Rating:  Summary: A very half and half film Review: There really isn't a lot to say about "Creepshow"; it is what it is. It's the horror movie equivalence to a horror comic book. It has five stories in it, each about twenty minutes long, give or take. Story one is "Father's Day', which is just ok. Story two was "The Lonesome Death of Jordy Verrill", the worst of the bunch. The third is "Something to Tide You Over", the best of the stories. Fourth is "The Crate", the next best. And the last is "They're Creeping Up on You", which was just ok. This is mostly an intersting look at stars before they were famous, like Ed Harris, Ted Danson, Leslie Neilson (he isn't joking around here, trust me), and also some familier faces (at the time), E.G. Marshell, Hal Halbrook, and several others. This is good, just not great because of the varied quailty of the stories. Stephen King (who wrote the script) played Jordey Verrill, and as much as I like and respect him, he can't act, and that really drags his segment down, on the other hand he didn't give himself much to work with anyway. Tom Savini did the gore and make up, and as usual, did an excellent job with it. George Romero directed this film with a lot of love for the genre, really striving for the comic book feel with all the colors and background looking like it's actually a page from the comics. Over all it's worth a look.
Rating:  Summary: One of the best cheesy movies money can buy! Review: This movie is great! That is if your into cheesy movies! Alot of people get the wrong impression about this movie, its not scary! Non what so ever, but it is so much fun! Fathers Day: Fathers Day is about a woman who kills her father on fathers day. The reason why she kills her father is because he is ranting and raving about getting his fathers day cake. so she takes a...I don't know what it is... and smacks him with it. She buries him in her yard and she moves and someone else moves in (it doesn't show this but it basically tells you). Every fathers day she comes back to the spot where she burried him. Now this is where it starts showing. she goes and visits him and he comes to life (the people are awear that the woman is there). she gets killed, and the people in the house are sick of waiting, so each of them go out-side..one by one...and all get killed off...well sorta! just watch it! The lonesome Death of Jody Verrill: To make a long story short...This one is about a meteor striking and turing some guy, jody verrill (stephen king), into a weed. This one is pretty funny! Something To Tide You Over: A rich guy strikes revenge on a guy for cheating him out of his money. The guy, and his girlfriend, that he kills comes back to life and they then get revenge on him. The Crate: Is the longest story of them all. so, as you can tell from the tital of this one its about a crate. and in that crate is some sort of evil monkey/monster thingy. and the other part of this story is about a man that cannot stand his wife (niether can I) and he see's this crate and the animal in it. he tells his wife to come down and help him and the monster gets her! so basically its about a guy that is trying to kill his obnoxious wife! They're Creeping Up On You: is the story that makes the movie! A millioniar hates bugs, and keep in mind that this man is mildly evil, and to make a long story short he his invaded with cockroaches. it is pretty gross and this one is probably the reason why this movie is rated R!
Rating:  Summary: The Most Fun You'll Ever Have BEING SCARED! Review: In this creepy, rollicking eerie horror film based on the macabre 1950's E.C. Comics, the "Masters of Terror", George A. Romero("Night of the Living Dead") and Stephen King(author of "The Shining) bring tons of fun to the proceedings with five shocking yarns of trembling fear! There's a huge talented cast, great animated segues and inexhaustible camera angles and lighting effects based verily on the comics. The stories might sound a bit heavy-handed, but are all entertaining and eerie. The first tale is called FATHER'S DAY. This terribly gloomy story has a murdered elderly man emerging from his grave to wreak havoc on his family members while celebrating Father's Day. It's pretty spooky and well acted but not the best story so far. The second entry is more funny then scary. It's called THE LONESOME DEATH OF JORDY VERRILL. Quite amusingly, Stephen King plays the dimwitted lead character, Jordy, who discovers a meteor in his farm. His stupidity causes the meteor to mysteriously grow weeds everywhere... and shockingly to himself! The story was pretty fun, but wasn't really scary as the other stories. King was great, though. SOMETHING TO TIDE YOU OVER, the third one, was probably the best acted. A scheming and sinister husband, played by veteran Leslie Nielson, plants two lovers up to their necks in a beach. But he gets the last laugh!! Ha-Ha! Probably the second best story; it had a scary climax. In my opinion, the fourth story, THE CRATE, was the best. It was also the longest. A janiter uncovers a mysterious crate hidden in a campus basement. What's inside is a creature from hell! The scary feature was the monster. The story was well-acted and crafted. It was also the bloodiest. The fifth entry, THEY'RE CREEPING UP ON YOU, is the weakest story. Almost a left over to end the movie, but nonetheless still OK. A ill-disposed millionaire, who dreads bugs, becomes the prey of a cockroach army. E.G Marshall is excellent as the lead. (There's also a mini-segment which starts and ends the movie with a odd boy who uses his mean dad as a voodoo doll! Great stuff.) Boy, what a demented movie. I remember seeing this film as child and CREEPSHOW still gives me the "creeps"! Get the DVD, (it was a bargain for me!). The DVD has no special features, but the movie is a ghoulishly made treat for the whole family! Ok, maybe not for everybody. One of my favorite horror films though!
Rating:  Summary: Nothing Funny About This Comic!!!!! Review: From two of the greatest horror minds ever, George A. Romero (Night of The Living dead) and Stephen King (The Shining, Cujo, Carrie ...) comes Creepshow. Five tales from the Macabre which will have you screaming in fear instead of laughing. Tales of a murdered father back from the grave to get his Father's Day cake. A simpleton growing into a weed caused by an outerspace meteor. Two humans turned sea creatures back for revenge against the man that murdered them. An old crate that contains a living nightmare with an appetite for destruction. A cold hearted millionaire living with about five million cockroaches. Creepshow is different than any horror movie you've ever seen or probably will ever see (not counting Creepshow 2). It stars well known actors such as Hal Holbrook, Leslie Neilsen , Ted Danson, Adrienne Barbeau, Ed Harris and even Stephen King himself makes a cameo appearance in this one. Don't miss out on an oppurtunity to watch this horrifying comic book come to life.
Rating:  Summary: one of my top ten horor movies! Review: This is my top ten favorite horror movies along with carrie, the company of wolves, and the shining. i have seen this movie so many times and it never gets old. A boy's father catches him reading a horror magazine and it gets thrown in the trash. from the magazine comes 5 stories Fathers day(my favorite) about a rich old man who died and is now coming form his grave to get his fathers day cake, and he wont take no for an answer. the second one is funny not scary in the lonesome death of jordy verrill. played by stephen king. a meteor explodes in his frontyard and before you can say meteor**** he i sa walking weed. the third is something to tide you over about a jealous husband who gets revenge on his wife and her lover. but they come back to get their revenge also. the fourth called the crate is about a man who hates his drunken wife(hilariously played by adrienne barbeau) adn when he finds a crate with a surprise inside what a surprise is in store for his wife. the last is they're creeeping up on you about a horrible selfish man who hates cockroaches. but in the end the cockroaches gets the last word. this movie is both scary and hilarious. one of my favorites. its twenty years old and it still holds up! the acting direction and the soundtrack is excellant!
Rating:  Summary: For TALES FROM THE CRYPT fans everywhere! Review: The film tells the story of a young boy whose comic contains five stories told in the same vein of early 50's horror comic stories. The film is written by Stephan King (who also appears in the second story in his only starring role,) and directed by George A. Romerio (origonal LIVING DEAD trilogy). Included also are a few brief animated sequences. A man pays a visit to his family from beyond the grave... A farmer finds a meteorite that, when broken, spills fourth a strange moss that grows on everything, including his own flesh... A man and his lover seek revenge on her husband AFTER they've been murdered... A mysterious crate found in the basement of a college hids some thing that should never be let out. You're about to find out what... Finally, a cold-hearted billionare with a horrible fear of germs and insects finds his penthouse apartment infested with nine hundread QUADRILLION cockroaches!
Rating:  Summary: Spooky fun Review: Director George Romero (Night of the Living Dead) and horror author extraordinairre Stephen King teamed up for this adaptation/homage to the classic 1950's horror EC Comics, and while the film as a whole has it's share of creepy moments, it's more of a fun horror film, and a labor of love for Romero and King. Five tales are told, beginning with a dead, rich father coming back to life for his birthday cake (yes, you read that right), a simplistic farmer finding a strange meteorite, an insanely jealous husband taking vengeance on his cheating wife and her lover only to get it back to him, a mistreated husband discovering a box containing a monster which he unleashes on his drunken wife, and a man with a severe cockroach problem. Featuring Adrienne Barbeau, Hal Holbrook, Ed Harris, Leslie Nielsen, Ted Danson, and even King himself, plus great gore and makeup effects by the always excellent Tom Savini; Creepshow is a real treat.
Rating:  Summary: it has its charm Review: What can you say about this movie? It isn't the best movie King has written, not by far. Romero has given us better films--Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead. It has bad animation. Bad effects (even though I am a Savini fan). Bad acting, though we get a young Ed Harris and Leslie Nielsen does put in a surprisingly good performance. And it has those annoying comic book frames within frames. There is a lot to hate about this film. But it does have a certain charm to it. Ted Danson helpless and not so suave or in control. A gruesomeness to it. King plays the hokey hick very well. You can't help but to like this movie, bad as it is.
Rating:  Summary: Good price! Review: I remember seeing this as a kid and loving it. I love some of the offerings here as the film is like reading an old 1950's horror comic. It's not really scary but more tongue in cheek shlocky stuff. I find it a blast to watch. Grab the sequel also!
Rating:  Summary: What a blast! Review: The movie's tag line is true: "The most fun you'll ever have being scared!" Although this movie is not nearly the scariest one you'll ever see, it sure is entertaining. It succeeds where countless later movies such as "The Crow" failed: cinematically achieving the look and feel of a comic book. As my wife said, "It was just like sitting down and reading one of those old things!" The "things" in question are the gruesome E.C. horror comics, which parents back in the fifties desperately tried to keep their kids from reading. What's great about the movie are the things that make other movies bad: overacting, exaggerated camera work, cheesy F/X.... these all contribute to the flawless cohesion of the project, staying true to the campy values of the comics. The casting is brilliant, and all the actors charge into their roles with gusto. Particularly good are Adrienne Barbeau as the most shrewish wife ever seen on screen, E.G. Marshall as a neat-freak billionaire, and Leslie Nielson as a cuckold who takes a little too much enjoyment in his revenge. You'll also see a very young Ed Harris, Hal Holbrook at his schmuck-y best, and a pre-"Cheers" Ted Danson. Stephen King stars in one of the five segments, continuing his modest acting career by playing yet another in a long line of slack-jawed idiots... To say King overacts in this role is an incredible understatement, but his ridiculous character and lousy acting add immeasurably to the aforementioned "camp" factor, much as the comics revelled in their own dark humor and healthy doses of irony. There's no excuse for not liking "Creepshow". (Unfortunately, the same can't be said for the vastly inferior sequel. Avoid it.) Viewers who find it "silly" or "not scary" have missed the point entirely. Another unique little masterpiece from the brilliant minds of George Romero, Tom Savini and good ol' Stevie King.