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Teen Terror

Things That Go Bump
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

List Price: $14.94
Your Price: $13.45
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Rating: 3 stars
Review: Now, Julie and her new friend{Brandy} head off to a tropical islands resort with two other friends. Once they're there, they realize that Julie's hook wielding friend is back!!!!!!! This movie was so not scary, unlike the first!!!! It was good, but not great!!!!!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: It was exciting but kinda corney
Review: Ok lets face it. This was not as good as the 1st. But I have too admit it was alright. Brandy?......NOOO! She is a better singer! NO acting for her!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It is really scary, cool movie
Review: jennifer acted really tight in the movie. It is a heart throbbing movie. brandy didnt really act so cool in this movie. I think she should have gotten a better part.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: too much like the original
Review: it was too much like the original oh come on we know the same killer is on the loose after the same girl and with the same wepon the only difference is different area, group of freinds and another killer this movie is also too much like scream ( the director has a one way mind )

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This movie ROCKS!!!!!!!!!
Review: I Still Know What You Did Last Summer was twice as suspenceful than I Know What You Did Last Summer. I was amazed at the reveiws it deserves a full five stars. Scream is a "family" movie compared to I Still Know!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: some of these people r rude
Review: I read some of these commets and they r rude sayin that brandy is a bad actress, well she isn't I think that she is a great actress aight she is pretty k. U go girl(Brandy) keep donin what u r doin k well gotta bounce I will be back to write more commits cuz I have homework to do Peace Ya'll Danielle

Rating: 1 stars
Review: Having teen heart throbs in a movie does not mean that it will be a good movie. However, it does mean good money because the little mindless guys and dolls that hollywood caters to will eat it up. But for those of us with IQs consisting of more than two digits, this movie is best left undisturbed so that it may fade away as quickly as the careers of these young and talentless actors. In particular, Brandy, as many have already noted, is quite atrocious. Someone should have told her it was a movie and not a ketchup commercial. I would personally suggest that she stick with her singing and give up the...acting?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It's a very very worthy sequel
Review: If you havent seen this movie you better go down your local video store and get it, (best on dvd). Juile James is back fro the I know what you did last summer sequel, it is clever, hip and scary. The qoutes are better, the hook seens are better, the slicker looks alot better, the hook it's self looks a whole lot better. Terrifing ending. IT was just so much better than the oringal

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Watching this makes you dumber!
Review: It was terrible! The writing was bad, no creativity and the most predictable garbage I have ever seen. And what high school graduate isn't going to know the capital of Brazil and if they didn't, don't you think some one is going to tell them. I wasted 90 minutes of my life for this garbage that doesn't even deserve to be a TV movie on lifetime.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Scarier than Scream 1&2 and the first part of this movie.
Review: Julie James hasn't recovered from last summer where her two friends were killed. Her relationship with her boyfriend, Ray Bronson isn't doing very well. Julie, Karla, Will and Tyrell win a trip to the Bahamas. Julie asks Ray to come but doesn't show up. When they get to the Bahamas, the killer stalks them and murders everyone on that island. One to watch!

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