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Teen Terror

Things That Go Bump
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

List Price: $14.94
Your Price: $13.45
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Stictly for 13 year olds and under!!
Review: Total Pants! The first movie was watchable drivel if you were totally spaced and can handle pure 'popcorn' movies. This sequel - eeek!!

The telephone competition that leads to a vacation on a secluded island is just so contrived. Throw in some voodoo, the fact that it's the last day of the season hence the violent storms, some unbelievably cutsy acting (bet he's not the bad guy, he he!!), and the evil fisherman dude (that you vaguely remember from the first outing) and that's pretty much your lot.

Ok, any red blooded male can dig Jennifer Love Hewitt - but only a thirteen year old could ever be satisfied by a popcorn slasher movie with low gore quotient and no NAKED LADIES!!! Come on guys - can you image these production line pop singers even gettin' it on??!!??

This is pure cheese....a bit like those real nasty cheese triangles aimed at under 10s...avoid!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It was a great sequil!!
Review: I'm only 12, and this movie is rated... like R, but I saw it anyways. I thought it was a really great movie. You think it's almost over, and that Jennifer Love Hewitt and Freddie Prince Jr are going to live happily ever after, but then there's a freaky, but cool ending. (I also loved it because Freddie Prince Jr is sooooooooo hot!!)


Rating: 3 stars
Summary: excellent but scary????
Review: well i was glued to my seat. I LOVED it but I must admit it was not scary at all!!! I knew who the killer was after the club scene and i was guessing the story all along!!! Excellent film though with ace effects but scary.... no way.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Wow!!! Cuts your breath
Review: You cannot describe this video with words!!! I just wish there would be a newer version of this video... What would it be ? I still still know what you did last summer ? :)

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: i only put a star on this peace of c**p because ihavto
Review: first off brandy is the worst actress i have ever seen in a horror film why didnt they kill her off istead of letting her live is beyond me. this is the worst jlh movie i have ever see i hope she realizes she can make a better horror films than this she should definatly leave this series of films because it su**s monkey bars

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Brandy?
Review: It didn't live up to all my expectations but Jennifer Love hewitt was in it!!! But brandy? She was just...bad. If they have another sequel I'll go personally kill Brandy so she won't spoil the whole movie. <---I won't...because...I'm not exactly psycho. But all in all (forgeting Brandy) it was a pretty good movie

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It was cool.
Review: I think it is a great movie.My friend and I went to see it twice.Its better than the first one.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Stylishly Made Thriller
Review: Okay, ISKWYDLS isn't the best film ever made, but I was surprised at the production values of the film, which were superior to the first. The set designs were great, and the atmosphere of the cast trapped on the island worked. Fun Fun Fun!!!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Don't Bother
Review: Unless you are very easily entertained and have not seen any decent horror movies to compare this to. I would say the first one was OK, having seen it in the theater with a screaming audience made it more fun, but not in my list of top 20 horror movies. This sequel makes the first one look like a masterpiece. I figured out who the killer was about 15 minutes into the movie, after the scene in the dance club. The only slightly amusing part was Jeffrey Combs, who starred in the classic Re-Animator and many Stuart Gordon films. He is amusing but too good for crap like this! I hope they at least paid him good money, the poor guy. Also, why did she flip out when she was locked in the tanning bed? The killer turns the heat up all the way...first of all, it isn't possible to turn it up enough to "cook" someone, especially in about 5 seconds. Oooooo, a tanning bed. I'm shaking in my shoes! Also, I could overlook the resemblance of the killer to the Fisherman Guy in the tuna ads (or whoever he looked like) but in this movie it was just silly. No suspense, no nothing, and the ending was OK but made no logical sense. Of course there will be a third movie that will start out with her waking up from a bad dream that is the end of this one. Yeah, and I had a bad dream that I wasted 3 bucks an 90 minutes of my life watching this crud. No wait, that was real! Aaaaaaiiie!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: best horror movie sence screm
Review: If you liked te origial,you'll love this one. Ben Willis is back to finish what he started in I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER.Karla(Brandy) Julie's(jennifer Love Hewitt) best friend won four free tickets to the Bahammas.Karla knows Julie needs a vacation(and a new boyfriend) so she invites her. When a storm traps them on a island and dead bodies start showing up Julie knows whats going on.Ben Willis is back,and this time he means business!

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