Rating:  Summary: George! What happened? Review: You'd think after the fabulous "Night of the Living Dead" and "Dawn of the Dead" that George Romero would be able to finish off his zombie trilogy in style. Maybe he ran out of ideas. The only thing fresh that he offers here is great creature make-up and grisly special effects. That's not saying much. Stick to the first two and avoid this film - the only lasting impression you're left with is wondering how it all went down the drain.
Rating:  Summary: Great Zombie Movie But..... Review: Well this movie is a really good flick that makes u think "wow what would I do now" but it lacks the action and really good story. Dont get me wrong the story is awesome but dude why would anyone want to try to cature zombies and experiment, or even better why not just go to an island in the first place? The action is lacking until the middle/end where it really gets gory. So overall its good but kinda slow until the middle.
Rating:  Summary: The Most Realistic One Review: This one actually makes people find it hard to escape the gory zombies. First off they're right obove you while you're underground!! The only thing that was bad was the characters being too nasty to each other, but other than that it was excellent!
Rating:  Summary: HELLO BUB! Review: Look -- Zombies come in 4 shades: Italian Oatmeal-Gruel, Drippy-Pattie-Melt, Pancake Palor (usually 60's and earlier) and Romero's hip and trendy bright blue. Yes, even the black people that are dead are blue! Can you dig it? Of course you can. 'Dawn of the Dead' was superb, of course, but 'Day of the Dead' reaches into the grab-bag of all 4 essential Zombie types, and for that alone, you gotta give Romero and Savini a lot of credit. I enjoyed the clostrophobic atmosphere of DAY, very much the opposite of the wild spree run-about from countryside to interior mall of DAWN. With DAY you're going to get a good story, some very intense acting, some kick-[tail] character absurdities and personality disorders (ya gotta love that, especially when same are armed and losing their grip on reality, eh?) and loads and loads of Zombies -- they're everywhere, they're all over the place and keeping them at bay becomes a real downward spiral into the abyss of hopeless flesh eating despair. Some of the gore in DAY is so exceptionally well done that you just have to run it back and watch it again to look for clues or mistakes. Well, there aren't any. And as always, despite the horror of being torn limb from limb and gnawed on by dozens of hungry Zombies, Romero somehow manages to make the grizzly deaths totally hilarious at the same time. One character in this movie is so psycho he ENJOYS it when the horde of living dead clutch his head, digging their fingering into his eye sockets and ripping his head from his body, laughing the whole way until his windpipe disconnects! CAN YOU BEAT THAT? HECK NO! That's entertainment! DAY will NOT disappoint any horror fan, and certainly no Zombie enthusiast. For once, a living dead movie comes up with all the goods, and really delivers. Zombie movies can often be dreadfully disappointing, though always fun. Well, this one is perfect, in my opinion. Better than DAWN for effects and pace, though DAWN is, of itself, a piece of Zombie history worthy of all kudos. And last but not least, this film delivers the scariest thing of all. A Zombie with a GUN. Oh yeah. Romero finally gives people the UBER-ZOMBIE... "BUB"... the product of one of the research scientists' work in trying to "tame" the living dead into obedience.
Rating:  Summary: This is a poor ending to the series.... Review: I could understand night, and dawn of the dead but this one I couldnt... The zombies move alot faster and there is more then the first and second. Which might sound like a good thing but its not.... About 78 minutes run into the last scene where the last two are running from them. The first and second dead film had an equal amont of zomibes in them now this tripe has 400 000. Rent this if you want to. The reason this got two stars was there are some cool gore and zombies but everything else is just lame..
Rating:  Summary: I'll never get sick of this movie Review: no doubt about it, this movie did not get the credit it deserved. this movie is the first of the dead trilogy shot out of pennsylvania. It takes place with the fall of the human race, when the living dead regroup above while a small group of humans sweat it out below in a florida missle silo. a group of civilian scientists a radio expert, and a helicopter pilot, and a bunch of hot headed soldiers under the command of a mad general. the dvd is very rare, and hard to get, as well as dawn, but theres also a good side to that. ...
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie But Don't Buy it Yet Review: This is a great movie despite what you may have heard from fools but don't waste your money on a used copy. If you check out the Anchor Bay web site of their up comming releases you'll see that there are plans to release a better dvd of an already great movie. On top of the new dvd being better than the current one you wont have to shell out 50 buck or more to get it if you just wait.
Rating:  Summary: Romero cannot top Dawn and Night Review: The first time I saw this I thought I was in for a great treat. Well, I was wrong. Romero is my favorite horror director, but this film just didn't do it for me. Now, of course the gore was spectacular, but the other 98% of the film was, well, boring. I hate to give Romero a bad review, but the constantly claustrophobic sets, the total over reacting between the characters, and not enough gore in general were factors that pulled down this potentially great film so-so. Still, I give it 3 stars because it is Romero, and the gore is splatter-tastic. Check it out, but be ready to be bored for 2 hours.
Rating:  Summary: Day of the Dead is... Review: ...a horror masterpiece, a must see for anyone who considers themself a zombie movie fan or expert. Extremely awesome and inventive plot twists and high doses of gore add even more appeal to an already great movie.It really baffles me how many so-called "zombie movie fans" fail to recognize Day of the Dead as a great movie. Yes, there are some negative aspects about Day, you could make a case about over-acting, un-interesting characters, and the concept of a domesticated zombie. I might agree that it isn't as great as the first two, but to give it anything less than the 5 star rating is unfair. Day is right up there with Night and Dawn, in some ways it even outdoes them, like the exciting and fulfilling climax. I don't think Dawn or Night had such a cool and bold ending. I thought the bleak view fit the tone of the plot-it's the end of the world it should be somewhat depressing, but the ending justifies all the negativity in a big way. The reason I like Day is because it breaks into new territory for a zombie movie. The military survivors are out of control, and are abusing their power. They have given up on rational behavior, they made the situation bad for all those living in the underground facility and began to only care for their own well being. They have become the antagonists. In this sense, the viewer actually cheers for the zombies- something that is a bold and innovative device that Romero pulled off. Romero gives the viewer what they are hoping for, but don't think will happen. If you haven't see it, seek out a copy at once. The whole theme becomes justice will be served. And man does the sh*t hit the fan- what a gore drenched finale. Tom Savini's effects are incredible. There aren't many movies out there with that go for the throat, in your face approach to flesh eating and graphic, brutal gore and violence. Day also delivers some very gory scenes involving experiments on the zombies. Trust me, any gorehound will be in awe. To really appreciate Romero's brilliance, one needs to experience all 3 films. You can see the development of the zombies progress from Dawn to Day, they are able to use tools and think on a basic level. The explanation is they are retrieving memories from their former life. In this case it is concievable that a zombie could be "trained" to control it's actions. Therefore Bub (the experimental zombie in Day) is somewhat realistic. It's actions aren't that far fetched. In Dawn of the Dead, the plot was designed to provide lots of humor, action, and violence. It achieved that, yet the story didn't really go anywhere. Zombies had taken over the earth at the beginning of the film and at the end nothing had changed, except alot of the characters were killed off. In Day, there is a pay off to all the events that occur leading up to the climax. That's the biggest difference, and in that way Day is more successful and fulfilling. Dawn also leaves the ending open, we don't get to see what becomes of the survivors. In Day we are able to see the protagonists deal with their situation and come up with a plan that is mutually beneficial- so there is a message among all the mayhem. Thumbs way up for Day of the Dead, a must see in my opinion, as well as the whole trilogy. One of the best horror movies of all time without a doubt, and yet very underrated. Note: this review covers the Anchor Bay 102 minute version vhs. Hopefully the dvd will be re-issued. Please don't hesitate to check this one out people.
Rating:  Summary: didn't get the credit it deserved Review: ok, i'll get right to the point. this movieis without a question, one of the more unknown, and ignored movies made. But that dosen't matter. this movie definetly did NOT get the credit it deserved. the last movie in george romeros dead trilogy. don't listen to the critics, this movie is a wonderful piece of work, with an extrodinary musical score. the story follows a group of humans, an army captain, other soldiers, doctors, a helicopter pilot, and a radio specialist, who are forced to sweat it out below in a florida missle silo, while the living dead regroup above on earth. The doctors in the silo study the zombies they catch in the underground caves, under strict orders by the army captain, Rhodes. After all seams hopeless, the army men kill two of thwe doctors, and force the helicopter pilot john, to fly them out, and leave the lady doctor sarah, and the radio man, mcderrmont in the caves with the zombies, to be eaten. But after one of the soldiers miguel goes above, he let's a very large group of zombies on earth to enter the silo. the climax ending is probably the best part of the movie, so i reccomend this movie to any person who likes to be entertained. the dvd is out of print, but Anchor Bay entertainment will come out with a new version in March of 2003.