Rating:  Summary: Great movie, but get the 3-disc Canada DVD release instead! Review: I saw this movie a while back in an U.S. independent movie theatre, and it instantly became one of my favorite's films of all time. What can I say other than this is one of the best "well-rounded" movies that I've seen. It has a little bit of everything; action/adventure, horror, drama, romance, historical reference, "b-movie cheese", "artsy", martial arts, and even a bit of comedy. The cinematography was most spectacular, and is evident that Ganes is definitely a talented storyteller. Although at first I almost dismissed the slow/stop-motion scenes in the film to be a little bit to clichéd; but it just somehow works so well you're quick to forgive. The movie almost clocks in at three hours, but the pacing and plot move through very well. My only complaint is the lackluster DVD release the U.S. version is. The only accompanying pieces to the film itself are widescreen & English 5.1 surround. However, if you're as big of a fan of the movie as I am then put your money to better use, and buy the Canadian version if your resourceful enough to find it on the internet as I was! Please note, that there is a regular 1 disc Canadian release (similar to the U.S. one), but the one you really want is the "3-Disc Collector's Edition". It has the correct, and much better DVD case cover of the original poster art for the film of our two heroes in the buttoned up trench coats and the European tri-corner hats pulled down in a fashionably/menacing look. Disc One: Widescreen (2.35:1 aspect ratio), 5.1 English Dolby Digital, 5.1 French Dolby Digital, 5.1 DTS, English / French Subtitles, Director and Actors Commentaries (French only), Optional English or French Menu Screen Disc Two: The Making Of (original French with English subtitles), Deleted Scenes (original French with English subtitles), The Legend (original French with English subtitles), Trailers, Filmographies (English / French), Bonus ROM. Disc Three: Documentary (original French with English subtitles), Storyboard (English / French), Photo Gallery, music from the film. As you can see -- the Canadian version is way cooler than the U.S.! And before you start worrying about region encoding; The U.S. and Canada are both Region 1 DVD encoding, so it will most likely play on your machine. It's unfortunate that you have to do some hunting to find it, but in my opinion it was well worth it.
Rating:  Summary: THIS WOLF BITES Review: Because "BROTHERHOOD OF THE WOLF" went immediately to cult status in its native France ("Le Pacte des Loups"), there are already several foreign versions -- including a four disc set -- in addition to the US Region 1 release. Violent and bloody with gratuitous nudity, this opulent eye candy tells an obtuse story about a mysterious beast that terrorizes the countryside and two unlikely heroes who must face their fears and call on a dark power that reveals a deadly secret. Impossible to summarize here, but, suffice it to say, "Brotherhood of the Wolf" includes some of the best choreographed staff-fighting scenes ever recorded. This sophomore effort from director Christopher Gans -- the first was "Crying Freeman" -- shows off his terrific eye for composition and action. "The plot is just an excuse for making the movie," says French "Wolf" fanatic Antoine Doucette. "It really doesn't matter as long as there's action and mystery and savy and blood and triumph." Well, maybe.
Rating:  Summary: A Pleasant Surprise Review: I saw the previews for it a long time ago and vaguely remembered that I had wanted to see it so I went and rented it. It was nothing like I imagined it would be. I first of all hadn't realized it was originally a french movie. Also I wasn't quite prepared for the length of it. But I fell in love with this movie after I watched it the first time and have watched it several times since. There are a few scenes that are very hard for me to watch because of my fondness for wolves. Be forwarned that a LOT of wolves get slaughtered in this movie. If I had known it was going to happen it may not have affected me as much. (The first time I had to turn it off to recover). Other than that this movie was AWESOME. Some people are complaining about the plot but I guess I just don't see the flaws. I don't know French history at all so that may be why. But I love that there are about 5 different stories waved into one intricate plot that all tie up in the end instead of being left dangling like a lot of other movies do. If you was a gorgeous feast of the eyes film, with great twists and turns mixed with love, tragedy, passion, rage, and a whole kaliedescope more of human emotions, This movie is for you! Check it out!
Rating:  Summary: Science Review: I got this DVD because I was pretty sure that this was the worst movie I'd ever seen, but I blacked out toward the end when I saw it in the theater and woke up alone in a pool of pepsi and sour patch kids. A few months pass, I'm all, "Well, people liked this, I'll see it again, maybe I was wrong." Someday, the welt on my head that I got when I fainted from viewing this DVD will go down. But the six hours and [money] I've now wasted on this pompous half-assed semi-post-action go-nowhere unbelievable piece of garbage, that's gone forever. I could have been watching Happy Gilmore on a bus from Oneonta to Poughkeepsie, but instead, I watched BotW again, because I'm a stupid, stupid idiot. The DVD is, in fact, cut a little from the film I saw in the theater, but this is a plus, not a minus, since the new, shorter length allowed me to get almost all the way through before collapsing. I have yet to check out the extra features, but unless they include a feature that somehow makes your DVD player reach out and punch everyone involved in this horrible, horrible ptravesty right in their privates, they're lacking. I'm writing a letter to the producers of the DVD to let them know that if they want me to add a commentary to the next release, I'm right there: "....and, and, wait, here's the thing i don't....oh, GOD, what the hell is HAPPENING? NOOOOOO! NOOOOOO! oh, dear......why do we.....what the hell....who....but....but...SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUUUUUUUUP!" See, it's not that I don't understand french -- I took six years. And it's not that I don't like brooding, or surrealism, or allegory, or that I can't suspend my disbelief. And it's not that I've got horrible taste, or that I can't take foriegn films. I really, really can, and I really, really expected BotW to be effing awesome. I went in to love it. And it kicked me in my throat, stepped on my wang, and punched me and punched me and punched me. Plot: -10. Acting: -5. Kung Fu: 2 Cinematography: 7 Hairy Fish: -100 Native American Ninja Idea: 6 Bone Chain Sword: - 100000 Overall (not an average): negative one million dollars. Bottom Line: If aliens came down to earth, and saw this movie, they would kill us all. And after seeing it again, I think we would deserve it.
Rating:  Summary: For those of you who are looking for the French version... Review: The title in French is "Le Pacte des Loups" thanks to Larry for the info.) ;-)
Rating:  Summary: Unique Review: The online movie reviews are what first attracted me to this film. They're still accessible. It certainly was worth the wait for "Brotherhood..." to open in only three distant theaters in my area last January. Have been waiting for the DVD ever since. My only quibble with the US DVD, aside from fewer extra features, is the abandonment of the original eerie poster art with the hatted Chevalier and faithful companion Mani for dumbed down cover art (yes, there is shooting; yes, there is chop-socky) apparently made only for les Americains. And thanks, Tampa Tribune, for sending me the DVD as my contest prize!
Rating:  Summary: Canadian Edition Review: To correct some information below: The Canadian Editions come in either a 1 disc edition or in a 3 disc special edition. There is no 2 disc edition. And yes, there are English subtitles, as well as French subtitles, the original French version, and a dubbed English version. Only the commentaries are not subtitled or dubbed into English. You get deleted scenes (including the missing two-thirds of the first fight scene) which run about 45 minutes if you include the introductions by the director, a making-of which is about 1 1/2 hours long, a history of the true story the movie is based upon, and other features. For some reason, not even the Canadian Amazon site seems to carry this, so I would recommend an e-mail campaign. Why settle for the second-rate edition?
Rating:  Summary: "THONGS, WHIMPERS AND A SLIGHT KICK in the .." Review: NOW, now now, some things don't travel well, and this Gallic Import from across the pond is somewhat of a flatulent mishap. Sure, it looks fine all misty focus, lots of 'atmosphere', interesting score, attractive leads, so what exactly is wrong? The pace, this one drags along like a bad roadshow version of 'Carmen' and in some cases looks very much like it - also strongly reminds one of the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" - with the ludricrous beast subbing for old Leatherface and his chainsaw. No, save yourself some time - see this one only IF you must - [gives 'Sleepy Hollow' a bad name]. AND possibly the worst dubbing ever! Just what are those accents???
Rating:  Summary: Theatre vs DVD Review: The DVD version was not true to the Theatre version in French, with many scenes cut shorter. The same scenes made it to the deleted list with comments from the director, who seems apologetic about the cutting of scenes which he personally liked. I was somewhat disappointed overall, as some scenes make much more sense uncut. Especially the first fight scene.
Rating:  Summary: Supoib. Review: I liked this film, I may have been falling asleep towards the end, but still it had me engrossed for the most part. A very different film to many i've seen before. Two of the kings men travel to a small village to investigate the murders of people carried out by some kind of wolf. The short but sweet martial arts scenes are rather impressive as are the acting performances. I was surprised this was released at my local multiplex but i'm glad it was. The SFX weren't amazing but in this day and age it's hard to stay ahead of the pack. This film has wonderful cinematography and is depressingly dark and the scenes in the rain are almost breath taking.