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Things That Go Bump
Halloween II

Halloween II

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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best of all six sequals
Review: I truely believe Halloween 2 is the perfect sequal compared to any sequal ever made. The director did such an excelent job continuing the plot off from the same night, considering part 2 was made two years after the fist film. Everything down to the television and radio reports were so detailed and accurate. I also enjoyed them taking a step forward with the bloody special effects. Halloween 2 is undoubtedly more suspenceful and pulse quickining than it's predecessor was.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: good not great
Review: this was an okay follow up. the main promblem is the shape is not creepy enogh. john carpter has said that they only used a stunt man to play him in this instad of a real actor like in part one. overall it has some good parts.

Rating: 5 stars
"Jamie Lee Curtis returns as Laurie Strode but spends most of her time cowering in a hospital gown, and Donald Pleasence runs around like a maniac as the panicky doctor desperate to hunt down Meyers before he kills again."

- Laurie and Dr. Loomis are in it, but with decreased roles. All the others were cardboard, but they were drawn well enough so that it isn't distracting.

(This includes acting, music, and setting... just stuff that delights the ear and eyes.)
- The setting and mood was excellent. John Carpenter should be extremely proud of his little piano notes. They keep you attentive. The originality is great, and I have a special fondness for the EXTRA-hot hot tub. The skin-falling makeup was well done, as was other makeup - and the fire.

- A star is lost (of 5) for each time I find myself fast forwarding in boredom.

(This is the rating I'd give right at the end given what my overall impression of the movie is.)
- I find that this is equal to the first HALLOWEEN, but it does miss something. I loved it, and it was a superbly dome sequel, but you can't help but feel it was different.
OVERALL: ***** (4.50) (rounded)

RECOMMENDED: Yes. There is gore, and it has a certain point.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Good! !
Review: this film is very good. It continues the dreaded Halloween night of 1978 and Michael Myers's continueing mission to kill his sister Laurie Strode.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: My Favorite Horror Film!
Review: I ran out to buy univesal release of this dvd and the picture quality is great and the sounds also and now for the film! Halloween 2 jumps off right where the last one left off soon Jamie Lee Curtis is taken to the Hospital for evaluation and care and this is why halloween 2 is the perfect Horror film! Granted Michael Myers is the true star but here he takes a back seat to the Hosital! I like most people hjave a deathly fear of hospitals, maybe it's the smell of lysol or the fact that some check in but don't check out or the fact that even in the next room someone is dying and John Carpenter makes this the ultimate hospitalof horror! it's stark and empty the floors have a low grade sheen and the walls are a strange muted color and even the baby's ward is void of noise! When Myers makes hi sway into the hospital he turns into the Grim Reaper of mercy killing people with the precision of a ginsu! When he finally meets up with curtis his impsoing stature and slow creeping body overwhelm her and the viwer when a relentless Pleasence comes to her aid and they have the ultimate grude battle and Myers is wounded in th head by a bullet and blinded the swipes Myers takes at his sister (Curtis) with the blade slashing through the air with such a clear cut that sound alone makes this film worth the price. So sit back and watch out for two things on your next visit to the hospital; Myers and a missing scapel!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Sequel became what the imitators are
Review: Halloween II left off exactly where the first one ended, and that is pretty much it. While the first one is a stunningly well crafted SCAREFEST, the sequel degenerated into a typical gorefest. Instead of carrying on the tradition set by the first one, Halloween II only succeeded in doing what countless Halloween clones have done: In lieu of skillful filmmaking to create a sense of terror, it instead relied on grossing out the audience. We have Michael Myers stalking the halls of a hopsital in which it seems that Laurie Strode is the ONLY patient.
Fine. Some people like gore. But I'd much rather like a well crafted movie. And like Friday the 13th and the Nightmare on Elm Street films, Halloween started out as a good movie which eventually turned into an endless series of inferior rehashes which ultimately parodies itself. As far as I am concern, Halloween II should have been the last of the series. Okay, maybe Halloween H20 should be the last.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: All to say is that this one rules. It doesn't get better especially Dr. Loomis' dialogue. Oh yeah who can forget about the best character which is Ben Tramer. The need to bring him back to life.


Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Halloween part 2
Review: This is okay movie

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Halloween II
Review: Halloween II picks up exactly where Halloween left off. It starts with a recap of the originals ending. Survivor Laurie Strode is sent to the local hospital where she is put to sleep and remains drugged for what little time she is on the screen. The main part consists of Michael Myers killing various hospital employees and Dr. Loomis's search for him. This movie is necessary in order to understand future sequels. It reveals that Laurie is Michael's sister, though writer John Carpenter admits this point came to him late one night when he had a bad case of writer's block. Halloween II contains a lot more blood and gore and feels like a regular crazy guy kills people film. From what I know, the older Goodtimes dvd, which I bought for five dollars, contains much of the same as the new Universal twenty dollar dvd. The new disc contains a new anamorphic transfer (enhanced for widescreen TV's) and a theatrical trailer, which is not very good accorging to dvdreview.com.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: You can praise it for it's craft...but not it's art.
Review: Don't get me wrong, on a technical standpoint, Halloween 2 is a very well-crafted film. Rick knows his technics and knows how to deliver a "solid" film. But does he know about the art and "incredients" and "know-how" for crafting a sucessful slasher-film in the wake of one of the most sucessful Horror films ever made? The answer is, not quit. While Rosenthal has the gift of giving his films a rather nasty-repellent atmosphere (though not enough to turn you off) perfectly fitting the tone, that of the orginal. He doesn't seem to know how in the hell Carpenter made the original "Halloween"(1978) work in the first place. Then again, most people don't. With the sole excepton of Alfred Hitchcock. It also must be brought to attention that Carpenter's main infulence for Halloween was Dario Argento's DEEP RED(1975)...(happy Phil?!) Most of the plot thematics were borrowed, if not some of the situations, such as the scene where the police find a school where Michael Myers broke into only a few hours ago. Making the connection with Micahel Myer's sister as the camer looks upon a knife inbeded on a paper with a child-like drawing that Michael Myers drew himself...flashing back to the scene in Deep Red, when they make the killer's connection with the "House". (You Have to see Deep Red, otherwise your probably lost) I might as well say here, I really have no intetion of really dwelling into this film, perhaps a future review of mine might uncover it further, but right now, Im lazy and I need to do my homework.....

Rating: 2 1/2 out of 5

Grade: C 80%

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