Rating:  Summary: Eye-Sore! (Not what I mean!) Review: For those who have seen the movie, you know what I'm referring to! I own the VHS that Anchor bay released, and I am happy with the sound and quality of this copy as a contrast to the orangy shaded version I first saw! Sure there's a few plotholes, but what italian movie production doesn't! These zombies greatly overshadow those of Romero, the gore and make-up effects by Gino De Rossi are eye candy, the cast is a little more lively than that of other italio gorefests, the ending has a cool look to it, and is an excellent tribute to Jacques Tourner. For the uneducated, Tourner directed the voodoo zombie classic, "I Walked With A Zombie", which was a major influence on Fulci's "Zombie". Over all, it is a must for fans of zombies, gore, and films of Fulci.
Rating:  Summary: What Is It With Lucio Fulci? Review: Could this movie be a bit more boring? It is so dull. At least it makes sense and that is saying a lot for a FULCI film. I love THE BEYOND. I love CITY OF THE LIVING DEAD (until the end), and I love HOUSE BY THE CEMETERY. But is everything else he directed total trash?! DON'T TORTURE A DUCKLING is dreck and so is MANHATTAN BABY. ZOMBIE is just mindbogglingly awful and it uses the same score from all his other movies. Did he only have the rights to one soundtrack ever?
Rating:  Summary: Fulci's Best & First Entry into the Gothic Horror Genre Review: 300 year old Spanish conquistadors and jilted villagers working side by side to EAT EVERYONE on a deserted island. This movie rocks! From the cheap MIDI SOUNDTRACK to the extreme gore effects this is the most fun to watch zombie film of all time. It is also Fulci's best film ever. He succeeded here because there was no continuity necessary, and none delivered. Including the incredibly ignorant police, everyone in this film is completely oblivious to the flesh-eating zombies. Unconscious to the fact that the city has been over-run by the undead, people are seen driving to work like any other day at the end of this film. Apparently the apocalypse wasn't enough to keep them from going about their daily routines! BUY THIS! It's fun, it's creepy, and it might even frighten you at times.
Rating:  Summary: horror movie fan Review: This is one of the scariest zombie horror flicks that I have ever seen! If you've seen more recent zombie movies, such as Return of the Living Dead, you'll love this one! The special effects and make-up were awesome considering the era that this movie was released(1979).
Rating:  Summary: Repetitive and gruesome; solely for gore aficionados. Review: A word to the wise: anyone preparing to watch Lucio Fulci's gore-infested splatter flick "Zombie" may want to keep a couple of trash bags ready in case you feel the need to spew. Laugh if you will at this warning, but don't dare say you weren't informed. Like so many films from Italian filmmakers, "Zombie" follows a similar path where one can expect a plethora of bloodshed and violent murder, all stitched to a story that exists solely for its makeup effects. Add to that a cast of B-list and unknown actors, and English dubbing that never fits the movement of the characters' mouths, and you have a formula for yet another cheesy horror movie that is sure to become (and has become) a cult classic. It opens with the obligatory suspense setup, in which an unmanned sailboat meanders aimlessly throughout New York harbor. As the Coast Guard investigates, a strange, corpse-like creature rips out one officer's throat before he is shot by the second, falling into the water Is he really dead? Can the undead even be killed? Getting back on track, Ann Bowles (Tisa Farrow) the daughter of the boat's owner, becomes worrisome when told that her father was not on board the vessel; after crossing paths with reporter Peter West (Ian McCulloch), the two embark on a journey to Matul, a small, uncharted Caribbean island where a Dr. Menard (Richard Johnson) has been performing tests on fatally diseased patients from a small village. The "zombie phenomenon," as it is dubbed by Menard, is never really explained in detail. First we are informed that the villagers suffer from some form of widespread disease. Down the road, the movie changes course, turning to elements of voodoo and witchcraft; though this seems the more likely path, it still remains uncertain. And while it is of little importance, it does tend to nag one if thought about in excess. And speaking of excess, you may not find a collection of gore as shocking and gruesome as what "Zombie" has to offer. Once on the island, Ann and Peter, along with shipmates Brian and Susan, seek out Menard to inquire about Ann's missing father, whom they are told died of the disease. All the while, corpses are rising out of the ground, from the hospital beds in a converted church, to an old Spanish burial ground, ready to take a bite out of anything that lives and breathes. Some of these images are hard to shake from memory: in one of the movie's most famed scenes, a victim is impaled through her eyeball by a wooden splinter. Later, we return to this gruesome scene to witness various zombies chowing down on her remains. Despite their rancid appearance, the makeup is undoubtedly realistic, and provides for a chilling shock factor that does evoke a slight degree of suspense. However, if you've seen one attack, you've seen them all. From there on, it's mainly a vomitorium of zombies taking large bites out of victims' throats, arms and legs, all of which is propagated by massive amounts of dark, gushing blood. I hate to say it, but it does tend to get old after some time, and as the movie begins to reach its climax, culminating in a showdown where the remaining survivors are trapped in the hospital surrounded by zombies, the predictability shatters the energy. For horror buffs and gore aficionados, "Zombie" is a must-see. For those familiar with the works of George Romero and the great Dario Argento, Fulci's film will seem like just another exercise in repellant horror, a copycat film that is less appealing and less entertaining.
Rating:  Summary: Zombie kicks ... Review: What can I say??? Totally wasn't expecting ZOMBIE to be this awesome!!!! One,if not, THE best Fulci film around. The elecronic score went very well with the film and managed to create a very creepy, unsettling atmosphere. Gore effects are nice, but tame compared to his more hardcore stuff like "House By the Cemetary" and "New York Ripper". ZOMBIE is a great introduction to Fulci...The DVD looks and sounds great on my 5.1 system..Thanx Anchor Bay!
Rating:  Summary: Gorgeous gore & effect music & mood Review: Pros: Gorgeous gore (though not as much of it as I expected), effective voodoo & drum music (except for a few synth/reggae moments), eerie overall mood. Cons: poor dubbing, lame dialogue, half-ass plot, mediocre acting (though not as bad as I expected; it's the dubbing which undermines the performances, which aren't really that bad), and I was suprised how much of movie is SLOW. I recommend cranking the music; it really adds. Overall, Fulci squeezed a solid horror piece out of a small budget. The look of the zombies, score, & mood set it apart from hack work, as does the occasional visual flair and creative direction (the build-up to the eye splinter scene is worthy of Argento). Fulci definitely has an "eye" for horror. But still, it is a pretty dumb movie folks, with none of the satire, imagination, and pacing than Romero injected into his films.
Rating:  Summary: ZOMBIE- the greatest zombiefest ever made! Review: This is my favorite zombie film, right up there with CITY OF THE LIVING DEAD, and THE BEYOND. Fulci's zombies are probably the most gruesome ever put upon film, and the special gore effects are magnificent! A young woman (Tisa Farrow), and a reporter (Ian McCullogh), travel to the carribean island of Matool in a desperate attempt to find her missing father. But they have no idea that some of the inhabitants have been practicing voodoo, and a doctor (Richard Johnson) has been experimenting with the living dead- causing them to rise, seeking human flesh. This is a very scary film- ignore the ignorant reviews such as that of Leonard Maltin's- this is one great film, and one of my favorites as well. This DVD is well worth owning and worth the money. A must own!!
Rating:  Summary: What Zombie Movies Should Be Like Review: Lucio Fulci nailed it with 'Zombie'. It is the quintessential zombie film. Pay no attention to the mindless critics who would have you believe this is a lame rip-off of 'Dawn of the Dead'. As a pure zombie film, it beats 'DOTD' in all aspects. The rip-off theory comes from the simple fact that distributors attempted to present 'Zombie' as a sequel to 'DOTD' in Europe, in an attempt to cash in on the success of 'DOTD'. Otherwise, it doesn't remotely resemble 'DOTD'. Fulci's zombies are digusting, putrid, decaying, mangled corpses, which is what fans of the genre desire. They are simply the best representations of zombies on film. You won't get any of Romero's 'powder-blue' zombies in this film. The make-up & special effects are surprisingly good for a 1979 film. The zombie vs. shark sequence is great! The plot is very simple & effective: a missing doctor's crewless sailboat leads his daughter & a reporter to the remote island of Matoull, in the Antilles. The island is cursed, and soon zombies are closing in on all residents. The recently-dead are returning to life, as do some other 'surprise' guests of Matoull. Time is running out, and there's nowhere to run. Pretty frightening plot, if you think about it. Flesh-craving zombies aggressively seeking out every living being on a remote island, with a fittingly apocalyptic ending. There's plenty of Fulci's trademark over-the-top gore, but it is spaced out well-enough, as are the zombies that appear onscreen, so as not to become the focal point. Fulci creates a genuinely creepy, barren atmosphere on the island as the film progresses. It seems to be is style to move things along a bit slowly, but it in no way hinders the film. It's not a love story, it's not about the characters, it's a zombie flick and it triumphs as such. You'll enjoy this film more each time you watch it. I've seen many reviewers here label Lucio Fulci a hack, while heaping praise on the likes of Dario Argento. I must say it's a bit confusing. Fulci presents a much more enjoyable experience than anything I've seen by Argento. Fulci's work never comes off as pretentious,or taking itself too seriously, or 'too brilliant for the viewer to understand'. His work is far superior to that of Argento's 'arthouse' unwatchable trash. If you believe the hype about Argento and the panning of Fulci, you are certainly missing the superior horror experience.
Rating:  Summary: Among the greatest zombie flicks ever! Review: Ok, i'm starting to get tired of people saying this is a "rip-off" of Dawn of the Dead. The only thing this movie has in common with DOTD or that people might call it a rip-off because is, 1.There is zombies, but DOTD did not create zombies!, 2. They tried to pull this off as a sequel to DOTD which didn't work then they later got sued by the production crew od DOTD (lol). Those 2 things are not reasons to call this a rip-off of DOTD, ok so now that that's clear on to the movie. This is a great zombie film, the zombies are probally the most detailed i've ever seen in a zombie flick. The scene where the zombie fights the shark is amazing, did you knwo the actor that was suppose to do that got sick and they made the sharks trainer be the zombie! There is also the famous "splinter in eye" scene that shook the horror world! This is a great film, lots of gore from the godfather of gor Lucio Fulci. The soundtrack blends in well with this movie, this was a masterpiece!