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Teen Terror

Things That Go Bump
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

List Price: $14.94
Your Price: $13.45
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Not a bad DVD, but even Hewitt can't save the film
Review: Let's face it, Jennifer Love Hewitt is a fox. But as for the movie, there's too much gore and not enough scares. Features aren't as great as they are made out to be on the box... a few trailers, a short (5-10 min.) and greatly disappointing featurette that is really just an extended plug for the movie, and the music video for Hewitt's "How do I deal". Rent this one.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: This movie was a typical sequal......
Review: I liked the first movie "I know what you did last summer" but the second was what I say is a bad excuse for a sequal from a great movie. Julie James is basicly crazy and she is expieriencing what Jamie Lee Curtis expierienced in "Halloween h20" which by the way sucked, any way Julie (Jennifer Love Hewwit) runs around halusinating of a man with a hook. So now shes in college and she is having night terror, she once again dream's about ben willis (the killer from I know what you did last summer). Then she wins an all expence trip to the bahamas where ofcourse the killer awaits her. He kills off most her freinds and then the end is just trying to be like the cliffhanger from the first. Over all this movie should never have been made The first one was great It had Sarah Michelle Gellar in it who by the way should have never died, and it also had a much better plot.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: completely unnecessary remake
Review: This film, like so many others out there, did not score too high on my list. Full of too much violence and profanity, it will leave the viewer feeling like a voyeur after too many glimpses into Hewitt's character's life.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A total insult to reality!!
Review: What a waste!! I lost count of how many flaws this movie had, but let me tell you the 2 that stood out the most: 1. THE FIRE AX. Oh, the fire ax. I can't believe that scene when Julie (Jennifer Love) throws away the fire ax. This ax would not only have proven to be a highly effective weapon, but it turned out it would have been their ONLY weapon. That hook would have been no match for that ax! If I was in their situation, I'll be damned if I let Jennifer Love Hewitt carry the weapons!

2. Now, my favorite flaw: the part when she shoots the killer with the revolver. First of all, most of those types of guns hold 6 shots. Ray pulled the trigger, but there was no round in the chamber. That left 5 chambers left. Jennifer capped off 8 rounds!! 8 rounds from a gun that only holds 6 shots!! Not only did the empty chamber magically reload itself, but two more chambers magically appeared loaded! Would anyone care to explain?

The real sad thing is that I noticed all of this the 1st time I saw this movie. Also, it was way too predictable. Oh, and one more thing. It surely doesn't take a geography buff to know the capital of Brazil!! (Brasilia--not Rio!)

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: If you hated the first...
Review: this one's even worse! Brandy is a non-actor who acts in this film (she's not even good by sitcom standards) and Jennifer Hewitt is a non-singer who sings in this film. And, whattaya know, there's more killing! Wow!! Like Friday the 13th without the cult appeal. Enjoyable only by 17 year olds able to legally get into an R rated movie by themselves for the first time. What this movie lacks in creativity, it makes up for in spades with sheer tedium. Watch your dog sleep instead.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Better than the original
Review: I was doubtful that this would be a good movie after hearing that Kevin Williamson hadn't written it, but was pleasantly surprised. It was true to the original while providing new thrills and shocks. While nothing will ever be scarier than "Scream" this comes close.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Better than Scream 2 and Urban Legends
Review: Screaming out loud, my face was covered with fright. This movie will give you nightmares about being killed. To be honest this movie has more shreaks and screams than "Scream or Scream 2". This movie will rock your heart to death.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of my all time favorite movies
Review: It really doesn't matter what movie it is, as long as Jennifer is in it I'm going to love it but I thought this was a very good movie and it deserves five stars. Jennifer Love Hewitt plays her role outstandingly and the rest of the cast was great too. I thought it was a very exciting movie with a lot of suspense and I can't wait to see the third movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: the hooking was great and didnt dwell on the first one
Review: i would have to say that im glad this was made,because i know what you did last summer was a small horror flic.this movie was really needed to be made because after the first one the story was still going.i still know what you did last summer was pretty good,it didnt hold back at all and kept on launching at you.the hooking scenes were excellent,they were first rate killings that really scare you and horror movies havnt done that in a long time.but this movie i still know what you did last summer will make you wonder if there will be another summer after the way it ends.its a must see movie and im glad it didnt dwell on the first movie like scream2 did.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Better than the first!!!
Review: I love this movie! It is so scary! I was screaming so loud people were telling me to shut up in very rude ways! It is my favorite slasher movie of all time!

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