Rating:  Summary: Is "Zombie" a sequal to "Dawn Of The Dead?" Review: When "Dawn Of The Dead" was released in Italy it was titled as "Zombi". One year after the release of "Dawn Of The Dead", critically aclaimed Italian gorefest director Luchio Fulchi directed this film , known as "Zombi 2" in Italy. The director of "Dawn Of The Dead" George A. Romero was not happy with the release of "Zombi 2."
Rating:  Summary: Essential Zombie Viewing Review: I have loved horror films ever since I was a kid, but there have only been two films I had to turn off because they were too disturbing to my young mind. The Shining and Fulci's Zombie. The films cinematography is glorious! The widescreen aspect ratio was fully utilized and I would ONLY recommend purchasing the letterboxed version. And the lighting is quite sureal, reminiscent of the type Mario Bava used in Black Sabbath, Blood and Black Lace. Check out all the things they do with light when the two main characters are on the abandoned boat at night. A lesser filmaker would have just shot the film, but the lighting is used to great effect. And the musical score is excellent. What would the film be like without the tribal beats and moaning in the background? Some of the special effects are admitadly lame (ex-a bullet in the head is simply a red splat of paint), yet some are stunning. Obviously the legendary eye plinter scene as well as other sequences, but the zombies themselves are masterful constructions. And yes, the Zombie/shark battle was inspired. And it looks so cool in its digitally remastered form. If you are reading this, you know you love this stuff...
Rating:  Summary: A Rather Good One Review: The make-up effects in this one are first-rate and extremely gory! The DVD is excellent with a cool commentary and widescreen transfer.
Rating:  Summary: Greatest zombie movie ever made! Review: R.I.P Lucio FulciThis is the single greatest zombie movie ever made! The plot is fast moving and the action scenes are never too far apart. The gore is second to none and the zombies are the best ever seen on the silver screen. Some memorable moments include the zombie/shark battle and the eye piercing sliver! While it stands alone as a great movie it could be seen as the perfect explanation for the happenings in Romero's Dead Trilogy. Simple genius.
Rating:  Summary: A must for Zombie fans Review: A great movie if you're into the Zombie genre. This film displays some great and "gory" special effects. See it if you've got the stomach for it!
Rating:  Summary: Better than a sleeping pill Review: Don't bother with this one. Like everything else director Lucio Fulci ever did it is boooooring. The man was truly a hack. And I won't even waste words on how awful the dialogue, acting, and script are. Yes, the new DVD transfer looks pretty good, but why would anyone waste the time, effort and money to remaster a retarded movie like this? That's what I want to know. Go rent NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD or DAWN OF THE DEAD if zombies are your bag.
Rating:  Summary: Wretched Review: A tedious excuse for a horror film, as boring and as artless as it gets. The gore effects are impressive, but you can't make a movie out of stage blood and sheep intestines.
Rating:  Summary: "Zombie" a sequal to "Dawn Of The Dead?" Review: In Italy the name of "Dawn Of The Dead" is Zombie, but this film in Italy is called Zombie 2, because it claims to be a sequal to "Dawn Of The Dead." It is just as good as "Dawn Of The Dead", and the characters are likable, and the zombies are awesomely designed.
Rating:  Summary: one of the best Review: ZOMBIE is one of the best zombie movies out there but not as good as DAWN OF THE DEAD or DAY OF THE DEAD but still a great movie. I warn you after you see that zombie on the boat at the begining of the movie do your self a favor fastforward till you see the people in a boat in the water. jak
Rating:  Summary: Delicious Masterpiece of the Macabre Review: Fulci embraces the Zombie genre with lusty displays of violence and gore, finely painted with his masterful direction. Though the storyline is rather basic, Fulci has a way of presenting the raw emotion and terror of a horror film, many directors lack today.The opening drags you into the deep jungle of an uncharted island, lending hands to it's stumbling, maggot-ridden occupants with the eerie music score. We follow a group of individuals and fall prey to their perils as hordes of blood-thirsty zombies ravage the island's remaining occupants, then turn on the rest of the world in a shocking ending....****Recommended for Romero fans who love the Zombie-esque style of the Italians!!