Rating:  Summary: 4.5 stars: Bad taste never tasted so good. Review: Okay, so the title of my review doesn't make a lot of sense. Anyway, the plot is simple. A small group of goofy government agents are sent to investigate a mass disappearance of the residents in a New Zealand town. The disappearance is linked to a huge extraterrestrial fast food conglomerate which sets up shop in the town. I shouldn't have to tell anyone what they put in the burgers. This is Peter Jackson's first movie. As many of you know, he went on to direct Lord of the Rings, as well as the equally gory Dead Alive and the more mainstream but still great The Frighteners. However, this film shows how well he was able to work with a far more modest budget. Some of the effects and action sequences are impressive considering the limited resources, especially the chase scene involving agent Derek (played by Jackson) and an alien zombie (also played by Jackson). You should tell just by looking at the cover, which depicts an alien who looks like a Star Wars cantina reject flipping us the bird, that this is not to be taken seriously. This really is not a horror movie as much as it is a comedy, an extremely gory comedy in which much of the humor revolves around the gore. An example would be the hilarious scene in which Derek falls off a cliff and fractures his skull. He literally has to keep his head together by tying his belt around it. Even though I can't recommend Bad Taste to all audiences, I truly think people who like Monty Python or South Park may find something to enjoy about it.
Rating:  Summary: WOW... Amazing. Review: Peter Jacksons first film is a classic as youve read in other reviews the story goes like this.... A group of alien decide to make earth thier food suppliy so its up to 4 (well five if you count the other dude) men to stop them. I wasnt expecting a gorefest but it was. The best character is Peter himself as the psyico leader Derek who lost his mind (really) about gettin those bastards. The last 17 mins are composed of a huge shootout. I Find this one better then dead alive because dead alive used wayyyyyyy to much dark humor and this one used tons of humor that anyone could laugh at. The reason its so funny its because everything looked staged and bad.... But thats what low budget is all about. In one part as I recall when Derek falls off the cliff you can see a bucket of fake blood being thrown into the air look closly. Get this movie and DONT see dead alive before this it will kinda ruin you thoughts about it. As a matter of fact, dont see dead alive at all before watching a film like evil dead or zombie becausewhen you hear about the gore in those movies youll think its nothing compared to dead alive. Anyways see this film and enjoy it....
Rating:  Summary: goooooooy! gory! goofy!greatness!!! Review: you just can't grasp the concept that peter jackson the director of the hufffed and pufffed LORD OF THE RINGS movies made this great little gory cheeeeeesy laugh fest!along with the great DEAD ALIVE these two are simply some of the best comedy goof ball gore's arond.this movie is just excellent!!!if you dont like this movie its because you dont enjoy or understand the genre that simple, so get out of my back yard!!!for the real fans of the genre this dvd is a complete no brainer the dvd has some good extras and it comes out looking great hurry up and get it, your gonna fall down on the floor laughing,its just to freakin gooooofy!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Crumb's Crunchy Delights Review: While Director Peter Jackson may have gained international recognition as the director of LORD OF THE RINGS, many horror fans knew him first from this highly entertaining 1987 splatter comedy. This film is a real testament towards Peter Jackson's talent and love for the genre... the movie was filmed on a shoestring budget on weekends for four years. Reminiscent of other successful horror comedies like RE-ANIMATOR and BASKET CASE, BAD TASTE is a truly eccentric film that has gone on to become a cult hit. The film has something to do with an alien army that takes over a secluded town in New Zealand. The government has no other choice but to send in "The Boys" to stop those pesky extraterrestrials from turning mankind into the next ingredient on their fast food menu. Led by the evil Lord Crumb, the aliens wage a no-holds barred war against "The Boys" that culminates in an outrageously extended attack on a house that's reminiscent of the climactic showdown in DEAD ALIVE. BAD TASTE is simply one of the most entertaining horror films that I've ever seen. The action sequences are surprisingly well staged (considering the limited budget) and the graphic violence is presented in such an exaggerated and goofy manner that you can't possibly take it seriously. The film is filled with so many hilariously sick jokes and sight gags that you won't possibly believe that what you're seeing on the screen is actually happening. Peter Jackson handles all the action wonderfully, with a particularly impressive scene filmed on the side of a cliff standing out as the most remarkable (reportedly, this scene was very dangerous to shoot). While Peter Jackson would top himself a few years later with the release of his over-the-top zombie masterpiece DEAD ALIVE, BAD TASTE first showed genre fans that the New Zealand director could deliver the goods in both the gore and the comedy departments. BAD TASTE is an unforgettable film that comes highly recommended to cult film fanatics. Anchor Bay Entertainment's new release on video and DVD features the quote "From the Director of LORD OF THE RINGS." It's really funny to think how many unsuspecting viewers will sit down to view this bizarre flick on the basis of that quote alone... I envy their ignorance.
Rating:  Summary: Peter Jackson's gore-filled comedy debut film Review: Peter Jackson is a genius. I cannot say enough about that. This may be "Bad Taste" but it's just too good to pass it up. Peter KNOWS how to get people's attention. Just look at the movie cover. An alien flipping you off with an AK-47 and the title "Bad Taste" ? GENIUS!!! As many people in the past, they had to rely on the old Magnum Video version with the cheesy Movie rating system on the back. The sound was no so good, and the picture was a little dark and blury at times. Now that Anchor Bay (Those guys rule!) have re-released it along with many other cult classics not to mention Eurohorror movies all in DVD format in their glorius letter-boxed UNCUT versions. Another thing that amazed me were the special effects and how he used them. Chainsaw dismemberments, machetes though the neck, sledgehammers bashing people's brains out, ripping off various limbs...It just doesn't stop. And all of this is done for the comedy effect. The guy who keeps holding his brains in with a belt, the rocket missle accidently hitting and exploding the cute-looking sheep, and then there's that weird blue vehicle that has a cardboard-like figures of The Beatles from the cover of "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart Club". I'm not going to ask what THAT was all about, but it was just funny. People, this is a classic. Pick it up and become a devoted Peter Jackson fan such as myself.
Rating:  Summary: Very Very Very Very Very Very Gory!!! Review: This movie is sick! I came extreamly close to throwing up and I have a very strong stomach! If you are looking for the sickest goriest movie out thier....this is definatly it! one of the best movies i own! RECOMENDATIONS: Bad Taste (Limited Edition) Meet The Feebles Dead Alive (DVD UNRATED EDITION) The Frighteners
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Dissapointed Review: I was pretty dissapointed by this movie. Usually I would give a little bit of leeway to a movie like this, but the movie didn't give me alot of room to for leeway. Thats not to say that "Bad Taste" is a bad movie. It probably would have been a lot more fun had it been. "Bad Taste" is compatantly made. The main problem with this movie is its just boring. The pacing is greatly flawed and the final battle goes on about ten minutes too long. I found myself getting bored frequently and waiting for cool gore moments which sadly rarely materailized. Too give credit where its deserved, working on a small budget, Peter Jackson made an impressive directoral debut. THe special effects are pretty good and acting suprisingly decent for a low budget feature. But overall, "Bad Taste" rarely held my attention and provided, in my opinion, very little bits of cool gore. I would recomend "Dead Alive" over this movie anyday.
Rating:  Summary: Anchor Bay's Bad Taste: Good Taste! Review: After the success of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, it was pretty much inevitable that director Peter Jackson's old classics would be released to DVD. Already available in a plain, single disc edition, DVD wonder Anchor Bay has re-released Jackson's Bad Taste in a limited 2-disc DVD pack. THE FILM Bad Taste was a sensation it was released, and it is a major cult film now. Peter Jackson's 1987 debut picture finds four alienbusters coming to a New Zealand town, where the discover the town overtaken by aliens. Of course, these aren't your everyday Sigourney Weaver aliens. Un-uh. These guys are part of the intergalatic food chain Crumb's Crunchy Delights, and all they want is some major human flesh to chew on. Hmmm ... Being Jackson's debut, the film obviously can't meet up to later hits like Braindead (a.k.a. Dead Alive) and Lord of the Rings, but there's some talent in here yet. It seems like a backyard picture, and I suppose that's one of the reasons it's so popular. What I do know is that it's gory, entertaining, and the most digusting film I've ever seen. [7/10] THE VIDEO Anchor Bay has done a terrific remastering job. There isn't any grain anywhere. A flawless work. [10/10] THE AUDIO As all the voices in the film were dubbed after shooting, many times the words didn't meet the mouth movements. Well, Anchor Bay has - somehow - fixed this problem with its lovely DD 5.1 remix. No problem here. [10/10] THE EXTRAS Well, if you consider the fact that it's a Limited Edition (of 50,000) an extra, then we got that here. Anchor Bay's double-disc set includes a Peter Jackson bio, the film's trailer, and a very good documentary about the film: "Good Taste Made Bad Taste". I think fans of the film will be pleased. [7/10] Cult film fans won't wanna miss this DVD release. If you're a fan of disgusting horror or sci-fi with laughable comedy thrown in the middle, then this is the movie for you. Those with a weak stomach will want to stay the hell away from this baby, though! OVERALL SCORE: [8/10] ---------------------------------------------------------------- THE FILM: [7/10] Disgusting, funny, and very entertaining. Essential for horror fans. THE VIDEO: [10/10] A beautiful remastering job. THE AUDIO: [10/10] Nice DD 5.1 soundtrack. THE EXTRAS: [7/10] Very satisfying. OVERALL SCORE: [8/10] Fans of the film won't wanna pass this DVD. - Thomas Benton
Rating:  Summary: A most excellent film. Review: This is one of the funniest movies i have ever seen. it's chock-full of slapstick-gore-comedy and some things that are just generally funny ("I'm a derek, derek's don't run."). the sfx are pretty bad, but (considering the film cost roughly $11,000 to make) it's actually pretty good for the amount of $ they had. I'm probably gonna buy this movie soon but until then I'll be sleeping peacfully with dreams of derek inside the aliens skin still holding his trusty chainsaw...
Rating:  Summary: A Pure Crapfest Review: I have seen some bad and cheesy movies, but this is just plain crap. I would rather get a bad case of crotch-rot(again) before watching this turd of a movie again.