speechless, the acting is just pure fun and awesome to watch. George Cloony makes this movie folks. What he did on ER was great, but as a bad ... in this movie it purely blows away everything else that he's done. At least in my mind, no offense to ER, great tv show. Love it. You also have Harvy Kietel and Juliette Lewis in the film, whom play a believable father daughter combo. Anyway on to the film the first half of the movie deals with the Gecko bothers and how they are trying to get into mexico to avoid the authorities. So they hook up..er..kidnap Kietel and Lewis and head for the border. All in all its a great opening and the character interaction is pure magic. You can pretty much see that Cloony's character is a mucho bad ... supreme, and he demands respect or disrespect or something, whatever he is demanding he asking for a heap of it. Of course the whole crew of misfits gets into mexico and goes to what I call "the actual bar you would find in hell." Once there some more great interaction occurs, and one hot dance later all hell breaks loose. The movie from there is a pure joyride of action and carnage. I won't spoil anything for you, but this movie has slick and clever dialouge that will have you on the floor laughing. It also has a great plot and pretty neat special effects. The acting is top notch and the vampires look pretty damn ugly. Lots of gore people, not for the faint of heart. Overall the DVD is great with tons of stuff to go through, this collectors edition has the film Full Tilt Bogey included with it which is basically a hour and a half long making of documentary. With all this you think this film could not get any better, eh wrong answer it gets better. Robert Rodriguez director of the Faculty, and Desparado is behind the camera for this film. I think thats a lot of good reasons to get this slick action/horror flick, but hey why believe me find out for yourself and go out and experience From Dusk Til Dawn.