Rating:  Summary: Dated Sci-fi movie. Review: This movie is only worth seeing for the naked girls. Otherwise it is a cheap horror film that was slapped together quickly. Pirahna is a better Roger Corman film, but this movie isn't that good either.
Rating:  Summary: A guilty pleasure! Review: This movie is the ultimate Roger Corman guilty pleasure. It is also Doug McClure's best movie, even though he was grossly overweight. The humanoids are the result of genetic engineering gone awry. They attack a remote fishing community to get nubile young women. In the words of the female scientist, "they are driven to mate with human females in order to advance their species on the evolutionary scale." Yeah! You gotta love it. I first saw this about 20 years ago, at a theater in Chicago's Loop, where a large part of the audience was African (I'm white). The guy in front of me was a young black guy who was having a great time rooting for the monsters. "That's it! Get that redneck! Mess him up! Ha! Ha!"
Rating:  Summary: An excellent underrated film. Review: This movie may not appeal some because of it is critcism from various people such as TV Guide. They think that the movie is nothing but another mindless B flick. It is a B flick as they say. However, it is scary and entertaining. The movie is about a town that is being devastated by the horrific outcomes of experiments. The men are being killed in a gruesome fashion and the woman are being raped. The people are scared and bewildered and wonder if they will be next. The ones involved in the experiment soon find themselves tracking the creatures down. When they come face to face with one, they immediately bring it to a laboratory. They realize that there is more than one, and they are about to strike again. As the body count rises, the suspense builds up and you will keep your eyes glued to the television screen until the heart pounding spine tingling bone chilling gory climax. Some may think the effects are cheesy and unoriginal, but they are still scary nonetheless. It contains many rape scenes and lots of nudity. If you don't like to see a lot of sex or full frontal female nudity, then I suggest that you skip this film. This movie also contains extreme gore. The body count is high, and each death involves blood and gore. Some are tame, and others are graphic. If you do not like movies with extreme gore and violence, I suggest you skip this one. The script is pretty well written and the lines are not as cheesy as others. There is hardly any humor, but it is not supposed to be. The cast give outstanding performances, and they do not seem like those streotypes in some slasher films. I would recommmend this to anyone who wants to see a scary Roger Corman B movie.
Rating:  Summary: Fairly dull gore-fest Review: This movie starts out in a small fishing town, which may or may not be getting a cannery built, depending on if the local political activist / indian chief gets his way. This whole subplot only exists to set up some explanation as to where the salmon men came from (the cannery people want to increase salmon population, and they use science - eek! - and it goes horribly wrong). Two things this introduction doesn't do is to 1) introduce the characters very well and 2) establish some sort of atmosphere. In the town, pretty much everybody dislikes pretty much everybody else; they argue, they scheme, they fight, they carry beer in from a truck. You don't really get to know (or care about) any of them. They're quite interchangeable actually. There are a few interesting secondary characters but they get little screen time, absolutely no character development at all, and are soon fodder for the special effects. As far as atmosphere, everyone seems to hang out on the dock or else go to the big annual salmon festival. And you should hear the salmon festival band - imagine a bunch of retired people going to the American Legion on a Wednesday night. Now imagine the band that might play there; now imagine a band four times worse than that. Egads, these folks must have been praying for salmon men to kill them for years if this is what they do for entertainment. Anyhow, after suitable time is given to showing more and more of the monsters, they finally attack in force, and there's lots of blood spurting in all drections. Not an exceptionally exciting action sequence, but it is campy as can be. Overall, this reminds me of something one might see on the Sci-Fi channel at 10:00 am on a Saturday morning. Not very good, but watchable. And there are some pretty girls getting nekkid. Too bad they didn't spend a lot more time on that, and a lot less time on those banal primary characters.
Rating:  Summary: A Different Monster Movie! Review: This was another classic from filmmaker Roger Corman.You have legitimate actors in the persons of Doug McClure,Vic Morrow and Ann Turkel. In this movie sea creatures come from the deep to kidnap unwilling females for mating purposes. These creatures are a cross between a giant salmon and the Creature From the Black Lagoon.These females are taken and held by these creatures and of course this starts a panic in the community.The good guys seem to have no method to stop these creatures.The special effects also add to the quality of this film.The ending of the film is also something to see. Buy this movie.You will find it to be very entertaining.
Rating:  Summary: Garbage, With One Great Nude Scene Review: Usually exploitation flicks don't meet expectations because the actresses are sub-standard in the looks department. There are a few exceptions and "Humanoids from the Deep" is one of them. There is a scene in a tent with a naturally voluptuous vixen that knocked my socks off. Yeah, she was a little dopey looking but I like them like that.
Rating:  Summary: wrong vesion Review: When I bought this on VHS, they had listed the same cast from the original version made in the late 70's to early 80's. The remake was not as good as the original - which I wanted. To all who are inclined to purchase this video, BE ON GUARD. You may not like the version they made.
Rating:  Summary: Oh the horror, oh the schlock Review: When was the last time you saw a 2 legged humanoid mutant salmon / coelacanth combo chasing its bikini clad teen-age prey on a boardwalk's merry-go-round? Probably the same time you saw the newly crowned Miss Salmon at the same boardwalk bludgeon another humanoid with a piece of masonry. Yep, toss in the Shatner-esque late model Doug McLure, an evil Vic Morrow, and a few dozen convincing salmon monsters and you have a Corman classic. Does the back story matter? Well, sure, isolated fishing village languishes while a nearby research facility works to genetically produce superior salmon. Of course a batch escapes into the wild and mates with every crypto zoologists favorite fish, the 70 million year 'extinct' coelacanth. The resulting progeny grow into shambling golem style freakers, attacking bathing beauties in an attempt to er, spawn. Never mind the boyfriends, they're quickly dispatched in a shower of red dye. Marvel at the Prophecy-esque sub-plot between the local Indian trying to save his land and Vic Morrow, resident bully. What we're left with after the finale on the boardwalk are more questions [but not before McLure gets a chance to try out that rifle on the dang land fish], and a final scene nod to Alien. While it was amusing to be brought under the schlock spell for a few hours, let's just say I'm glad I caught this on the dish, for free.
Rating:  Summary: CENSORS FROM THE DEEP Review: Why do companies that ripped us off for years putting out cut videos think now that we can afford more money,its perfectly ok for them to do the same with dvds. Most people dont agree with me that this version IS cut,untill i play them the version that was shown on Sky t.v over here in England a few years ago. There has been a scene removed where the humanoid monster(one of them)holds up a severed head that has been excised from this print.....FFSAKE WHY?????? Otherwise its a good fullscreen print and well worth the money-come on censors in America(the land of the free??)"grow up"
Rating:  Summary: Title sounds very fifties, doesn't it? Review: With a title called Humanoids from the Deep, you'd probably be pretty dumb to expect anything more than a schlocky B-movie. And since I'm always game for a schlocky B-movie, I actually had decent expectations from this movie (even Leonard Maltin gave it 3 stars out of 4). Maybe not so unsurprisingly, Humanoids turns out to be a pretty lame, but also rather watchable, "monsters run amok" flick. The fishing village of Noyo has a few problems on its hands, actually rather a LOT, in the form of mutated salmon that want to kill all the men and rape the women. We see this cycle play itself out for, well, the entire movie, so that's pretty much all there is plot-wise, excepting the Native American who has trouble from a bigot (played by Vic Morrow). I've always said that it's entirely possible to make a truly entertaining film (for all the right reasons) from a fun premise. So Humanoids from the Deep probably could have made for one wild little horror flick if not for the stilted pacing and second-rate creature effects. The movie certainly has its heart set in the right place. We've got all the ingredients we expect from a movie like this: lots of gore and gratuitous nudity. Now only if the director could have crafted this with more competence and fun. Humanoids feels almost two hours in length, even though it runs barely over eighty minutes. The monotony is occasionally punctuated by the nudity and the kill scenes, but it's a shame all the moments in-between don't hold much interest. This is probably because of the lack of atmosphere; director Barbara Peters doesn't give the film the much-needed creepy edge and look it demands. The movie looks and sometimes feels a little bland. Not helping matters much are the special effects, which are rather poor. These mutated salmon are obviously just men in shoddy suits covered in seaweed. The gore effects, while nothing great, are adequate enough, particularly in the extremely violent climax, which must have made the R-rating a close call. Hard to believe the effects were done by Rob Bottin, who did such a masterful job on the visuals in The Thing. Humanoids' pacing does get better in the last half hour, when all hell breaks loose, and we get a pretty nifty massacre at the end. Peters even throws in some gunplay, which I imagine would have been more exciting with better direction and editing. As far as script and acting goes, the former isn't quite as stupid as I'd expected it (don't get me wrong, the science is idiotic, though plot holes are sort of kept to a minimum) to be and the latter is actually not that bad for a Roger Corman production. The score is done by none other than James Horner(!), who must have been in the budding stages of his career. To his credit, he doesn't rip off John Williams, though the music does have a Bernard Herrman-esque sound to it.