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Teen Terror

Things That Go Bump
Halloween II

Halloween II

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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Halloween II is ok
Review: Ok, lets face it, this is one of those gory sequels. And it comes no were to the original. Jamie Lee is drugged up and sleeping in most of this movie. And the police finally listen to Loomis about Myers being alive and still out there. This movie is cool, and i suggest you rent it or buy it if you like it. Its to bad Universal didnt keep their rights to Halloween II, Instead they sold the rights to Goodtimes! There is not much on the disc, just some production notes.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Halloween II ... More of The Night HE Came Home!
Review: "Halloween II" is the 2nd Best of the series ("Halloween" being the best!) This is a great continuation to "Halloween"! Picking up where the original left off ... Laurie is rushed to the hospital for stab wounds. While, Dr.Loomis chases after Michael following in a trail of carnage across Haddonfield. But once Laurie is hospitalized, Michael performs some un-authorized surgery on the staff trying to get to her! Contains - Gory Violence, Language, and Nudity. DVD - 3/5 ... could've used Full-Frame capabilities, and some more bonus options. (Comes with: Production Notes)

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: This is Terrible!
Review: I haven't seen this since I was a teenager in 1981 but decided to take another look when it became available in widescreen DVD. I was shocked at how bad it was. I believe I enjoyed it somewhat the first time (although I didn't think it came close to the original) but upon watching it today I couldn't believe how incompetent a lot of the directing is, how ridiculous the plot is, and at how unscary it is!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: WOW!
Review: I love this movie! If part 1 & 2 were one movie, I'd have to say part 2 would be the better half. Part 2 gives a better demonstration of Michael's power. He walks through a glass door and lifts a nurse up with one arm. The theme music sounds better too.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Halloween II
Review: Halloween 2 is , in my opinion , the best halloween sequel.It takes off where Halloween 1 ended.For some odd reason they re-made the ending of halloween 1 to start out this film instead of using the original footage.At the end of halloween, Dr Loomis shoots the shape (MIchael Myers) 6 times (although when the ending was re-made for halloween 2 he was shot 7 times and when he was shot he fell out into the front yard not the back as in the original)but he survives and is still on the loose!Meanwhile Laurie Strode is taken to haddonfield memorial hospital.Michael Myers finds out and begins to stalk her there. Although this movie is a lot more graphic than the original it is still unique.The style of the movie is horrifying in a different way than the first one.To begin with, the lighting was different(because the original had a lot of blue backlight and Halloween 2 doesn't)and the shape can be seen clearly for most of the movie(in the first one he was mostly in the shadows)which is in a way very terrifying.If you've seen the first one,see this one because it's all one story(a good one,too)and because it's one of the best sequels ever made...

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: 1 bad thing.
Review: Great film. The ONLY bad thing is that Michael practically NEVER dies. Come on! The first was believable, though pretty agrivating, but this one was ridiculous. It's a burning tire, it's an axed burning tire, OH wait that's Michael. And the ending with SANDMAN?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Gore Galore.
Review: The Sequel to the everlasting classic. And it does not let me down one bit! This is still one of my favorite horrors of all time and will remain that way forever. The suspense doesn't die down, even in the slow parts that all of the Halloween movies seem to experience. The killings are executed beautifully and the body count has risen to quite a high number.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: More of the Night He Came Home...
Review: This is the first "Halloween" film I ever saw. It was on TBS or some other channel on cable tv around Halloween. I was probably eight years old. I was terrified. I remember I had to cover my eyes when the shape chased Jaime Lee Curtis through the hospital. Anyway, I saw it again more recently and the film held up remarkably well. It starts off right where "Halloween" left off...literally. The main difference between this film and its predecessor is that there is much more violence and gore in this film. I like them both, but I like the feel of the first film more. Not to say this film isn't good; it's very good. This is one of the better sequels in the series. But be forewarned: Watch the first film before you see this one or you'll be very lost...

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Failed after the first one.
Review: This one has failed to recreate the suspense and teriffying thrills of the first one. But still fun to watch!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great sequel!
Review: HALLOWEEN II was one of the best sequels I've seen. The resolution of why Michael terrorized Laurie is a nice little exlanation. Michael and his killings were alot better in this one, and scarier. I didn't like Jamie Lee Curtis' acting in this one, but I guess that was because she didn't have many lines from being drowsy by the drug they gave her. Donald Pleasance did great once again in this one. It was a little odd that there wasn't hardly anybody in the hospital except for the staff, especially on Halloween :)

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