Rating:  Summary: Zombie Review: Watch it for the gore and you'll have a blast. Watch it for Oscar-calibur acting and a script that keeps you guessing and I wouldn't wanna be you.
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining, if not enchanting Review: ok, just so you know, this movie is NOT better than Dawn of the Dead. in fact, it's not better than any movie in Romero's 'Dead' trilogy. the acting is abyssmal, and the overdubbing leaves a lot to be desired. the script is poor in many places, and there are so many inconsistencies with the zombies that i couldn't name them all if i tried (e.g. zombies take entire days to rise after death, but near the end of the movie they start to rise after less than 30 seconds?). and the zombie/shark battle...that was pretty horrible. i found out later that the actor who was going to play the zombie in that scene got sick on the day of filming, so it was the shark's trainer who took his place. maybe that's why it was so terrible?but you gave it three stars? why? well, i'm assuming you, the prospective buyer, are a zombie fan. possibly not a fantatic like me, but a fan. and despite its many flaws, this is still a fun zombie movie. the gore truly does deserve an accolade for what that's worth, though that's not what fuels my interest in the genre. the zombies were just cool. bent-necked, shambling (no running or anything like that)...there were a lot of cool, creepy parts, especially the cutaways to the all-but deserted town, where zombies with wonderfully convincing makeup shambled idly through... Romero's the master of the genre, and i won't dispute it, but Fulci deserves some credit for both this and The Beyond...so if you like zombies, give it a shot.
Rating:  Summary: A Zombtastic Classic Review: This film was called zombie flesheaters in the uk, and in the early eighties was banned (along with The Evil Dead) - the main offending scene was one in which a character gets her eye skewered on a splinter from a broken door, whilst being pulled by the hair by a zombie. The acting ain't great, the plot is predicatble, but the gore is A1 classic gore. So OTT its ridiculously fabulous, and so 'believable' your girlfriend will hate to watch this film... or boyfriend for that matter. The music just adds to the suspense, and the dialogue matters especially in scenes when they should be running away but instead they talk... and stutter until , well you know what'll happen. Not to be taken too seriously... a horror classic in every sense.
Rating:  Summary: As hardcore as zombie films get! Fulci delivers BIG-TIME! Review: "DAWN OF THE DEAD" was a satire masquerading as a horror film. Lucio Fulci's "ZOMBIE" is a straight-ahead, pull-no-punches gorefest that gets under your skin and forever leaves its mark etched in your brain. While it contains the typical dubbing unfortunately commonplace with Italian releases, this movie DOES benefit from an exceptional use of lighting, music, and sound. The makeup, especially that of the zombies themselves, is nothing short of amazing. Fulci portrays his walking dead straightforwardly, thus making their presence onscreen that much more effective. For me, on a visceral level, this was a much stronger film than any of George Romero's ventures. For what it lacks in acting and voiceovers, it makes up for with sheer, unrelenting thrills. That eye-piercing scene STILL makes me flinch, OUCH! Easily one of the most satisfying zombie films this viewer has ever seen! DO seek out the WIDESCREEN edition, you'll be glad you did!
Rating:  Summary: Graphic, pull-no-punches carnage, Fulci-style! Review: You should start by tracking down the WIDESCREEN edition of this film, it really is worth the money you'll pay. "ZOMBIE" was, for me, a much stronger film than Romero's "DAWN OF THE DEAD". While it contains the typical dubbing unfortunately commonplace with a foriegn release, it also features some of the most gut-churning F/X you're ever likely to see! The zombies, themselves, are also portrayed straightforwardly. Unlike a Romero film, you won't find any comical personality traits among the walking dead. They are all as cold as the ground they rise up from. The film also benefits from an extraordinary use of lighting, sound, and music. Granted, it DOES have its slow spots. But the payoff is far from disappointing. Any children or people with weak stomachs need not apply. This IS as hardcore a zombie flick as you're ever going to see, this movie will scare you!
Rating:  Summary: A poor, overrated film Review: Honestly, I really can't believe the cult status this film has recieved over the years. It certainly deserves very little attention. It is simply a poorly made Italian zombie cheapie that moves excruciatingly slowly (more slowly than the shambling zombies)! The production values are noticeably cheap, and the acting is horrible (and poorly dubbed, no less). No matter what people say, "Zombie" is indeed a poor imitation of "Dawn of the Dead" (and a shameless attempt to make money). "Dawn of the Dead" sent shockwaves throughout the horror world, and especially enticed Italy to churn out some god awful zombie cheapies like this and numerous others that are equally forgettable (like Lenzi's "City of the Walking Dead", "Zombie Island Massacre", Bruno Mattei's "Hell of the Living Dead" and many others). And what are gorehounds doing watching this, let alone RAVING about it? It is extremely talky for over an hour where almost nothing happens, and then we are treated to some admittedly intense gore scenes, and a rather abrupt ending. Woo hoo. And as for the shark scene, it was good, but why base your entire opinion on the whole film on one short scene? If you want a zombie film with gore, a great pace, AND a script and characters that make you think (and that you care about) check out the director's cut of "Dawn of the Dead". It is FAR more graphic and gory and still makes you think.
Rating:  Summary: Ummmmm...OK Review: I honestly don't understand why this film has a cult following. I've never liked it, but last night I went home and watched it again since so many people seem to love it. What I found was the same: voodoo has raised an army of flesh-eaters on a remote island, and that's pretty much all that happens of interest in this film. The camera work is blurry and dark, the dialogue is awful, and the scenes go on and on about nothing. To be fair, the film has some fantastic gore effects and truly ghastly zombie makeup, and is almost worth seeing for that reason(unless, of course, you have a weak stomach, in which case, why are you reading this?). It's just that the rest of the film is so dull and pointless that even the gore can't save it. I tried to be optimistic, but this film just bored and depressed me. If you really like Italian horror cinema(which admittedly I don't like very much of), then you'll probably like this. All others, stay away. Far, far away.
Rating:  Summary: Better than Dawn Review: I found Zombie to be the best zombie flick out there. Dawn had some amazing scenes in the beginning; eg/the raid at the slums/ but the rest of the film was a disappointment. Zombie, however, never seems to let up aside from the obligatory scene in New York that all Italian exploitation films have to have. The score is well, very eighties and even haunting. I have found a couple of fun bloopers in the film. One is that during the shark scene, the zombie blows out bubbles! Another is that in a tropical island such as Matool, a corpse buried in a shallow grave would rot to liquid over about a year. Yet over a hundred years later, the conquistador zombies rise again! But what the hell. It is well acted, you get into the story, and what a grand finale! Also the zombies look like zombies should, scary and deteriorating, not like a bunch of extras with blue face paint. And no complaints over the diving scene either. I rate it as the secon best of the genre behind Day of the Dead, in ahead of Night of the Living Dead.
Rating:  Summary: ZOMBIE Review: This movie is excellent! It is the perfect companion to Dawn Of The Dead. Only Zombie is 100% more terrifying. The makeup fx on the Zombies are second to none, & the music is very fitting ffor the mood & story. LOTSA GUTS & MEAT CHUNKS dangling out of the mouths of the Zombies give this film more BITE than Dawn Of The Dead
Rating:  Summary: BETTER THAN DAWN OF THE DEAD! Review: Lots of people think this is a rip-off of Dawn Of The Dead but other than the zombies this film doesn't have any relation to DOTD and the creepy voodoo music darkens the atmosphere and the camera job makes it look like a snuff film.The bad thing about this film is there are no loveable actors in it.Iv'e searched every where for this and finally got it!If you have a chance to get your hands on it I suggest you do because soon this film will be in moratorium.