Rating:  Summary: One amazing, unbelievable scene... Review: I'll just come out and admit it - I was one of those who bought this movie for nude scenes of Alyssa Milano. As it turned out in this film, she has a good ability to play both the innocent girl and seducing woman types very effectively. I had seen screen captures of one particular scene in this film and that was enough for me to put down my $$. Normally, and almost always, I'm into provoking drama movies that have a message...That being said, 'Embrace of the Vampire,' has no significant message to speak of and as a story, is simply average - which isn't that bad really since it could have been handled a lot worse. Harold Pruett (Milano's boyfriend) is the only real stand-out of the film, bringing a nuance and believability to the role... ...and now the reason you *will* want to consider seeing this movie: the photo shoot scene. The directing, photography, writing, and nuance in acting in this one scene jumps about 30,000% (and of course, Alyssa Milano is great to look at) - and the very best thing about it is probably the music. By far the most erotic piece of cinema (hell, the most erotic ANYTHING) I've ever seen, it truly is a surreal and rewarding experience... If you are simply looking for some eroticism or a tolerable (I hate to say it) soft-core flick, then this is *well* worth looking into. If you are looking for a engaging horror/thriller film, then look elsewhere (preferably in the direction of John Carpenter)...
Rating:  Summary: A must see, just to strange to pass up Review: I place this film along side "Showgirls" as a truly indispensable guilty pleasure, this film is an absolute riot, you just can't keep a straight face. It begins in "the past," one of those historicaly ambiguous time periods where folks wore armer but also had perfect hair and teeth, some guy is minding his own business, sleeping or whatever outside by a brook, it looks like one of those romance novel covers. Three buxom vampires come up out of nowhere, they look suspiciously like exotic dancers from Deja vu, or perhaps the local Hooters rented these "vampires" for the day, he doesn't put up much of a fight (neither would I) and soon we are transported to "the present day," sometime in the late 90's I assume to a school that looks a lot like Stanford. Alyssa Malano is a new student, she is a virgin and tells us so, repeatedly in conversations with her long suffering boyfriend, she is fond of crucifixes and kneels and prays a lot, the prayers do her little good however for soon the very vampire we saw in the beginning, is back, evidently he was somehow frozen in time and his coffin was transported to some old building on the college campus (a fraternity prank perhaps, the old, lets move the coffin thing) the coffin, and it's occupant, go unnoticed at this strangest of colleges, a school where there is easy parking and no students ever seem to venture out of the dorms much, at least no one sees this caped vampire walking around the school, perhaps they think he is the dean, or some new security guy, the one with the cape, who knows. Our fanged friend is not really all that interested in Alyssa's blood, he is more obsessed with her breasts, as are the cameraman, the writer, the actors and actresses and the audience, and what breast they are! This is the first time I can remember a pair of hooters having there own theme song, but they do, a special "boob anthem" is played every time poor Allissa is forced to remover her top, why she has to be topless for so much of the film is a mystery, a mystery no one gives a rats ass about, we wanted boobs and we got them. Nice boobs too. I had to feel a little for Allyssa though, she couldn't seem to understand why virtually every scene had her jugs bared, but she was a good sport about it. Most of the film takes place in "dream sequences", even though she is wide awake sometimes (at a party everyone dissapears so our heriion can meet the vampire and disrobe...again) and a total stranger, a women meets the hapless Allyssa on the campus and shows her a shiny new camera, apparently MS Malano has never seen one before and soon she is off in the studio, removing her shirt and kissing this strange women, that settles it, I am getting a camera and heading straight to the nearest college campus, right after a get a cape and some plastic fangs. This is a horror film but all the real horror seems to be on the face of Allissa Malano who seems shocked that she, and virtual everyone else, has no dialogue and that she is constantly having her breasts examined, yes it's good to be a vampire, or a film maker, I wonder if the Olsen Twins will be ready to make a "Vampire" film when they turn 18, I certainly hope so.
Rating:  Summary: Just for Alyssa... Review: This is one of the worst films I've ever seen in my life. But, wait a minute... Alyssa is naked and her breasts are just amazing. I have to admit that I loved Alyssa since the moment I saw her for the first time, so if you are a very fan of Alyssa and you are not interested in a good movie, this one is for you...
Rating:  Summary: you know... Review: I originally watched this movie for Alyssa Milano's nudity. I also watched it because my friend Adam was an extra (he's the guy that she bumps into while running out of the class. You can tell it's him by his stupid hairdo and his stupid walk - even if you don't see his face) and I sold it when I couldn't afford rent. Years later I saw it on Joe Bob Briggs with heavy editing (yep, meaning no nude Alyssa Milano - sigh) and it was strangely addictive. The storyline is a standard Dracula ripoff with a vampire trying to romance a virgin and making her act all slutty in the process. Only instead of choosing the dull Harker over the sexy Dracula, Milano's character is stuck between the dull Harker and the even duller Dracula stand-in. Which is probably why she makes out with the lesbian neighbor. THis is one of those bad movies that you just have to like - even if your taste doesn't run to the camp. Sure, it's not Showgirls camp, but what is. There's something intriguing about the vampire's "acting", Milano's "I'm just a good Catholic girl" routine, the weird orgies that are almost as sexless as Eyes Wide Shut and the dream sequences without much purpose whatsoever. Oh yeah - Jennifer Tilly shows up in the movie for fifteen minutes. She has no purpose whatsoever. She's just there in the bar, she makes out with the dull boyfriend and she disappears. But its sheer uselessness makes it funny. You know they were going to eliminate the entire Tilly scene but it's Jennifer Tilly. Jennifer Tilly is funny. You can't get rid of Jennifer Tilly. If you are looking for a cheesy horror movie you can't go wrong with this movie (and if you've seen your share of bad cheesy horror movies, you know what I'm talking about). If you are looking for horrible dialogue and bad acting that's infinitely watchable - buy this movie (it's less painful than a high school play). If youa re looking for well-rounded characters, brilliant dialogue and chance to know yourself better - watch American Beauty. You aren't going to find any of that stuff here.
Rating:  Summary: Plot...Who Needs It... Review: The plot for EMBRACE OF THE VAMPIRE involves College student, Charlotte (Alyssa Milano), being haunted in her dreams by a centuries old vampire (Martin Kemp) who wants to seduce her. Charlotte is forced to choose between her boyfriend (Harrison Pruett) and the vampire If the plot of this film sounds flimsy, that's because it is, and it doesn't apologize one bit for it. The film uses its sensuality and sexuality to tell its plot. As guilty pleasures go though, it ranks up there with other films like Poison Ivy and The Crush. At the time this feature was made, Milano was trying to break out of that stigma of a TV good girl, wanting to prove she's all grown up now. The DVD contains both the R rated and Unrated versions of the the movie. Viewers may watch either version of the film in widescreen or full screen The unrated version inserts one miniute of footage not in the rated film. There is some cast and crew information on the disc as well. The film is listed as an erotic thriller--There's more eroticism than thrills--but lets face it, anyone who sees EMBRACE isn't watching it for the plot... and if you want plot, you should look elsewhere The film is what it is--no more--no less Recommended Guilty Pleasure mostly for the guys
Rating:  Summary: not a bad vampire film Review: takes its time to heat up and it does..though Martin Kemp seems miscast as the vampire that Milano is attracted to....why Kemp..Kemp a lowkey cant act actor..Milano reallly streaks in this movie and it pays off.....not much fun but some of it that is brings it up a star..real disappointment to me as a vampire genre lover
Rating:  Summary: What was she thinking? Review: Oh yeah. No one would hire her so she needed to lose the good girl image. Thanks, it worked and now she is working, also.
Rating:  Summary: Low budget soft porn Review: Despite this movie's title, it's not even close to being a horror flick. This is a very low budget made-for-cable style soft porn with a rather random vampire element thrown in to make it seem more legit. The main reason for movie was made was to show Alyssa Milano nakkid. The acting and casting are terrible. Alyssa doesn't do too badly, but doesn't really have all that many lines. She's mostly expected to look like she's enjoying the erotic scenes, then look confused in all of the other scenes. The best scene in the movie is Milano's encounter with the photographer. There's a lot of cheesy, annoying voiceover by the vampire to substitute for plot, story and character development. His acting is the worst in the movie. Overall, the only reason to see this movie is to see Milano nude. Other than that, there is nothing else compelling about this film.
Rating:  Summary: Alyssa Milano NUDE! (also a vampire movie) Review: Yes, that's right. This movie (now a decade old!)is infamous because Alyssa Milano, in her early twenties, is generously nude throughout it. The plot concerns a centuries old vampire who rises from the...ha! Gotcha! I really have no clue what the film is about! It could be called the "The girl from Who's the Boss gets naked and runs from a vampire" for all I care. The DVD appears to be the unrated version of the film, which is the only one of interest. A quick note on unrated films: *If a film is unrated, there should never be an R rated version of the film made. Thank you. Case in point: I watched "The Cook, The Thief, His Wife, & Her Lover" - R rated version and it appears to have edited some of the nudity, sex scenes, and graphic scenes. The funny thing is, what was left was just as "bad". In fact, edited versions end up cutting out things like a naked body and leave in scenes of violence or graphic dialogue. What's the point? Anyway, "Embrace of the Vampire" might be a decent silly horror movie. Someday I may watch the movie with the sound on! Until then, it can be recommended for what it is: Alyssa Milano extensively naked with a vampire theme. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Alyssa you're so beautiful, thank you for exposing yourself! Review: To hell with the movie plot, we all know why we watched it. Alyssa is one of the most beautiful actresses out there. It took some courage to bear it all for "expert" soft-core porn movie connoisseurs, such as myself. This flick is awesome. Definetly a classic among the "male" university crowd.