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Teen Terror

Things That Go Bump
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

List Price: $14.94
Your Price: $13.45
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Rating: 4 stars

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Classy shocker and funny and mysterious, exorcist=rubbish
Review: This is really cool it has everything! I mean its scarey, (in my oponion more scarey than the exorcist! Ive just seen that too!)Also it has a really cool plot which it just manages to stick to, and of course its mysterious. And personally (ive seen the first) this kicks arse! and I would recomend it to anyone. I though Id just say that I live in the Uk and am 13 and it hasnt even hit cinemas yet! So Im one of the first to get it! but yeah totally cool from a 13 yearolds view

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: horrible sequel
Review: talk about giving sequels a bad name.. this was bad. IKWYDLS was a great suspense thriller. this was pure trash, bad acting( what happened they were acting in the first one)bad script, and NO anD i repeat NO SUSPENSE. I went into the theatre expecting a suspensefull ride and all i got was A FRIDAY THE 13TH clone.Characters doing stupid things, saying stupid things and way too much gore.. believe me i like gore just as much as the next horror fan, but this was the wrong movie, especially coming off a very tense orginal. this movie deserves no stars

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This movie is the bomb!
Review: You would definitly enjoy this movie. The casting was great and the plot was great. You'd have to see the first one to get into the story though, but the movie was cool. The coolest thing about it is the sound track. And Jennifer Love Hewitt and her song "How do I deal." The best part of the movie would have to be the end. I hope they make another movie about this too.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: The Movie was terrible
Review: If you thought the first was bad, then try sitting through the second one. The cast was great but the movie it self sucked badly. I mean, why can't the killer die and never come back?  I mean the people in Holly wood want to keep movies going on forever so that they can make more money, like in children of the corn they made like five movies of the same thing. If only they could make one movie with out a squal. But I guess they just don't know when to quit.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Nice at the start,Fun and scary but underrated at the end.
Review: This movie would have been more interested and even more scary if it had been released 2 to 3 weeks earlier or even one month later because it would have been right before halloween or right on the heels of christmas,rather then having it released on the middle of November when it was close to Thanksgiving the time we give thanks and suppose to have happy family endings.Instead the movie had a real scary,interested,twisty pace ending to it with half if not most of the main crew in the movie was killed by that shadowed guy with the bloody hook.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: No-where near as good as the first
Review: Unlike Scream 2 this film fails to live up to the amazing original film. It was un scary, predictable, poorly acted {apart from Love and Freddie Prinze}, and the screenplay was horrendous! It was not humourous in the least and where it did try to be it failed miserably. The best scene in the whole movie is the car scene when Ray and his friend are singing along to White Snake. The killing scenes where a direct copy from the first one most of the time, using the same kind of effects to achieve the scares. It's just this time they didn't work!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: great film, scares and laughs
Review: I still know what you did last summer was a film that continues from the previous i know what you did last summer, and it's a great sequel. Jennifer love hewitt and brandy were really exellent in thier roles and the family of ben willis was a nice addition near the end of the film. Freddie prince junior and the other fellow who's name i can't recall were also very good in their roles, all in all a very entertaining fun exhillerating film. Also this film as some ppl have said is not a disapointment, i would go so far as to say its better than the first, and fellas you gotta see it for the jennifer love hewitt wet bathrobe scene...hubba hubba.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Scary,Cool,better than the first one
Review: Great and Scary!!!! The first one was okay but this is the best movie i've seen in a long time!!! Chills & thrills. Check it out!

Rating: 5 stars
Review: I haven't saw a movie like this in so many years.It was much better than "Scream"or"Scream 2".It was really scary wich is a goood thing.If you need something to creep you ot this is the movie! You would have never thought that this movie would have been this good.I just have to buy the tape! I had nightmares that same night about the movie.Actully it was better than "I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER".

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