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The X-Files (aka Fight the Future)

The X-Files (aka Fight the Future)

List Price: $34.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best Movie!!!!!
Review: this was a damn good movie!!! Suspensful, action packed, it rose above the goddamned charts. Of coarse, i watch the X-files every day, and record it asd well. i'd rather die than not see any more epsodes. If anyone is as obsessed as me, email me at Periwinkle12@hotmail.com

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A work of art
Review: This movie is absolutly wonderful, if you like the tv show this movie is a must see! Exciting and Action packed.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: The X-Files movie is one hell of a fun time to spend in front of the tv. Sci-fi fans should rejoice, but, if you found ID4 to be your cup o' tea, than this smart film will likely bather you. But for all the people how like a little mystery, this film is for you!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Not one to miss for any X-Files or sci-fi fan
Review: The X-Files movie goes further into the conspiracy story betrayed on the TV show. Anderson and Duchovny show great one screen presence and chemistry. Filled with great special effects and very well written story, The X-Files movie is a must see movie for any sci-fi fan.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: ok, I know it's expensive, but ohhhhhhhh IT'S SO WORTH EVERY BIT OF THE MONEY! It comes with the movie in widescreen, the making of the movie, a book on the making of the movie, 2 film cells, 3 mini posters and the SCRIPT!! I'm only 14 years old but I saved up for this gift set, It's so good, take my advice, GET THIS!!!!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Left the theater before it ended
Review: UUUUUGH! This movie sucked to high heaven. Horrible acting...and I mean HORRIBLE. I'd rather watch Object of My Affection TWICE than this movie again (that's how much I hated this film). What a cheesy plot. The first 15 minutes (the part with the cave man) made me laugh out loud. I WANT MY $5.00 BACK FOR HAVING TO WATCH THIS CRUD.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: What a Bomd
Review: This movie crashed and burned. one of the worst films of 98. Stay Clear. Watch Godzilla intead.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent
Review: One word-Awesome. It is a perfect compliment to the TV series

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This movie is like one massive, perfect, X-Files episode!
Review: The X-Files movie combines action/adventure with style and sexual tention between the two main characters. The show is very smart, and the movie doesn't fall short of that reputation. If you're not an X-Files fan (shame on you), this movie will make you one.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The conspiracy is over.
Review: I think David is better than Will Smith, or Bill Pullman

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