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Teen Terror

Things That Go Bump
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

List Price: $14.94
Your Price: $13.45
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: very good
Review: The movie wasnt all that scary. But still it was good. To bad Will had to be the killer's son.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I think the movie was all that especially with Brandy
Review: The movie was off the chain because beautiful Brandy was in it. I like all the other actors, but I'm in love with Brandy, not with just her acting, but with her singing and everything she do.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: I Don't Care What They Did Last Summer
Review: The first movie was good, but this one disappoints on so many levels. Julie James and her new college friends win a free trip to the Bahamas, only to face death and plot twists when the hooked killer returns. The casting is bad (Brandy can't act - stick to music, honey). The jump-out-of-your-seat surprises are very cheap and unconvincing. And the murder scenes are not as thrilling as the previous movie. The only good points about this sequel is the funny comedy from Brandy's boyfriend and the mumbling stoner. The ending was also good, but it was much too subtle and left me unsatisfied. If you enjoy mindless, plotless slasher flicks with bad acting and heaving breasts, see it.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: It was way to gory,and why can't the killer die
Review: Okay at the end Julie kills the guy and then he shows up under her bed. I mean she only shot the guy, what 7 times possibly more.And why did this guy have to make it so bloody the reason I liked the first one was because it wasn't all blood and guts like scream.So maybe next time you should think of the people with a queazy stomach.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I thought it was da bomb!!!!!!!!
Review: I thought it was great!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: it's a very good movie the acting was excellent.
Review: this is like the first sequel of a movie that me and my friends really enjoyed the acting was perfect but there is one thing wrong about the movie that was the ending that is if they aren't going to make a 3rd part to the movie anyways its a movie you have to see

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: I thought the movie was Buttyful!!!
Review: I liked it. it was much, much better than the first one.Brandy got extra points, because she is the BEST.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: I Wish I Didn't Know What You Did Last Summer.
Review: Why? Why bring such a horrible script to the screen? This is one of the worst sequels I've ever seen. It didn't even try to be like Scream, which may have helped. It was pretty straight forward and lame. No thrills, no suspense, no point. Did anyone bother to look over the script and attempt to refuse it? It's blatantly one of those films that was done to quickly cash in on the popularity of the previous film and current popular stars without exerting any type of effort toward making something good. Any more like this for Miss Love, and she may as well not bother with films.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: D++++++
Review: CAXIAS DO SUL, RS, BRASIL... Esperei durante um ano para correr ao cinema e ver a continuação de um dos filmes mais assustadores do cinema americano.. Levei muita gente junto a mim e todos adoraram. Foi melhor do que eu esperava.. Simplesmente ADOREI e espero a continuação.... Não vejo a hora de ver outra vez, apesar de ter visto duas vezes no cinema!!!! MUITO LEGAL>>>>>>> Guilherme, BRAZIL

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: I think it was good but Brandy can't act and she's ugly!
Review: The movie was just wonderful but Brandy is just awful, maybe she should stick with singing!

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