Rating:  Summary: A disappointment after the build up of this movie Review: I thought this movie was a big letdown after I had read so many reviews on it. I went out and bought it about the the The Ring came out. I bought both of these movies because they were both built up to be these real scary movies, but I did not see that. Suspiria was really a bore and I did not even find very much suspense in it.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent camera work, colours, great print ... ends there Review: Let's give credit where credit is due. Suspiria has beautiful colours, fantastic camera work, and a nice transfer. It ends there. The basic plot and appalling acting let the film down. As for the horror scenes - well, let's remember that it was made in 1977 and the horror scenes would have frightened audiences then - the R rating was fitting for the time. Times have changed, and audiences expect more of horror films.DVD SUMMARY: If you are like me, and heard so much about Suspiria, you will want to see it to satisfy your own curiosity. Aside from the bad points regarding the acting and plot, I am pleased to tell you that Anchor Bay have delivered a STUNNING print of this movie on DVD. It's so pristine that it's hard to believe it was filmed in 1977. Everything about the print deserves 10 out of 10. It should be reference for how to restore an old film. I have the Single Disc edition DVD, which is probably the best version to buy if you haven't seen the film. You still get the same version shown on the 3-disc, and some extras (but not the documentary), and also the DTS soundtrack. Suspiria is a difficult DVD movie to find to rent, so if you are interested in seeing it, just buy the single edition DVD (it's cheaper). Despite the fact that I don't really love the movie, I am still glad to own it because of the camera work and colours - as well as the excellent DVD transfer. Nothing can quite prepare you for the incredible restoration work that Anchor Bay have done. Bravo Anchor Bay.
Rating:  Summary: Good, but slow Review: The murder scene in the beginning of this movie is the highlight. Other than that the movie drags. The imagery is pretty cool too. If you are sensitive to bad acting I wouldn't get it either. But then horror films are not known for great acting.
Rating:  Summary: Rent then Buy!!!! Review: Suspira has alot of happy memories for me from when i was a teenager and first discovering the enjoyment of a horror cinema. I first discovered Dario Argento when i got my mother to hire me the heavily cut VHS version that was only avalible in Australia, (the uncut version has only been avalible here for a short time). When i watch the film for the first time i was caught up with the visual contexts of the film and thought the story of a covern of witches at a school was wicked !!! From there i went on to see all his other films of Dario and thought over time his direction seems to have got weaker. However, you know that your in for an interesting viewing if its directed by Dario. Anyways, to my delight Suspira was released on DVD uncut and full of extras this year and i purchased it straight away. After 10 years i watched this film again and the following is based on this viewing not just happy horror memories from yester year. I still believe that for Italian cinema in the 70's this was one of the best films. It is accessible to international audience due to its mixture of italian and english dialogue and actors. However, i did notice that the english over dubbing was over dramatic and made some tense scenes simply laughable. Furthermore in the scene with the girl and the wire, (its not barbed people, i mean it just looks like what it , large amounts of un-barbed wire in circle formations), how she didnt see the wire before jumping in is beyound me. It nearly a fully lite room and the wire is only about a metre down from her postion. Its like seeing a shark fin in a tank and jumping in. This was my first real " oh for the love of god" moment of this film and made me question the creditabilty of the film somewhat. Furthermore in the first murder how do we go from the girls room to the rooftop. There is no transion scene from point a to b to c. We just go from the room to the what i guess is just below the roof top as she falls through the centre of the window on the ceiling of the main foyer. It just didn't make sense and hurt any antipation or horror at the scene. I mean when i watch a horror movie i have to be caught up in the atmosphere and the story so that my mind and body begin to tense up but when u are in this state and suddnely you get a muddled scene like this is just changes the mood instantely. Apart from this though the film still held up to my adult eyes and i still really enjoyed the visual style to the movie. The best thing though to come from this movie though is the music. I believed when i was teenager and i still believe today that the chantting of ' witch witch witch' is damn spooky and the way in which the electronic tone increases as the movie goes on is effective, (however get a load of the guys that composed the track on one of the extras, what a joke !!!! the word SAD comes to mind). Overall, the film is a piece of quality italian horror and if u classify yourself as a horror expect you will have already added this too your collect. If your new to it all u may just find it all a bit hokey as the next generation of horror shows how dated this film is. Horror, like everything changes, and what was impactful in the late 70's and early 80's just doesnt cut it with some of the more recent horror films avalible and the new generation who watch them but for a piece of classic horror history, intriguing storyline, (its not as bad as some reviewers have stated), the interesting and spooky sound track and the visual style of Dario, its a worthy purchase. However, i recommend that if your not familar with it to rent first.
Rating:  Summary: Fails on all levels. Review: With all due respect, if you think this is "one of the scariest movies ever made," you have not seen nearly enough scary movies. Suspiria is indeed frightening...frighteningly bad. Don't try to find any semblance of a cohesive plot...there is none. Rather, we get a series of badly acted scenes intended to spook us but which merely made me laugh out loud at the ineptitude on screen. Funniest of all, perhaps, was the obviously fake bat and fake dog, which were no doubt purchased at the toy store down the street. A couple of violent scenes do interrupt what seems like hours of plodding, boring exposition. But these death scenes are so amateurish, so badly executed, that you'll laugh yourself silly watching them. Of course, if you like watching endless scenes of people dancing, this is the movie for you. Actually, there is one good part of the film...the closing credits. Finally, this ... has come to an end!
Rating:  Summary: Reviews are lies Review: I had read so much about this movie, it was called one of the scarriest movie of all time...please. This was awful. I love the Italian horror movie genre even though they are cheesy, but this movie was not at all scary. The plot was lousy, the special effects awful. Aviod this movie...
Rating:  Summary: Simply put ... [bad] Review: Don't get me wrong, I am no prude. I like gore, macabre horror, and sinister plot lines. But, Suspiria was just too disturbing. It is for those who are unconcerned with plot and dialogue and just like graphic depictions of murder. I only got through the first 10-15 minutes then stopped the tape. I contemplated just throwing the tape out, but that would've been a grand waste. I will never watch the movie, and don't suggest anyone buying it unless on an impulse buy ... But, most people, I suspect, will be highly disappointed. Save your money for a better choice.
Rating:  Summary: Whacked Review: Since I seem to be on an Italian horror kick, it's essential that I touch down on Dario Argento, and what better example than Suspiria. In the much shunned subgenre of Italian horror, Dario Argento is one director who actually won the critics over a time or two. You look on any top ten scary movie lists, you can bet Suspiria is on it. This film isn't really frightening-in fact most people think it's stupid and/or corny- but it's certainly original. The plot isn't much to brag about, this film is all about style. I've always thought you could make a movie about anything and make it interesting if you presented it correctly. Usually it's only the film snobs that pick up on the wild visual style Argento uses, but you certainly don't have to be a film snob to see it. Alot of the people I suggest this to usually think it's boring and silly. Granted these people aren't familiar with the genre and get scared to death by films like The House On Haunted Hill remake. Sure, Suspiria has it's parts that drag a bit, and the dubbing makes it sound corny(as usual), but all I can tell you is to view it with an open mind. Go into it understanding that the Italians make horror films different from American directors. And don't mistake different for dumb. Argento's movies are pretty whacked out(in fact, he's pretty whacked out, check out his documentaries), and not all of them are masterpieces, but he's really got vision. He's not a schlockmeister like his fellow countryman in Italian horror, Lucio Fulci(schlockmeister perhaps, but I love him to death), he's the kind of director that's likely to be studied in a film class. He doesn't go for the all out gore attack like Fulci, but Argento's violence is certainly not for the squeamish. The first murder scene in Suspiria is probably one of the most intense ever put on film. I'll guarantee you everyone in the room will stop what they're doing to see it! It may not have the Fulci gore, but it's got ten times more intensity. I've rarely seen music used to such a great effect. So, I'd definitely check this one out if you'd like to see Italian horror with an artsy edge. In fact, you should see Suspiria just to say you've seen it.
Rating:  Summary: What a waste Review: I purchased this film based on the great reviews I've read over the years about it, I should have rented it and saved myself the money. This movie was horrible. If this movie was supposed to be like a dream, it was right on target because much like a dream, this film made no sense at all. To say it was boring would be a gross understatement. I'm a big fan of horror films, and I'm not to picky about quality or plot. Even by my standards, this isn't even worth watching. If you want to watch an Argento film, [...].
Rating:  Summary: Dario's dream-like, horror masterpiece Review: If you've never seen a Dario Argento film and are curious as to why he has such a huge cult following, "Suspiria" is a great place to start finding out. The atmosphere Argento creates in the film fills you with such a sense of heavy dread, it's no wonder that he claims that this film and "Inferno" (an inferior but stylish follow-up) were exhausting to make. Most likely, he probably creeped himself out. "Suspiria" will make your skin crawl, even when nothing seems to be happening. Argento even makes falling rain seem disturbing. The film moves like a dream, and the Goblin soundtrack is haunting. This is the best, creepiest music I have ever heard in a horror film. The storyline is basic, as in most Argento films, and what moves the viewer is not the story (centering around a dancing-academy run by a coven of witches) but the style and dreamy-quality of Argento's directing. The gore is strong in this movie, so sensitive viewers beware. For any fan of good horror, this film is a must. If you've never seen Argento, now is a good time to start. And start with "Suspiria"!