Rating:  Summary: The limited edition kicks Review: Yes it's a remake,for the first ten minutes and then it's all new.Ash(Bruce Campbell)and Linda(Denise Bixler)return to the cabin in the woods,read from the necronomicon and then all hell brakes loose,then four more new people show up to join the fun.Evil Dead 2 DBD is not as gory as the first one,but it's way more funny,it's like watching a 90 minute Three Stooges episode.The DVD is a total getter for any Evil Dead fan or movie fans in general.It comes in a really cool tin,I think the cover art is from the UK poster like the replica inside.The disk as alot of cool features on it,the original theatrical trailer,the trailer for the Evil Dead:Hail To The King videogame for PlayStation1,a featurette called The Gore The Merrier,it's a great featurette if you forget the fact the half of the featurette is from old tapes that Greg Nicotero filmed while shooting ED2.The biggest treat on the DVD is the audio commentary(Say hello to Papa)with Sam Raimi,Bruce Campbell,Scott Spiegel and Greg Nicotero.When you watch the movie with the commentary it makes the movie way more funnier,with the four talking about their experiences making the film.I think Sam Raimi is a really great director,think about it,he's gone from the Evil Dead movies to Darkman(my favourite Raimi film)to A Simple Plan to The Gift and of course Spiderman and I really hope he thinks about making a fourth Evil Dead picture.Evil Dead 2 is a sweet,cool,enjoyable and funny flick to watch anytime.Groovy
Rating:  Summary: Laugh and the Living Room Laughs With You! Review: First off, let me say that I'm not a gorehound or a splatterpunk. If a film is good, I'll watch it; blood and guts don't bother me, if there's something more to it than simple shock value: EVIL DEAD II is a film that fits that category. As has been said, it's a remake of the original. The plot? Ash (Bruce Campbell) and his girlfriend travel to an out-of-the-way cabin in the woods to spend some time together. They are essentially trespassing, as someone obviously lives there. Little do they know that the place is infested with demons just waiting for Ash to accidentally unleash them and get the plot going. Meanwhile, the daughter of the demonlogist who owns the cabin, is coming out with her gang to see old Dad. By the time they arrive, Ash has already unleashed the dark forces by playing a tape recording of her father's voice reciting the incantations from that blasted bound-in-human-skin Book of the Dead that caused so much trouble the first time around. He's had to decapitate his girlfriend and severe his own hand when both became overtaken by demons; all this while doing constant battle with the brainchildren of Sam Raimi, which have been brought to hideous and squirming life by a brilliant special effects team. There is a profusion of gore and violence, but it somehow manages not to be offensive or repulsive, instead contributing to the comic book-feel sustained by the wonderful performance of human cartoon character Bruce Campbell (with blond hair he'd be a dead ringer for Johnny Bravo) and the stupendous aforementioned effects. In short, EVIL DEAD II: DEAD BY DAWN belongs to that rare class of movies (among them RE-ANIMATOR, TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE PART 2, DAWN OF THE DEAD, and DEAD ALIVE), movies that are so insanely gruesome and horrible, that they become actual satires, or in this case, out-and-out screwball comedy. A must-see if there ever was one. P.S.: I think the living room scene (where Ash starts laughing, then the deer head mounted on the wall starts laughing, then the lamp starts laughing, and the table, and the couch, and the bookcase, and the books in the bookcase, and the carpet, and...) is ONE OF THE GREATEST SCENES EVER FILMED IN A MOTION PICTURE!!!
Rating:  Summary: cousinpaco's top terrors: #8 Review: It's hard to say "Evil Dead 2" is all that scary, but it's definitely a lot of fun.While chock-full of gory zombie-violence, the main draw of "Evil Dead 2" is the hysterically over-the-top performance by Bruce Campbell. As the stalwart hero Ash, Campbell abandons the straight-faced terror of the first film and goes right for the diaphragm. His jut-jawed bravado elevates this film from standard horror-fare to true classic. It's much more tongue-in-cheek than the original, and it's more enjoyable for it. The blood-and-guts quotient is lavishly high - but it's too bad that the distributor mandated cutting some of the gorier scenes to avoid an X rating (they aren't even included on the DVD). As if the movie itself weren't enough, the DVD features one of the most entertaining commentary tracks on the market. All participants are affable and informative. It's like watching with a bunch of your buddies--and they just happen to be the ones who made the movie!
Rating:  Summary: Hysterical, Visionary, and Wondrous Cinematography Review: 'Evil Dead 2' straddles the line between satire and quality horror, and is an extremely entertaining, hysterical film. The special effects are amazing and over-the-top macabre, while the star grows into his role slowly but surely, gaining to a very robust finish. If you want to watch a scary movie that is also very funny, check this out!
Rating:  Summary: Lots of Blood. Lots and LOTS of blood. Review: It's almost a running gag how much blood gushes in this film. Out of people, out of walls, out of sewer pipes, etc., etc. There's some surprising touches of humanity to the performances - at one point a woman sings a childhood lullaby to her (possessed, undead) mother which gives Campbell time to chop her up. The plots a little more logical than ED1. As others have said, no horror collection is complete w/o the Evil Dead Series (Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, Army of Darkness).
Rating:  Summary: I laughed so hard beer shot from my nose! Review: Evil Dead II is, I believe, one of the top 10 funniest movies ever made. Ash is back and better than ever. Whether its hacking off his own hand, chopping up his possesed girlfrien, or fighting the evil fat lady in the cellar, Ash does it with style and humor. If you go into this movie expecting real horror you'll be disappointed. If you go in wanting tons of laughs and an edge of horror you will quickly have a new movie to add to your collection. Great comic acting, sweet camera angles, laugh out loud special effects and the greatest hero of all time make ED II one of the best of the best. And yes, beer really did shoot out of my nose while watching this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Let's Go!!! Review: If there is one movie I could be stranded with on an island it would be this one. Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell created one of the best horror movies ever. With a good mixture of gore and slapstick style comedy. The story is a sequal/remake of the first except this time there is a bigger budget. This is the type oif film you could watch over and over again with your friends and have the same impact as the first time seeing. The DVD doesn't have the best bonus features but the commentary is the funniest. Bruce, Sam, and Rob will make you think you were there during the making of it. Horror lovers around the world will laugh and scream through this crazy movie by the director of Spiderman and the Xena series.
Rating:  Summary: Operatic, over-the-top gore-fest a must. Review: "Evil Dead II: Dead by Dawn" is essentially a (slightly) bigger-budgeted re-creation of the original, this time played for humor, (no rapist trees here) with its splashy, colorful gore effects and energetic Bruce Campbell performance. The story is your classic cabin-in-the-woods fare, but featuring the fabled Book of the Dead, with unsuspecting Campbell unleashing the power of the ancient tome and presenting a kinetic, funny, and immensely entertaining movie, although the final third does get to be almost redundant. The movie is done with such ultra-stylized, over-the-top bravura from director Raimi, however, that it is an absolute must for horror and gore fans and should be most entertaining for everyone else with a sound stomach.
Rating:  Summary: Bruce Campbell is back and killing off deadites!!!!! Review: This is a great horror movie! It has everything that a great horror movie series needs to become the ultimate horror trilogy! It has hilarious dark humor like when Ash's hand goes bad and hits him in the head with plates! Director Sam Raimi keeps the surprises coming with this one like when Ash looks at himself in the mirror and Evil Ash comes out! Sam Raimi as a director is very talented because, he can make a movie, write the script for it, and then mix all of these surprise key elements with it. When he started out doing the whole Evil Dead trilogy he started the first one out on a very low budget for I think maybe around Four-Thousand dollars. The second Evil Dead he had a higher budget. The third movie Army Of Darkness was a much higher budget than both the first and the second film combined. Look at Sam Raimi now! He directed Spider-Man which is not a low-budget film. This movie itself has an excellent plot! Ash is still trying to get away from the cabin but, the deadites won't let him. Then some people go their to find the proffesor so that they can give him the rest of the pages to the Book of the Dead and I am not going to tell you the rest so just go out and buy this movie! It isn't as gory as the first one but, it throws out buckets of blood!
Rating:  Summary: The sequel that isn't Review: Okay, so this isn't a sequel - its basically a remake of the first film and it's better in many ways. The production is much sleeker than the first and it seems that the cast and crew were in on the joke and having a good time making the film - something that actually comes through while you watch. Bruce Campbell mugs and grins his way through a film that is gorier and funnier than the first and plays well in repeated viewings. Probably the best film in the series and a horror classic in its own right. They don't make them like this anymore. Heck, Sam Raimi certainly doesn't.