Rating:  Summary: ZOMBOLICIOUS! Review: ANYONE who claims they have seen a better Zombie movie that "ZOMBIE" has no idea what they are talking about. ZOMBIE is so incredibly kick-[rear]! This movie is a total trip, check this out:01. There are "tracers" when the actors move. Mostly in the beginning, like when that NYPD officer gets neck-chomped... His face moves a bit then his cheek moves around a bit more. The tracers alone are worth seeing this movie. 02. The Italian to English dubbing is so horribly wonderful. "The skipper of that boat must be a real turkey" ...you die hard zombie freaks know what I'm talking about, If not listen for it. The dubbing is off just enough to make it even just that more trippier. 03. The score to the movie is great, couldnt be better. Nice and creepy. The voodoo drums thumping throughout the flick is classic and builds up tension. 04. Nothing but eye candy! I have a fairly impressive zombie movie collection and hands down LUCIO FULCI is the man. The effects, make up and the entire "shark v/s zombie" thing OWNS! The gore in the movie is realistic and the eye popping scene gets me every time, I always question why the girl doesnt pull to the left or the right?!... but she's a trooper and takes it right in the eye. Then the splinter breaks off at the base and she's nothing but "Zombie Chow" after that. 05. This is the movie that you have to have, invite your friends over and pop this puppy into the DVD player. ZOMBIE has everything you ever wanted in a horror movie. Bad acting, confusing story, bad dubbing, great music and lots of gore. This DVD comes loaded with stuff too, some of my other zombie movies just have a opening screen with a simple "start" icon. You aint cool unless you buy this dvd. All the cool people do it, thats right. Call up that cool guy you know, I bet he owns this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Required viewing, if you like zombies... Review: Zombie was the first Fulci film I ever saw, and it has been a chaotic rollercoaster ride ever since! All exaggerating aside, Zombie really is a benchmark in horror cinema, as it encompasses the over the top gore, cheesy, yet oh-so-cool synthesizer soundtrack, derivitive plot, and overall repellentness that paved the way for 80's Italian gore. There really is an underlying feeling present when you watch Zombie, a feeling that can't be manufactured like so many horror movies of today try to accomplish. A general feeling of disgust takes over, but it isn't desperate like so many of the teen slashers these days. To enjoy this flick, you have to have patience, as it moves slowly, infusing a bit of grue here and there until the end which is a total gorefest. Twenty years later, and it still has some of the most disgusting, ground-breaking visuals you will ever see, all done WITHOUT the use of a computer!
Rating:  Summary: Fulci's Best... Review: ...of course that's not saying much, but this is a very enjoyable film for what it is. This film was originally titled "Zombie 2" in order to cash in on the success of George Romero's amazing "Dawn of the Dead" (which was called "Zombie" in Italy), and is Fulci's first horror film (or at least his first successful one) (he did romantic movies beforehand). In an attempt to tie this film in with "Dawn of the Dead" (the two have nothing to do with each other; "Day of the Dead" is the actual sequel) there are some scenes which take place in New York City at the beginning and end of the film, but mostly it takes place on an island where zombies are apparently being raised through voodoo as opposed to toxic chemicals (although this is not quite made clear and you never see the voodoo practitioners but only hear their drums). The action never lets up, so the film never gets boring unlike most of Fulci's films, and it has some of his best special effects, which are especially impressive given his low budgets. One brilliant scene which almost makes the film worth purchasing has a zombie battling a shark underwater! ("Jaws" had recently also been released). If he had more scenes like that, the film would really rock. There was only one scene I found pathetic, and that is the ending where New Yorkers are supposedly fleeing the city to escape the zombie infestation: you see zombies marching towards the city high above a bridge while car horns are heard blaring, but the shot of the traffic below shows normal, not even rush hour traffic, heading both directions in and out of the city! And since the traffic scene was not necessary, that can't be fully blamed on a lack of budget, but poor planning. Other than that, this film lacks Fulci's usual boners. If you see only one Fulci film (not a bad idea!) see this one!!
Rating:  Summary: Is it over yet? Review: Let me make it clear that I truly believe Fulci was a master of visual effects and creating atmosphere... however, none of this expertise translated over to pacing. Zombie plods along, dragging out potentially perfunct scenes into drawn out yawnfests. Don't get me wrong, the zombies and gore look incredible. And of course, a certain eye gouging scene is immaculate. Also, the plot and acting are solid enough... just not solid enough to make this movie interesting. Plus, a horrible soundtrack doesn't exactly help. I never understood the hype around Zombie.... in my opinion, Gates of Hell is a much better movie, and deserves more of the praise placed on Zombie.
Rating:  Summary: Zombie Flick before it's time Review: An early attempt at the Zombie craze that went way beyond any other Zombie film. Gory,Frightening,and(In a nutshell)classic Fulci. Turn down the lights,grab some popcorn,and enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Second only to Night of the Living Dead for Zombie Films Review: I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for Night of the Living Dead one of the first and best zombie/horror movies I ever saw when I was a kid. Zombie runs a close second though... It has been called an unofficial (European) sequel to Night of the Living Dead (Not sure about it being an unofficial sequel to Dawn of the Dead. George Romero did Dawn of the Dead and Day of the Dead as part of his zombie trilogy, also excellent films). This movie was my first real introduction to Lucio Fulci and I've been a fan ever since. Superb Italian B Movie horror! The effects were great for a movie of this type. I have to agree with the previous reviewer and restate that the Zombie battling the Shark Scene and the Eye Gouging scene were most EXCELLENT! I'm so pleased they finally started selling it again on DVD. For a long time I could only rent a copy of this on DVD and now its available for such a low price. What a steal! Be sure to check out The Beyond by Lucio Fulci to catch some more of his zombies in action...
Rating:  Summary: Juvenile Rip-Off of Dawn of the Dead--But Delivers the Goods Review: If you're in the mood for a cheesy eurotrash zombie flick, this is probably the one to go for. The script in a nutshell: *Bunch of tourists get stranded on a tropical island *Said tourists get relieved of their internal organs one by one. That's it, guys. No pretense at character development or narrative drive--just lots of gore. But character and narrative were never Director Fulci's strengths, were they? Many reviewers here claim that Fulci's Zombie flicks were Romero rip-off's. This is true, for the most part. It has also always irritated me that Fulci always disputed this fact, claiming that his zombie ideas came from Haiti and the RKO film noir zomibes of the 40's. Oh yeah, Fulci? Did those Black and White flicks have explicit gore and the idea of killing zombies with a blast to the old noggin??? On the plus side, these zombies ARE a lot more horrifying than Romero's in Dawn of the Dead, and there are thankfully few dull spots. On the minus side is the infantile script and (non) acting. Worth buying, but it would take director Lucio Fulci two more films, until, THE BEYOND, before he truly had command of his craft. But that one (THE BEYOND) DOES have its share of slow spots, this one doesn't. Recommended
Rating:  Summary: Very entertaining gorefest. Review: A journalist, his female companion, and another couple set out to a jungle island only to discover that the bodies of the dead are rising and out for human flesh. Very infamous zombie flick from director Lucio Fulci doesn't have much in the way of character development or good dialogue (as a matter of fact, both are really quite bad), but comes through as a very entertaining gorefest thanks to a great island setting and effective atmosphere, a very good score, excellent make-up effects (the zombies are the creepiest bunch in any film), and a lot of intense set pieces (a la shark vs. zombie match, the splinter through the eye, and the big shootout finale). The last half-hour, in particular, is intensely frightening. Despite some negative reviews, I found this an often suspenseful and scary film, and certainly one of the best of its subgenre. (note: I originally saw this film in pan-n-scan, which looked horrible for at least the first half of the movie, but still didn't keep me from enjoying the film, and in widescreen the improvement is vast).
Rating:  Summary: Zombie Review: This flick is FULCI at his best.I saw this movie at a drive-in in 1984 and have never forgotten it.This is the best film to show on halloween with friends.I've owned a vhs copy for years and finally got it on DVD. You can't go wrong if your looking for a good scare.