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Things That Go Bump
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

List Price: $14.94
Your Price: $13.45
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Rating: 1 stars
Review: Even if you watch this as a comedy, you'll feel bad. You take an already weak plot from the original and throw away any merits it could have in this lousy sequel. Jennifer is amazingly pretty, is the only point worthwhile watching. The end was a bad joke. If they are trying to turn the killer Will into another Jason, Freddy or Myers, it won't suceed.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Absolutely fantastic and brilliant
Review: It's very good. It's well good. Performed well.


Rating: 1 stars
Review: I can't believe a sequel was made. It's not like IKWYDLS was original or that anyone ASKED for a sequel. The idea of sequels isn't a bad idea. If the sequel improves on the original or develops the characters more it is a very good idea. But ISKWYDLS was ONLY made to make money from the naive audiences who saw the first.

Well we were very much robbed. This film is worse than the first. Nothing surprising happens. It is a VERY badly written film, I kid you not. This is not the films worst quality. The acting, photography, lighting, direction, music and editing are terrible. Even the title is too long and stupid. I STILL KNOW would have been a much better title.

Like many of it's predecessors, in the late 90s and early 80s, we have close-ups of the actors who are suddenly surprised by their friends from behind while being suspicious that someone is at that moment watching them. While this happens a burst of very, very loud music tries to enhance the "effect" of the "scare". The other cliché it doesn't bother to not use is the one where we think that "The killer" is watching them from a closet or something and then we realise it's just cat or banging window in the wind. THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN (during a moment of false security) THE KILLER APPEARS OUT OF NOWHERE. Puh-lease. Give us a little credit.

The DVD is in Dolby 5.1 and is anamorphically enhanced at 2.35:1.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: who really cares
Review: this movie was a real dissapointment. i would have gave it a 2 but jlh looked really hot in it. but dont rent the movie just for her.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The Sequel
Review: I Still Know What You Did Last Summer is way bet- ter than the first one. It's completely different and surprsing. But it's not as scary as Scream or The Blair Witch Project. I liked it, and I recomm- end it.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Cop Out, Cop Out!
Review: Why do some directors and writers of horror movies think it's fair to completely annoy their audiences with these ambiguous endings, so that even though you may have enjoyed the movie, you hate the resolution! It's such a cop out. It's like they're telling you, the third in the series is coming out. Unfortunately, this particular series should probably stop. I liked the first movie a lot; it was suspenseful, imaginative, and pretty scary. The acting was generally better too. This time around, the acting and script are pretty irritating. First of all, anyone who knows their geography will get a big clue early in the film. Secondly, Freddie Prinze's character is such a jerk in the beginning, you can't believe his sudden transformation. Third, I figured out the villain very early in the film, so there was little suspense. The acting overall is lame; Jennifer Love Hewitt has decided to join Neve Campbell in the "I'm only doing this for the money, and I'm really wasting my time in this silly horror movie." She does look a lot like Kate Jackson in this one, though. Freddie Prinze is absolutely awful, completely unconvincing, and a pretty shoddy hero, to boot. The guy who plays Titus is an offensive, stereotypical insult to intelligent viewers, providing none of the comic relief the director obviously wanted. Jeffrey Combs, who was so good in the "Reanimator" movies looks as bored as Miss Hewitt, and does nothing to pad his resume. Three actors do manage to rise above their material: Jennifer Esposito as Nancy, the barmaid is very good; Brandy is surprisingly effective as Julie's best friend, although her character does become annoying and stupid; and Matthew Settle as the good-natured Bill is very effective. I still think Gorton's should sue for using their fisherman image, but it is a horror movie. That's what so sad. It could have been a lot better, but it's too predictable and a little too gory, as well. When all is said and done, "Halloween" and "A Nightmare on Elm Street" (the first in the series) are still the benchmarks for modern horror movies!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I STILL KNOW..................

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Mediocre at best
Review: This is a sequel to horror movie that wasn't even all that good (or all that scary). This is a movie with possibly the worst ending a horror movie could have. This is a movie with no suspennse, no surprises at the end. This is a movie that's main characters are so uniteresting that you find yourself hoping they'll get axed. The most interesting character in the whole film is the bartender at the hotel played by Jennifer Esposito. Of course Esposito gets little time in the film, being only a minor character. This was not the worst movie I've seen, but it is definitely near the bottom of the pile.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: More gore, less suspense
Review: When I saw "I know what you did last summer" at the theater I was hooked. When I heard there's gonna be a sequel, I was like "Wow! Can't wait to see it" It was a big dissapointment when I finaly saw it. First of all it completely destroyed the brilliant ending of the first part. I think it should have been better connected instead of just being explained as a nightmare. The character of Julie James is still pretty interesting but all of the new characters are pale in comparison. There are a lot of really gory sequences, which are fun to look at but there isn't as much suspense as in the first. The producers just thought "bloodier equals better" I guess but that just isn't the case. The ending is a ridiculous repetition of the ending of the first one and I hope this doesn't mean there's going to be another sequel. If you like seeing Jennifer Love-Hewitt and a lot of blood then this movie isn't too bad after all but if you're looking for believeable characters and a clever story line you're gonna be dissapointed.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Much better than the original.
Review: So, you never thought sequels were better huh? This is one of the few that suprasses the original easily. I know most 'serious stand-up-tall' reviewers will diss this movie, but I love it full stop.

Jennifer Love Hewitt is back as Julie James, who has a new life with new friends. When her and four mates (Mekhi Phifer, Brandy, Matthew Settle) win a trip to the Bahamas, Hooky has decided to go tropical and follows them there. He still knows...

Fabulousy entertaing, scarily frightening and sexily awesome. See this film!

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