Rating:  Summary: Bad just bad Review: This movie is one of the worst movies i've ever seen in my life. The acting is terrible the gore is pointless and this isn't really a zombie film. Good story and atomisphire but it all leads to nothing, a confusing stupid ending (Fulci lost the origanal) and two gore scenes both are bad too. The gut puking started to look good then it shows a close up of her mouth in which her mouth is BARLEY open and some plastic cups resembling the guts fall out. The cheek drill scene is soso but the guy doesn't even scream he just sits there with his eyes closed getting drilled in the top part of his cheek and last one is a part of someone head getting torn out, the rest of this movie is so slow and the soundtrack is annoying. Bottom line this sucked.
Rating:  Summary: What a joke! Review: This movie is bad, bad, bad. Not even close to Romero's masterpieces. How can anyone give this film more than 2 stars is beyond me.
Rating:  Summary: Not the best Fulci movie, but good Review: This movie as a precursor to the Fulci masterpiece The Beyond is good. It is not the best movie made, but will do. The gore effects are good, but you can easily tell that some of the scenes are fake (the gut-puking scene and the head-drilling scene), but are effective. The reason why I'm giving this movie 4 stars is because of the plot and the acting. The plot, not as great as the one in The Beyond, is suspenseful. You can never know what happens next. As far as the acting goes, it is great for a Fulci movie. Despite the limitations of the movie, the acting puts it above average, with Fulci regular Catriona MacColl as the lead character. Like I said, not the greatest Fulci movie made, but is effective.
Rating:  Summary: Almost as good as I remember... Review: The best part is still the sheep intestines bit (I don't want to spoil too much for those who haven't seen it). You might remember it titled as "The Gates of Hell", at least I did. It's the same movie, don't know why the change. If you are a zombie fan and a Fulci fan you'll love the movie. Gore aplenty!!! For Fangoria fans it's a must.
Rating:  Summary: Decent Fulci film Review: while its not "the Beyond" this film is actually pretty good! it has a creepy atmosphere about it, the typical gothic idealism. and lots of zombies and monsters! YEAH! fun, and a good Fulci film to add to your horror collection!
Rating:  Summary: Fulci - Hit and miss? Review: With fulci, it is really hit and miss. Zombi and New York Ripper were good. This one, however, smells of arse. For one thing, why was i laughing every time the dead preacher made an appearance? He was incredibly corny and thats saying something in a genre grown in a cornfield. So what we have is an end of the world scenerio. Somewhere a preacher has killed himself. Don't ask why for we don't know and we don't find out. Somewhere else, a woman has a vision and sees the death. Back to the first somewhere...if someone doesn't put the restless spirit of the dead priest to bed, then the dead shall come back to life. Why! WHY! WHY! Was the preacher evil in life? Or something like that. And these zombies (Only they are not really zombies but rotting ghosts..no wait! They are zombies again. Now they are ghosts! Ok, just what have we got here...Zombies or Ghosts? There is a difference...!) [are bad]. There not the blue makeup guys from dawn of the dead (god bless that film though i dare blaspheme savini's zombies!)but they aren't the rotting messes we see in return of the living dead either. Anyhow, The whole mess somehow winds up under the ground in a tomb. The ending is no suprise. ...poor. So why 2 stars then if the movie reeked so bad? Well there were scant scenes of bodily massacration but when they appeared, they were well done. Blood pouring from eyes, intestines being vomited out of the mouth, the usual zombie feasting. Good stuff when it happens. The transfer was rather ordinary. Compared to the old VHS version I saw this on the first time, it was an improvement.At least i could understand the dialog this time. So one star for the effects and one for the fact that somehow, i volunteered to see this a second time.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Review: Excellent horror film....exactly what we expect from Italian horror genius Lucio Fulci. If you love Zombi films and absolute gore then check this out. If not, then why did you watch it? In response to one reviewer about the police officer with the Amercan flag in Dunwich....it isn't Europe. Its the Dunwich mostly used in Lovecraftian horror. Yep, that Dunwich is located in New England. (note: Dunwich Horror) I mean honestly, did you watch it in fast forward. There is New York references throughout.As a matter of fact in the whole film we as the viewer never leave the good old U.S. of A. No insult to intellegence intended....unless you claim to be a horror fan. Add this to your collection, can't be a Romero/Mattei/Argento/Lenzi fan without it!
Rating:  Summary: Good Story, ruined by poor editing Review: I originally saw City Of The Living Dead under the Title of The Gates of Hell on a poorly made VHS. Even though the quality was bad, the movie intreged me. The story was very interesting and the film has soom very genuine scary moments. But the film just suffers from very poor editing and plot holes. I don't know if it was just the budget, but the editing is very choppy and the whole film just feels sloppily put together (especially the ending!). The film also has huge plot holes. In one scene, a women is killed in the city of Dunwich in Europe. A couple of scenes later it shows police investigating the murder, but one of the policeman has an american flag on the sleeve of his shirt. But the murder is in Dunwich! Did New York policemen travel to dunwich to investigate the murder? Little things like that insult my intellegance. Lucio Fulci does however give the film a awsome frightening atmosphere with the scenes of Dunwich. The wind is always blowing and there is always a feeling of dread. The atmosphere is so thick, you could cut it with a knife! This is what I like about Fulci's films. He can brillantly give a felling of dread, gloom and doom. What I don't like about his movies is the OVER abundance of gore. There is only so many "zombies grabbing a head and squashing brains out" you can take before it gets real old, real fast. The two notorious scenes are the are the gut puking and head drill scenes. I can take the gut puking. Its a good shot to shock the audience, but the head drill scene is a little much. The purpose of this scene is nothing, just to show a head getting drilled. What would have been a supendous horror film gets muddled by poor editing and totally unnessessary scenes to show off gore. Look at Fulci's THE BEYOND for example. Its a good horror film, but most people lose respect for the film because of that spider scene, that runs for like 10 minutes! Show some of it, but Fulci definatly goes overboard, and thats why his films only get a selected audience. Sure I like Fulci, but only in small dosses. City of the Living Dead is worth a view. Not a great film, but has some intesting story elements and some genuin scares.
Rating:  Summary: italian horror isnt supposed to be scary Review: In my opinion, and after the numerous argento and fulci flicks ive viewed, i have come to a conclusion that italian horror flicks arent supposed to be scary, but there is a purpose to them...Italian movies have historically been known for their creative camera angles and point of views and what-not due to directing...Italian HORROR has been known throughout the past half century or less as being really suspenseful (not the same at scary) and/or GORE-splattered and/or have unique directing.City of the living dead does exactly what italian horror movies are supposed to do: gross the viewer out with shocking amounts of gore and leave the viewer on the edge of his/her seat with suspense...and keep u entertained with unique point of views shots and camera angles(thanks to the brilliance of the late, great lucio fulci). sure...it isnt the best movie, one with oscar-quality content and acting...and sure the voice dubbing is sometimes horrible...but those shouldnt be the sole reasons for someone not to like it...thats just out right prejudice...any film viewer who views an italian horror movie and doesnt appreciate it for what it is is wrong and obviously holds a disliking for horror (probably gore) in general. In conclusion, City of the living dead is an ITALIAN HORROR masterpiece and anyone looking for great directing, suspense, and gore should definitely check it out...and anyone who isnt into horror should check it out anyway because it might broaden your horizons, so that u might find out if, deep inside, there might be a little horror fan waiting to come out! And remember children, say it with me: these movies arent supposed to be scary, so stop whining when they are not!!!
Rating:  Summary: Get The Guys Together And Watch! Review: How's this for a good time at the movies: A dead priest with yucky crud on his hands, a corny seance(ya gotta have a seance), bad dubbing, an alcoholic journalist, a maggot storm, Ja Rule, cars that suddenly won't start and doors that won't open, intestine vomiting, enough closeups of eyes for twenty Sergio Leone westerns, an inflatable doll, zombies that appear and disappear into thin air, the town "weirdo" that everyone hates, a funky soundtrack, groovy sound fx, a guy getting his head drilled, an alcoholic woman in therapy, attempted graverobbery, the book of Enoch, a subterranean netherworld, a bus that will explode if it goes below 50 mph, zombies bursting into flames, a couple of spooked alcoholics in the local tavern, bleeding eyes, zombies tearing open heads(only the back), your mom, premature burial, a psychiatrist contemplating alcoholism, and a "shock" ending that makes absolutely NO sense at all!