Rating:  Summary: The Divimax Special Edition ROCKS!!! Review: Popping this baby in my progressive scan DVD & home theater combo the day it was released was an exercise in sheer joy. For I'd never seen a quality presentation of this classic horror film. My initial viewing was at the local drive-in in 1985, followed by many times on VHS over the years. But the new Divimax edition is a feast for the eyes. It was much like seeing the cleaned up, digital transfer of NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD for the first time; I'd seen the film, but I'd never really seen the film. DAY's new transfer is crisp and clear, even on a 65" widescreen TV. The extras included on a second disc are great, too. Lots of make up and special effects behind the scenes, info on the shooting locations, etc. George Romero talks about the film he originally wanted to make, and included on the DVD Rom portion of the disc is the complete original script for DAY OF THE DEAD! If you're a fan of the series, this release is an absolute must.
Rating:  Summary: DAY OF THE DEAD finally gets a proper release on DVD! Review: DVD is a great format for fans of the those little known but appreciated cult genre films. Anchor Bay's presentation of George Romero's misunderstood final installment in his Dead trilogy is one that finally gives it its "just due". While many fans and critics panned this third film for being far too talkative and sometimes overly clostraphobic, those who took the time to give it a second or even third viewing have learned to appreciate it. To compare it with the prior entries, "Night Of The Living Dead" and "Dawn Of The Dead" is pointless. It's not about which film is the best. We all have our own favorites. I personally enjoy each film for its own reasons. But it's not about that, we're hear to talk about "Day" and why it is good on its own merits. "Day Of The Dead" was originally conceived as a giant epic film. I would suggest any true Romero fan search around for the original script on the net. When the intended budget would not work out with either the artistic integrity or the perceived rating of the film, Romero had to re-write the story on a smaller scale. The finished product was a film about a group of angry people losing what little control they have in a world dominated by zombies. There were very few characters we could relate to. Even the "good guys" were either unsympathetic loudmouths or cowards. The characters are real though. Romero is great at showing us what might really happen. There is no muscle-bound hero who knows the right answer. Everyone is fighting over what they believe is right and you aren't getting a clear-cut answer. For those who already know and love "Day Of The Dead", there is no point in me giving you a little book report on it. You already probably own the VHS. The big question is what does this new DVD version have to offer? Well, how about the best looking transfer of the film to date and tons of special features to boot. You get a cast and crew commentary from Romero and the gang as well a fan's perspective from filmmaker Roger Avery on an alternate audio track You get two new documentaries. One is a look back on the movie with comments from all the major players. The second is Savini's video diary from the set. The only thing missing is the 15-minute stuff that was originally included with the first DVD version and subsequent VHS widescreen of the movie. You also get an audio interview with Richard Liberty, the late actor who played Dr. Logan in the movie. You get three theatrical trailers and a handful of TV spots as well. You also get tons of bonus promotional and behind-the-scenes photographs. The only thing missing here would perhaps be the inclusion of omitted footage, though to be fair, there is no evidence that any such deleted scenes still exist or ever did, for that matter. This DVD edition of "Day Of The Dead" is an excellent choice to add to any true Romero fan's collection. You get two discs, chalk full of special features. Anyone that can truly appreciate this film for what it was will want to pick up a copy and in fact, some of those who have dismissed this movie prematurely may also want to get it and give it a second chance. You can clearly see how many bigger films like RESIDENT EVIL have been inspired by this very movie. So if you have never seen this movie and consider yourself a horror/zombie fan or you are a fan who has been waiting for a proper DVD release, here it is.
Rating:  Summary: the ultimate edition of the classic! Review: If you are reading this then you probably already know about Romero and this film. This IS the absolute best edition of any Romero movie yet. The picture and audio quality is amazing. Especially in the scenes in the cave. In old prints these scenes were murky at best with little clarity. On this transfer they are sharp, perfectly clear and allow you to see more of the background. This type of difference is found throughout the film. The colors are sharp and beautiful. The extras on this disc are worth the price alone. The commentary with Romero, Savini and the rest of the crew is like a warm group of friends discussing their favorite adventure together. Any technical information not related in this commentary is covered with a new 39 minute documentary that includes interviews with Romero, Savini and the actors. Also included is an original behind-the-scenes documentary at about 30 min. The other commentary is provided by screenwriter (pulp fiction), director (rules of attraction), and Romero fanboy Roger Avary. His addition to the film is mostly of a nostalgic and film theory role and adds insight from the perspective of fan and industry peer. The collection also includes more trailers and photo stills than you could ever imagine wanting. All in all a top notch collection for Romero's darkest, goriest and best zombie film. If you're a fan, buy this now. I can't wait to see what Anchor Bay does for the 3-disc 'Dawn of the Dead' set coming in Feb.!
Rating:  Summary: good 3d movie Review: day of the dead is only the 3d movie in the dead series, geroge remero has always planned on doing a 4th dead movie that would end the series, he never planned it as a trilogy, so we will see another movie. It does not end with day of the dead, it,s a good,gory movie, the f/x was the best so far for the series, i know the extras will be great and i will be buying it soon.
Rating:  Summary: Worth the wait Review: I've been watching Anchor Bay's site to see when this was coming out and upon viewing both discs, it was worth the wait! "Day" was never my favorite of the 3 ("Dawn" still holds that distinction), and still isn't, but it's a darn good movie and is a hallmark for SPFX wizard Tom Savini. The widescreen transfer is crystal clear, the packaging is great and the bonus features, well, for a horror geek such as myself, they're just awesome. Haven't listened to the commentaries yet, but that's on my agenda for my next viewing of the movie. I'll be fun to hear what George Romero, Tom Savini and Lori Cardille have to say. Another superb release from Anchor Bay. Now I'm eagerly awaiting their release of the ultimate "Dawn of the Dead" next Feb.
Rating:  Summary: Zombiemania!!! Review: It's a gorefest, it's bloody, it's full of the F word, but if you're a Zombie movie fan like myself, you'll enjoy this horror classic. It could've been better, but it's a horror film, though the storyline sort of dragged a bit, but how can you say no to this or any George A. Romero zombiefest. It should be part of any Romero movie fan collection.
Rating:  Summary: Cannay Good Review: When i got this film it was when i was at the time when i thought zombie films were great, i had watched night of the living dead and dawn of the dead and this was next in the sequel. The beginning is propbably one of the best bits in the film when the entire world has been taken over by the zombies and some survivers in a nuclear missle silo ,but with no missile, and are in a helicopter trying to find life in a american city ,i think its Miami it does not say, but when they come out of the choper they shout for anyone and all the city comes alive with zombies and they have to go. Later in the missle silo it gets a bouring all they do is talk about killing them and doing experiments on zombies such as opening there stomachs removing stomachs and taking of bits of heads and leaving the brain and also driving drills into there heads, and in the missle silo the odd soilder dies. It is when the end is near when the real fun starts, some man in the missle silo who is cracking up and knows he is going to die lets all the zombies into the missle silo and im talking 1000's of the things and you know the remaining soilders are going to die apart from the good guys who escape in the choper, but my best scene has to be when this man is screaming and the zombies pull his head of and it is still screaming when off. But i would say it was very very entertaining film and if you like zombie films get.
Rating:  Summary: It's About Time Review: If you're a horror fan, the Romero trilogy was probably one of the main reasons you originally got a dvd player(I know it was for me anyway). It seemed like it took forever for this film to be released in a Special Edition. There was a version of this on dvd a few years back, but has since gone out of print(same with Dawn), and kinda skimpy on the features. I'm not gonna dig too much into the plot coz I'm sure you've seen Day Of The Dead if you're reading this. The third installment of Romero's zombie trilogy was the one that seemed to disappoint both critics and fans alike. Personally, I don't really see why. Sure, Romero couldn't give us the three hour zombie epic his original script promised due to tightwad studio execs not coughing up the needed funds(Romero could have done it, but would have then fallen victim to the MPAA by rating the film "R"). I would have loved to see that film too, but the final product is still one of the best horror films ever made. I admire Romero to no end for not giving in to Hollywood, and making the budget sacrifice to make a film that he felt good about and that the fans would enjoy. Some didn't however. But for those curious, this new Special Edition gives you the original script! How do ya like them apples? So, don't listen to negative criticism about this-this movie is fantastic. Sure, it doesn't feel like the final installment to a trilogy, it feels more like a final installment would follow this film. There are some very gruesome and realistic looking gore effects which I feel haven't been surpassed in any zombie film since. There is some great acting by all of the unknown cast, especially Lori Cardille and Joe Pilato. After Pilato's wonderful role as the villian, Captain Rhodes, I'm surprised he wasn't offered more roles(I did read on the Romero tribute website that Joe Pilato was the original choice to play George Clooney's character in From Dusk Till Dawn! And there were trailers of From Dusk Till Dawn shot with Pilato as Seth! This was before Tarantino got ahold of the project.). The dvd is full of the stuff the fans have wanted to see: The aforementioned script, a commentary, a very informative documentary, some neat behind the scenes footage. The only thing I'm scratching my head about are various little points in the film where the soundtrack appears to be changed. You know how when you watch a movie that's edited for tv, and when a character swears, they're dubbed over with another word instead? That's what happens a few times here. I've been watching this film since I was nine, and I have every line memorized, so I noticed it immediately. And it isn't just swear words that are dubbed over, it's various words or sentence fragments here and there, and it only happens a few times. I'm not complaining about this, I'm just wondering why it was done. If anyone can tell me, let me know. Otherwise, the picture and the sound on this are top notch. Anchor Bay did a good job with the dvd and they should make alot of the fans happy.
Rating:  Summary: A worth installment(contrary to popular belief) Review: A lot of people tend to say this is by far the weakest in the series but I strongly disagree. I'm not saying it's the best but I think the each chapter in the "Living Dead" trilogy had something the others didn't and there all great in their own respects. Night of The Living Dead was a very tense film and focused a lot on creating a creepy and claustraphobic atmosphere which the other two clearly are lacking. Dawn Of The Dead was a grandiose epic spanning over two hours (unprecedented for zombie movies and horror movies in general even by todays standards). It rose the bar for what horror movies could actually be, and no installment in the trilogy or just about any horror movie before or since has been able to capture this kind of movie (although the original script for Day of The Dead would have given it a run for its money). Day of The Dead's most redeeming quality is it's spectacular zombies and great special effects(that in my opinion haven't been topped to this day). These zombies and special effects absolutley trounce the black and white humanesque zombies of NOTD and the blue zombies of DOTD and the same goes with the gore which is absolutley great in Day. But along with all this I also feel there is a good story and a very apocolyptic feel behind it all. I mean most actors do a good job of displaying a small band of people struggling to survive and possibly find a cure at what seems to be the end of the world(granted, I don't think the preformances are oscar worthy but quite good by horror standards). And although you may find the beginning slow and boring, if you listen to the dialogue it's actually quite interesting and plus the climax of the movie just about makes up for any problems you might have with it). So don't just write of Day as a mediocre conclusion, if you actually take a closer look I think you will find it is quite the opposite.
Rating:  Summary: One Of My Favorite Zombie Flicks! Review: Great movie to watch in the dark! One of the best zombie movies around! And it is my favorite Romero film! WARNIG: Do not eat popcorn during this film or you could puke! This film is a bloodfest! You gore buffs would enjoy the ripped in half bodies, bullets to the head, and more! Take my advice and see this movie!