Rating:  Summary: What is this ? Review: You really have to give it him this guy is brilliantly un-talented. If you have ever watched one of his movies before you know what to expect. Now this movie is just like his others, the gates of hell have been opened (how? why? possibly not), the dead are walking the earth (are the dead supposed to look so stupid?), killing the living (for some reason???) all very low budget. But there's more crappy gore effects (special d-effects), dumb score (yellow submarine sound track) and unknown actors (non Oscar worthy talent on display here) did mention it's all dubbed that's right, lip movement badly synced and the dialogue stinks. This is the same guy who gave us that cheap cheesy and so boring Zombie Flesh Eaters aka Zombie 2, you know the one, the un-official sequel to Dawn of the Dead (which is the sequel to Night of the Living dead), not only is he crap director he is also dumb. So all in all don't bother watching this pile Crap, described as the Yugo of movie making. Some things you should know about Lucio Fulci:- He is crap director He has a talent for making crap movies He thinks his George Romero He's so un-talented He smells No-one is Hollywood has ever heard of him None of his movie have been mentioned in the 100 must see movies He has directed so much rubbish that's some have not been credited to his name (must be ashamed).
Rating:  Summary: GORY with story! Review: This is my first time writing a review but after watching the beyond i felt compelled to share my views. First of all let me say that i have previously watched two other fulci films, Zombie and The house by the cemetary, and in my opinion the beyond is a great improvement on these films. Zombie had pretty weak gore with no real story and HBTC whilst having a great opening never went any where. Right, back to the beyond. It is great gory fun. The story was much better than i expected and certainly better than the two aforementioned films. The acting was average but was helped by the good dubbing. I hardly noticed it and my friends didn't even know it was dubbed until i told them. Of course the only reason we all watch fulci films is for the gore. This film will not disappoint. It starts with a great opening scene and from there fulci shows the viewer many ways to kill someone, usually involving the eyes. Dvd presentation was excellent. Picture quality was very good especially as being a horror film most of its shot in the dark. Sound was even better. The 5.1 mix really impressed me with a good solid front stage and nice use of the surrounds. The extras help to round off the package and for once the trailer doesn't show all the good bits. I'll leave you with this warning the same warning on the cover: caution some scenes may be too shocking and violent for some viewers! Enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Limited Edition is No Value Review: Arguably Fulci's best horror film, The Beyond probably deserves the most care of any in the Master's library. While commendable, this "Limited Edition" fails to justfy a price tag over double that of the regular version. The only extras in this package are a tiny booklet and a totally unecessary full-screen and cut version of the film (as it was known as "Seven Doors of Death". Don't make the same mistake I did. Unless you are a Fulci fanatic, or have money to burn, go with the [money] one. You'll get a beautifully mastered, uncut and widescreen presentation--all at a much lower price.
Rating:  Summary: Sadistic imbecille exercise Review: Somehow I run into this movie by the recommendation from a friend. I have to question his inteligency. This movie is as bad as one might think. Imbecile actors, miserable special effects with Elmer's glue, and in general complete stupidity with a touch of sadism. The one toward the viewer. Avoid wasting time.
Rating:  Summary: Oh, Stop Whining Review: "The acting is terrible", "the effects are bad", "it doesn't make sense", tra-la, tra-la. These remarks are scattered throughout the negative reviews for The Beyond. These "critics" obviously aren't Fulci fans. Even the most hardcore of Fulci fans will admit to his films being cheesy. I don't think there's a single person out there that has been scared senseless by a Fulci movie. I guess there's some out there who really look deep into them, but I tend to like them for their high entertainment value-including the cheese factor which I'll admit is high. I also admire the guts(no pun intended)Fulci had to make such un-audience friendly, over the top horror. It's the Fulci fans that'll be creeping around this page reading the reviews, and no amount of negative press is gonna change their minds-we are a fervent bunch. Besides, we've heard it all before from the legitimate critics. The Beyond is basically the flipside to City Of The Living Dead. City dealt with the gates of hell opening in a small town courtesy of a priest's suicide as foretold in(drum role): The Book Of Enoch! This time, one of the doorways to hell-located on, in, or under a hotel-is opened courtesy of a warlock lynching as foretold in(drum role): The Book Of Eibon! The same events are played out in The Beyond as in City: Ghastly apparitions, zombies, insects, random weirdness that doesn't make too much sense. I hate to sound like all the other reviewers, but it does follow dream logic, as so many Italian horror films do. Don't put it in logical terms, are your own dreams logical? Of course not, neither are the events in this film, or the actions of the characters. Catriona MacColl is back and it's up to her to do something about all this funky stuff that's going on. David Warbeck is the skeptical doctor who helps her out. He's also the best actor in the film. This guy is so cool he can get nine shots out of a revolver. Yup, there's lots of gore too, but we've all come to expect that from Fulci. His films without gore aren't half as enjoyable. This is considered to be his best film. I guess I can see why, but my heart still belongs to Zombie, probably coz it's the first one I saw when I was a kid. If you don't already have this in your Fulci collection, shame on you! If you're curious about Fulci, rent this first if you can find it. It's an acquired taste and not for everyone.
Rating:  Summary: Cool but a little over rated. Review: Don't get me wrong, I love this movie; I would consider myself a Fulci fan. But everyone raves about this movie as if it were a masterpiece, which I don't think it is. The movie can get a bit boring, and the tarantula scene makes me cringe at it's badness when ever I see those plastic spiders waddle towards their victim. The soundtrack can be so bad that it's good, I personally love it when those funky disco beats come in, but I could see how it can be somewhat laughable. For entertainment I perfer Zombie or House by the Cemetery, but this movie is still very good. I probably wouldn't recommend this movie to people who aren't familiar with this style of Horror.
Rating:  Summary: Saw it and loved it! Review: This movie is just great! It's funnier than scary, the acting pathetic, the soundtrack is horendous, but it's a great gore flick. The gore will have you on the floor LOL cuz it's very fake looking. One of the funniest parts was the cheezy spider scene. Hilarious. The opening scene is funny to. The guy gets slashed with a chain, and in the most bored exprecion goes "uhh". Not much atmosphere to this, and it could have been scary if it weren't so poorly made. But I still say see it, and make fun of it. It's just a cool flick.
Rating:  Summary: Forget that it doesn't make any sense. It doesn't need to. Review: I'm convinced Lucio Fulci is an acquired taste, like the other Italian Grand Masters of Giallo and Splatter horror: Lamberto Bava and Dario Argento. Not everyone gets them, and people either love Italian horror or they despise it---and those with really weak stomachs rarely stay around to be sure. That said, if you're willing to drop your pre-conceived notions about what a horror film should be---and if you accept that for Fulci's splatter masterpiece you're just going to have to disconnect some of your critical faculties (just as Fulci holds plot, character development, dialogue and editing in abeyance)---then you're going to be treated to a sumptuous, brutal, occasionally shocking and highly Gothic treat: an ensanguined festival of blood, bile, brains, gore, and New Orleans swamp horror, all beautifully filmed and served with a heaping, steaming platter of full-bore horror and genuinely creepy atmosphere. Again, the plot here isn't important. In 1927, an accused sorcerer is brutally tortured and slaughtered in the basement of a New Orleans hotel. Nearly six decades later, a woman (who bears a striking resemblance to the proprietress of the old hotel) buys the place, and begins to renovate it. Unfortunately for her, the property sits atop one of the Seven Gates to Hell, and what a time for her to dispatch a plumber to help her with the flooded basement! Naturally, the sorcerer's zombie gets loose, pokes the plumber's eyes out (a Fulci specialty!), and things get out of hand. What more could a horror-hound want, you ask? Plenty, and Lucio Fulci delivers, offering up double-servings of: *Nasty, sneaky, goopy mutilated zombies, all appearing at the worst possible moment and having a penchant for popping their victim's eyeballs out! *A creepy blind woman whose 'blindness'(which looks like a bad case of cataracts) could be a trap for our heroine---and that's not even counting her bone chomping seeing-eye dog! *Lip eating, eyelid-biting giant tarantulas in the public library! *Brains, blood, bile, and goop, goop, and more goop! *A mysterious painting that lures its victims into a hellish netherworld! *the nastiest, creepy-crawly morgue scene ever filmed, guarantee to make you say "Ick!"! *Best of all, eye gouging galore by the Master of Movie Eye Gouging! Full disclosure: You might have to give "The Beyond" more than one look to really appreciate it---and it's best to have high quality equipment to view it on, as this is a lushly produced DVD with a gorgeous transfer and 5.1 sound (it's also got some jolly extras on it, including a music video by Necrophagia called "And You will Live in Fear"). I had heard so much about Fulci and 'The Beyond', and I must confess that I was initially mystified at all the hype: the director has awful pacing, sequences occur seemingly without any relation to the rest of the movie, the acting is atrocious, and Fulci lets the camera linger on his splatter scenes, undermining their shock. But I gave "The Beyond" a second chance, and I'm glad I did. The movie is genuinely unsettling, beautiful to behold, and the gore scenes are almost sensual in their bloody beauty. And for my money, the zombies in the climactic morgue scene are some of the nastiest and most terrifying ever put to celluloid. If you love splatter cinema and want to get a look at an Italian maestro at the top of his game---and you're willing to shut off a few critical blinders---then you'll find "The Beyond" a fine witches' brew, indeed.
Rating:  Summary: The feel-good movie of the year! Review: Gee, I don't know, this was kinda depressing. But seriously now-- I should have known that I've seen enough of these Italian zombie-undead-possession-gore slicks that most never have a real upbeat ending-- usually it's one of the following: a. everybody dies b. everybody dies and the world is taken over by zombies c. the world is transformed into hell d. the one survivor is killed by their daughter/son/pet, who turned out to be possessed/a zombie or e. any combo of the above. I won't spoil this movie by telling you if it has one of these endings or not, just commenting on this. I think this movie has more eye gore than any other I've seen. One scene involving man-eating tarantulas (I laughed at first, too) is especially nasty and left my covering my eye protectively. The spiders in question look phony half the time, but it'll still make you sick. Besides eye violence, there's buckets off blood and gore and goo. I actually thought I'd seen this before. What I had seen was the US hack job 7 Doors of Death which has most of the gruesome scenes edited out. That one made me almost fall asleep, this one definitely kept me awake. I was thinking, some of this looks familiar, but I don't remember it being anywhere near this nasty. This complete, uncut version is the one you want to see, or don't bother seeing it at all. The movie is set in Louisiana and the sometimes nebulous plot concerns a mansion built on the gateway to hell. In the 1800s some evil guy lived there, but in the pre-credit scene, a bunch of PO'ed villagers broke in and nailed him to a wall and tossed lime or something corrosive all over him. Unfortunately, a couple moves in and eventually all hell breaks loose, including some really nasty, gory, well-lit scenes at a hospital. I won't go into the plot more than that. Some seemingly random characters do just kind of stroll into the plot part way through the movie mainly to be killed horribly, but hey, it didn't seemed contrived and I wasn't complaining. The film isn't just gore, it does have suspenseful scenes, good cinematography, a very nice creepy atmosphere. I didn't really buy that we were in Louisiana, but hey, who cares. The mansion is very creepy. There's an especially chilling shot of it towards the end, at night, from the outside; though the owners have fled, lights begin to slowly go on in various room and shapes start shambling around. If you like this kind of thing or are a Fulci fan, I recommend just buying the DVD. It is loaded with extras including commentary, images, poster art, behind the scenes, etc. And don't miss the two easter eggs: In the audio setup menu, highlight the faint symbol under the ear, in the image gallery menu, highlight the symbol in the lower left corner for maybe the bloodiest trailer I've ever seen: Cat in the Brain ((sometimes literally- God, did they leave any of the movie's gore OUT?). I wouldn't really say I enjoyed or loved this movie, it was so grim and nasty I probably won't watch it again for awhile. But I definitely give it credit, and it's worth a watch.
Rating:  Summary: Why you watch horror movies! Review: When I watch horror movies that let me down I think "Why can't it be like THE BEYOND?"A scary,gory,visually eerie spookshow that entertains me completely.Sure,horror fans will probably mentally note where certain aspects of the plot likely derived from,but SO WHAT!This is a masterpiece in the Italian gorror genre. The dvd looks and sounds fantastic and has neat extras.