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Things That Go Bump
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

List Price: $14.94
Your Price: $13.45
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Rating: 3 stars
Review: (NOTE: Partial spoilers of earlier movie)
I'll rank this a three on a 1-5 scale I've devised particularly for use in rating sequels for which I liked the original. The scale would work as follows: 1: So bad I'd now just as soon have not liked the original. 2: My liking for original is intact, but sequel adds virtually nothing to my enjoyment. 3: Sequel enjoyable mainly on the strength of how original made me care for the characters and their continuing story, not a great movie in its own right. 4: Sequel satisfying, coming close to or rivaling the original in quality. 5: Exceptional sequel, surpassing the original in quality. So, in the case of this movie, the sequel leaves considerable room for disappointment but maintained my interest because the first made the characters interesting. Even at that, Jennifer Love Hewitt came much closer to having to carry the movie this time, because Freddy Prinze, Jr. was reduced to cameo-level appearance this time, and most of the rest of major players in the original played characters that didn't survive that movie. Particularly missed in the sequel for the latter reason were Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ryan Phillippe, and especially the undercast Brigette Wilson. Other things that detracted from this sequel are that the screenplay, editing, and/or direction seemed amateurish at times. The main Character Julie (played by Hewitt) sings "I Will Survive" as a karaoke song, a scene better omitted. I can't speak for viewers unfamiliar with karaoke, though I suspect they might have limited appreciation for its inclusion in movies. But those of us who are karaoke singers and/or listeners know that "I Will Survive" is one of the most run-into-the-ground of karaoke songs and we're sick of it. Also her scene where she gets into the sunlamp box is also awkward and probable not too pleasing to anyone. Those not liking scantily-clad scenes will find it "exploitative", but those who do will find it tame and unrevealing. Other awkward moments would become ponderous to enumerate. Julie's new boyfriend in the movie, who accompanies her to the Bahamas (the reason for Prinze's sparse appearence in this) is played in an awkward way, and his character's transitions along plot twists are lame and not highly believable. As for the scenes set in the Bahamas, they were actually filmed in Mexico and it shows. They show good-sized mountains, non-existent in the Bahamas. But in that department, this sequel in no way outdoes the original in impertinance, for the original had some mountain scenes too, even though ostensibly set in and around Southport, NC, an area where all land within view is at least as flat as the Bahamas. The most memorable new character in this sequel, though even he has been called ineffective and/or miscast, is a resident pothead in the Bahamas, played by Jack Black. His character has some mildly funny moments, though they missed a chance to give him what could have been the movie's funniest line. In the movie, most every character at one time or another falls under suspicion of being the killer on the lose; when it came the pothead's turn to be suspected, he should have said, "Don't look at me - I don't even know what I did last summer!" The end of the movie seems a possible set up for still another sequel. If one is made, I hope it can come closer to recapturing the quality of the original rather than languishing at the level of this first sequel.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: He still knows...
Review: The sequel to "I know what you did last summer" is yours to own on DVD. Featuring Brandy as Carla, Julie's new best friend played by Jennifer Love Hewitt.
After getting her life back on track Julie moves away to College and living with her best friend Carla, win 4 tickets to the Bahamas, after answering a radio competition.
Julie's boyfriend, Ray (Freddie Prinze Jr.) in the mean time is trying to warn Julie.
A couple of bodies may be found throughout the movie, screaming, running, and chasing, but in the end isn't that what it's all about?

3.5 stars, better than the first but still have the same "teenage flick" kind. Personally better than Scream 1 and 2.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Better than the first, and the first was great!
Review: This, i guess, is the exception that proves the rule. Almost all sequels are worse (not always bad, just a bit less enjoyable) than the originals films which spawned them.

This film has everything the original had (including... Jennifer Love Hewitt!!!) and even more. There are more killings, more plot facets (they add in the trip to the Bahamas, Nancy, who is a rather good character, the deal with the voodoo, the storm, and lots of other stuff.) Most sequels are just re-hashings of the first film, just with more blood. But instead, this film had plot as well, and wasnt just pointless killing.

Estas (im not really sure of his name, but it sounded a bit like that i think) is a great character, and although his part is small he really does give lots to the film. As too does the hotel manager, who was at times hilarious, and at others creepy.

There was a nice twist in the end, which made up nicely for the fact taht we already knew the identity of the killer.

The acting was okay, especially Jennifer Love Hewitt. Even Brandy, who i had low expectations of, managed to surprise.

I can't think of many real criticisms of this film, apart from perhaps the slightly corny dialogue at times, and Ben Willis's voice, which really managed to get on my nerves. Otherwise, all aspects of this film were great. there was some nice scenery, good acting, a really superb plot, and lots of nice shots of JLH's clevage (which was shown so much it could probably come under scenery!) some great eccentric characters and a cracking ending. (I am not talking about the very very end, that was a bit disappointing)

those who are aware of their geography may well get a clue near the beginning. I myself did, but i (foolishly) just put it down to a rather stupid radio station.

And now, the infamous "ending". Can it really be called an ending, or is it just the beginning of the next chapter? (or even the end of one) Personally, i didn't really like it, but only if there isn't another film. If there is another film, the it fits.

I would greatly like to see a third volume, especially if the directors are able to come up with such a good sequel as this again.

Top film. Watch it.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Scary in its own way
Review: Since most of you already know the story, I'll just state my opinion. The first is scary in a creepy, eerie way. The second one is scary like a roller coaster, if you know what I mean. But they made a few bloopers like how Ray's gun ran out of bullets. Or why nobody left the island in storm season. Or why Susie was buried on the island when she died in South Port. I also have to wonder why everybody's favorite killer, Ben Willis, went from a hotel worker to a fisherman(or why he even came to South Port). Also, there were things unexplained in the second one that the four (Julie, Helen, Ray and Berry) never knew about Ben Willis(Not that the imformation about Ben working at the hotel didn't please me, but there should've been more revealed, such as why he started to kill). But the most dissopointing part was in the end, if Jen's character really is dead, or if it was just a dream.

(...) So long and have a great time watching this movie!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The Hook is back!!
Review: Five more beautiful teenagers, including two survivors of the previous movie (Jennifer Love Hewitt and Freddie Prinze Jr.) are hunted through a deserted, storm-lashed holiday island in the Bahamas by a hook-handed serial killer in Danny Cannon's lavishly mounted and hugely entertaining sequel, "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer" (1998). It doesn't have the strong narrative drive of its predecessor and it tends to ramble aimlessly from set-piece to set-piece, while Trey Callaway's superficial script relies too heavily on implausible coincidences (like the tropical storm which gives the killer a helping hand by rolling into the island almost as soon as our heroes arrive, isolating them from the mainland!), but once the main scenario has been established and the killer has claimed his/her first victim, the thrills come thick and fast, with one genuinely scarifying climax after the other. Gloriously staged and photographed (in widescreen Panavision, by Vernon Layton), the movie benefits from glorious location work - exteriors were filmed at the El Tecuan Marina Resort in Mexico - and the shameless deployment of a VERY LOUD soundtrack, while the actors do their best within the limits of their shallow characterizations. Look out for the superb Jeffrey Combs and Bill Cobbs in crucial supporting roles.

Director Cannon - who made a spectacular feature debut with the underrated British crime thriller "The Young Americans" (1993) before crashing to an abrupt halt with the poorly-scripted "Judge Dredd" (1995) - begins to turn the screws very early in the film, adding a slightly unpleasant streak of cruelty to some of the murder scenes, and John Frizzell's shrieking music score sets the nerves jangling throughout. Some of the climactic revelations stretch credibility to the limit, but the film employs an eccentric, comic-strip logic which works on its own terms, and subsequent viewing reveals a multitude of clues surrounding certain characters and incidents which are cleverly designed to elude first-time audiences. So, if it's a genuine nerve-shredder you're after, this great big lunk of a movie is just the ticket. By the way, there's absolutely no truth in the scurrilous rumor that the third film in this series will be entitled "I've Got A Fair Idea What You Were Doing Last Tuesday And If You Don''t Stop It You'll Go Blind"...

With almost boring predictability, the picture on Columbia Tristar's anamorphic (2.35:1) region 1 disc is quite stunningly beautiful, with room-shaking 5.1 surround sound. English captions are provided, along with a letterboxed (1.85:1) trailer, a making-of featurette, and a 4:3 pan-scan version which should be avoided at all costs. Running time: 100m 25s.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: The first was better.
Review: The sequal to I know What You Did Last Summer is unfortunatly not nearly as great as the first one.In this movie Julie(Jennifer Love Hewitt)is in college and is just not doing to well.Boyfriend troubles,not doing too well in school,still haunted by what happened the previous summer,etc.One morning her roomate,Karla(played by Brandy),gets a call from a radio station and wins a trip to the Bahama's.Little do these friends know is there is an unwelcome visitor waiting for them on this island.
The movie starts out very promising,but drags out in to another slasher sequal.The twist in the end was very well done.There were a few suspencful scenes.But the movie also had some holes,draggy pointes,and a horrid and very predictable ending.The acting wasn't nearly as good as the it was in the first.Freddie Prinze Jr.didn't do all that great and I expected a little better from Brandy.All in all I say give this movie a try,but don't expect it to be better than the first one.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: I Still Know....But I Wished I Didn't
Review: This sequel, I Still Know What I Did Last Summer, is a stinker. Not that it doesn't have it's brainless appeal. It does. What makes the first film look like a classic, is that this film doesn't have the fun, cool set-up of the original. It had a creepy feel. This one just falls into typical Friday The 13th type 80's slasher feel in the second half. Not that that's bad. It can be fun. Just don't expect anything from it. Jennifer Love Hewitt is okay in this, but the appeal she had in the first isn't quite here in this one. She seems to be there just to have really hot shots of her body which, um, well, okay, that wasn't a bad thing. Brandy, on the other hand, was wasted. Why was she in this?. Why did she agree to do this?. Freddie Prinze Jr. was another one who was wasted. He got second billing but his part is much smaller than any of the other co-stars. What happened?. The fishermen killer himself was creepy in the first one. Not here. His creepiness was ruined because you see way too much of him in this film. That always hurts a film and character. The ending had another "shock" like the original. Nothing shocking about it. It was expected. You could tell. Let's hope Kevin Williamson comes back to give the third outing more of a hook. Pardon the pun.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Another Summer
Review: As most people say: "The first was better." In I Still Know's case, that's the truth. I Know was a whole better in the sense of suspense and plot. In I Know, it was fresh and original. In I Still Know, we knew the story and who the killer was and why he wanted to kill. We were just shown some new chase scenes and a bit more gore. Not that the movie is bad, it's just that they could have come up with something a little better. Jennifer Love Hewitt and Freddie Prinze Jr. reprise their roles as the survivors from I Know, Julie and Ray. New faces are Brandy, Mekhi Pfeiffer, Matthew Settle, and Jennifer Esposito. All give a little less than solid, but not bad, performances, and the ladies' cleavages do to (It seemed as if it were a character, it was shown so much). The ending does give a nice twist, and doesn't fall flat on that. I Still Know is a good movie, although my review seems to give the front that I didn't like it. I did. But I prefer the first much more. Although I Still Know will be watched over and over by me. Well, at least once a year. During the summer.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Disappointing and By the Numbers
Review: While the first movie was a solid suspense film with high production values, this gratuitous sequel is nearly a polar opposite.

Basically, "I Still Know..." is a standard teenage hack and slash with more gore, but none of the heart and earnestness of the original picture. The T&A shots of Love Hewitt are blatant and smutty in their intent (this coming from a huge Love Hewitt fan who would otherwise enjoy such scenes).

One can almost see the money-grubbing Hollywood suits rubbing their hands with glee at the idea of anyone plunking their hard earned cash on this turkey.

Only horror junkies would find anything redeeming here. No recommendation (rent before you buy).

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Movie
Review: I thought this was a great movie. It was really entertaining, but not that scary. I think this is a great movie to watch on Halloween or late at night.

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