Rating:  Summary: Never base a movie off a videogame again Review: I can picture the directors when they finished this movie. "Hey since this movies sucks so bad, lets just show alot of scenes with topless chicks." The story sucked, the acting sucked, the logic of it sucked, even the nudity sucked. Basically there wasn't one good thing about this movie except to please junior high kids with the nudity. The actions scenes were fake and the zombies looked stupid. The worst part was that flashes from the game kept appearing on screen. Was this some kind of subliminal message, or were the directors stupid enough to think that we couldn't remeber what movie we were watching. Pure crap. Instead rent Cabin Fever or Wrong Turn for a good horror movie.
Rating:  Summary: DONT BUY IT! Review: I dont even know where to begin. This movie was just so horrible. The acting sucked for one. Hell, even the sound quality sucks! And what the hell are game screenshots doing in this movie!? I cant find one good thing to say about this crap excuse for a movie. Whats even worse is that fact that the director is making even MORE movies based off video games (alone in the dark, blood rayne, etc...) Its not even worth renting. Dont waste your money.
Rating:  Summary: Painful Review: Do not, I repeat, do NOT watch this movie. It's 2 hours of your life that you will never get back. It's unbelievably bad, and not even bad enough to be campy. Uwe Boll should be lynched for unleashing this monstrosity. It's movies like this that turn people away from the horror genre.
Rating:  Summary: What is everyone scared of? Review: I'm not going to mention how bad the acting was, everyone else did that for me, but geesh! Aside from everything else mentioned in previous reviews, one thing I found annoying was how everyone was concerned for their safety. However, whenever there was an encounter with the zombies, they either turned into the Karate Kid or Rambo and made quick work of the zombies. I thought to myself, what are the afraid of? Also, the fight scene to get into the house lasted forever, of course everything takes longer in bullet time.
Rating:  Summary: THE WORST movie Review: I have never in my life (as an amazon.com member) felt so prompted to write a bad review, but after seeing this movie I just felt like I had to warn others.This movie contains the weakest storyline, the dryest dialogues, and the WORST acting I have EVER seen. It isn't worth your money or even your time.
Rating:  Summary: Definitely WORST Zombie Film ever!!! Review: I shelled out $14.00 for my wife and I to see this Garbage in the theatres. My wife said it would suck. She was right. Guys, listen to your wifes. I LOVE Zombie flicks, I thought maybe this one would start a resurgance of the genre. Fangoria magazine actually gave this movie their "seal of approval"....Guess what they say doesn't matter anymore. There is NOTHING to recommend about this flick, NOTHING! I had to write something when I saw the price of this dvd, WAAAAY too high!!! This cannot even claim "Cult Movie Status" via the bad acting direction, etc. My God it even has Clint Howard (Opie's Brother) in what I would have to say is his worst in a career of bad films!! Buy an old classic like The Beyond or Dawn Of The Dead or Suspiria, or poke out your eyes with a hot poker. I felt like it after watching this crap!! Steer clear of this!! You've been WARNED!!! :)
Rating:  Summary: At least it was laughable Review: This movie was so laughable! Lots of very very bad acting, and even worse dialogue. And yes, the editing was bad as well. However we did enjoy poking fun at the movie while watching it, kind of like the guys on Mystery Science Theatre...in fact this movie would be perfect for that! The scenes of the guy throwing up on the girl on the boat and the girl standing bare chested at the sink cleaning the puke off her shirt and letting the creepy shipmate in the room with her; the guy in the outhouse when it fell down and showered him with body waste; the scenes when they were in the house and the guy whining and feeling sorry for himself because his face was disfigured (how about his brain???); the guy whining because he had to helplessly stand by and watch while the zombies killed his girlfriend; and the list goes on. One of the worst movies we've seen in a long time...
Rating:  Summary: 2nd worst movie ever Review: I cannot believe that someone actually gave the go-ahead on this mighty loser. There are so many things wrong with this movie that it is almost impossible to list them all, but I will list a few. First off is the acting. This is some of the worst acting I have ever seen. Secondly is the editing. The editing in this movie is almost non-existent. There are scenes on the boat where it is raining and then the next shot it is not, and then the next shot it is raining again. The horror/terror is so laughable that it is not even funny. (if that even makes sense, but since I am reviewing this movie, I don't have to make sense.) The plot does not make sense, nor do you really care what happens. Did I mention how bad the acting was? And again, the acting, it is soooo horrible that I could spend all day and night, and most likely a few more days, describing how bad it is. All that combined equals the most horrible movie ever made, well, the most horrible movie next to "In the cut". I enjoyed this movie far more than I enjoyed that Meg Ryan fiasco.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely Awful... I loved it!!! Review: This has to be one of the worst films ever made, but I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life. From the terrible acting and dialogue, to the overtly blatant nudity. From the video game footage edited into the film, to the ridiculous over-use of the Matrix camera pan. Seriously this movie makes Anaconda look good.
Rating:  Summary: I wanted to like it Review: I love zombie movies. Generally, I can find even the most horrible horror flick watchable. Unfortunately, House Of The Dead was so wretched that I was counting the seconds until it ended. The plot is vague at best, the acting is worse than a grade school play and they include effects that should have been left in the video game. I can safely say that this is in the worst zombie movie I have ever seen.