Rating:  Summary: What A Cool Movie!!!! Review: I love this movie! It's funny and entertaining and gory, and well, it just has it all! What's cool about this movie is that it's funny without being cheesy. My favorite part is when Timothy Balme says "Party's over". Classic! May not be for some people, but I highly recommend for horror movie lovers. I would have to say it is one of the gorriest movies I've ever seen, and the coolest! See this movie!!!
Rating:  Summary: Peter Jackson's best cult film. Not for weak stomachs. Review: Most people in the public at large now know Peter Jackson for his amazing "Lord of the Rings" movie, and his upcommig latter two installments. His older movies, laced with devilish wit, extreme violence, and original plots are definitely worth taking a look at. The story is about a young man with an overbearing mother, your typical dysfunctional family with a tainted history. One day, when her son is on a date at the zoo, she follows them and is bitten by the zoo's most gruesome and unusual display, a "Rat Monkey" (the offspring of foreign rats mating with tree monkeys). Without giving too many details away, the results are horrific. The amount of violence in this movie is extreme, but done so in a way that is more silly than horrifying. Graphic as it is, it is all part of the fun. People who are sensitive to blood and gore should probably avoid this movie all the same. The "Dead Alive" DVD is worth getting mainly because it contains the Unrated version, which is the only way to see this movie. Where I live, the Unrated version was not available on video, so the DVD was a great find. The "R" version in question is not worth taking a second look at, since it is extremely watered down, and much of the satirical fun is removed. The DVD has the standard DVD functions, such as subtitles and widescreen. A bit lacking in the extra features department, but I am not complaining. If you are curious about Jackson's older movies, this is definitely one of his best. I would recommend watching this with "Meet the Feebles" and "Heavenly Creatures". It would be one unusual film fest. Enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: What can I say? Review: If you plan on watching this movie I doubt you're a Christain...I mean I am I watched it, but I'd never watch it again...Not to say its a bad movie, cause its not...Its hilarious and gross and way over-the-top..That's what makes it so *GREAT*!!! I NEVER saw a gorier movie and if there ever is a forier movie made, man watch out! Hahahaha Not for the faint-hearted for sure!!! God Bless ~Amy
Rating:  Summary: Whao! Review: There truly is no such thing as a movie with more gore in it. Everything you can imagen is in it, and then some. Cut off heads. Shreaded Humun parts. People being eaten alive. Crushed Brains. Crushed harts. Zombi babies in blenders. Spine spliting. Heavy vomitting. Exploding heads. Blood, Guts and Brains covering all parts of the room. Labotomys. Flying Body parts. Spining heads. Just to name a few. The movie is also very, very funny. Lets just say it is a very different kind of horror flim. Don't watch the R rated virsion.
Rating:  Summary: i am refering to braindead Review: I have read reviews on dead alive on Amazon so i decided to look for it 5 days ago and I found a copy of brain dead for £6, and i must say it is one of the best horror comedy's around, its definatly the goriest film around, i would say its better than the bad taste, it has the best scene ever in a horror film where Linol uses a lawnmoer to chopp up alot of zombies and his girlfriend is putting the parts in to a blender, alot of sick but funny scenes like a zombie gets half his head chopped of by a pair of hedge trimmers, a women gets her insides pulled out by a Zombie and a Zombie baby breaking out of a womens head and there are funny scenes like zombie sex, a zombie head getting put in a blender and a kung fu fighting priest killing zombies. You must try and get a copy of braindead because it contains more gore and plus its a great film, also go get the bad taste, evil dead 2 and the army of darkness
Rating:  Summary: My Mum the Zombie Review: I loved this movie, it was hysterical as much as it was gory. You cannot take the film seriously of course but it's top-notch entertainment. (Providing you have strong stomach). The story is about a "rat monkey" yep it even looks like one, that is brought back from Sumatra. It isn't long after that the fun begins,actually at the zoo where our main character Lionel is on a first date with this Latin honey. Anyway good 'ol Mum shows up and is promptly bitten on the arm from this gross looking ratmonkey. That night she dies..well kinda. There's alot of funny scenes though, too many to write about. My favorite scene though was when this zombie gets his guts squeezed out and they come alive attacking poor Lionel. Watch for the guts..yes guts admiring itself in the mirror One helluvagrossbloodygood movie I loved it. Peter Jackson does know how to direct and be imaginative and hilarious all in one "take"
Rating:  Summary: The Dead has Risen Once Again... Review: Dead Alive lives up to its name as the goriest fright film of all time! I mean some of the parts in the movie are kinda dull, but the gore towards the end makes up for it. As everyone else agrees...the lawnmower scene is the bomb!!! Wanna know how to kill a zombie...then watch and find out. the ending is a killer!!!
Rating:  Summary: Kick [rear] movie! Review: Dead Alive is an awesome movie with the most gore ever! A dark comedy with gore along the whole way! The most gore I've probably ever seen! The comedy and gore and zombies make for a very fun ride! Definetely recommended for those that love gore!
Rating:  Summary: Another quicky rush to DVD on the heals of LOTR Review: Well The Lord of the Rings has caused a rush to DVD of Jacksons early films, so don't expect much. The transfer is good and picture quality is decent but not excellent. The sound is a bit uneven and thin. However the dark humor and gore gallore is bitting and Jacksons direction and style makes this a must have for gore hounds. Makes the Evil Dead & Bad Taste look clean.
Rating:  Summary: people say this is the goriest movie of all time? Review: on the box it says "the goriest movie of all time" it sure is gory but the problem is that the gore in this movie is a little too much on the cartoonish side.if you disagee with me just let me point out that when a pile of organs from a zombie is chasing one of the characters and the thing farts and blows air out of its colon. There are some inventive ways in which fans of the genre will like but the violence in the movie is like a live action tom and jerry cartoon where jerry is some guy with a lawnmower strapped to him self where tom is a bunch of zombies that are shredded by the mower. i will recomend this movie to people who are sissys and have weak stomachs, but for hardcore gore fans dont waste your time and money