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Things That Go Bump
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

List Price: $14.94
Your Price: $13.45
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: absolute garbage
Review: The sequel is twice as mediocre compared to the "last summer" movie, to say the least. The acting is laughably terrible, the dialogue is awful, the ending pathetic, and the story and the movie title is pretty stupid. Like they say, "been there, done that."

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Don't waste your money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Review: I am so disappointed that the sequel turned out so bad. I waited a whole year for this film to come out, and it ended up sucking! It is quite obvious that Ryan P. and S.M. Gellar carried the first film,(thank god they had enough sense not to stick around for the sequel)because the second film had such bad acting and ridiculous scenes!!! Like the tanning bed scene, you can't be fried to death after only being in there for 5 minutes!! How dumb does Kevin Williamson think we are??????? And hello! When did Julie become a fashion plate; she dressed like a loser in the first film, and all of a sudden the girl has taste in clothes. I don't think so!!! Also, where did she get the dough to live in that posh little apartment? Kevin if you're going to write a sequel at least make it believable.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: I Still Know What You Did Last Summer definitely beats the original I Know What You Did Last Summer. It is not as similar as you think, there is more killing, it is more scary and much more entertaining. Anyway, paranoid Julie James (Love Hewitt) is still thinking about her ordeal with Benjiman Willis (Muse Watson) last summer. When Karla Wilson (Brandy) wins a trip to the bahamas with Julie (Love), her boyfriend, Tyrell (Mehki Phifer) and Will (Matthew Settle) it doesn't exactly turn out to be the trip they wanted or imagined!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: I Still Don't Care What You Did Last Summer
Review: I am so sick of these bad horror wanna be movies that have some looser that has some special costume and special weapon. Sure, Freddy had those, but he was unique. He had character. All of these new high budget horror {laugh laugh} movies are the same. I swear when I saw this I couldn't remember if it was ISKWYDLS or Scream 2 or that other one which I have already forgotten the name of.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Some secrets will haunt you forever!
Review: Remember David Egan who was the boyfriend of Susie Willis and she died in a car accident when he was driving.Ben Willis, was the father who killed David. Then he killed Julie James's friends. Well, he's back and more evil than ever. He's got his sharp fisherman's hook ready to strike!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: I loved the first one, but "I still know" was horrible!
Review: Even though most sequels suck, this one I absolutely HATED. Thekiller will never die! I bought "I know what you did last summer", because it was a great movie. If Kevin Williamson wrote the story, and if they got rid of Danny Cannon, then I would actually see it twice. In the story, Ray(Freddie Prinze Jr.) just got the gun over the counter. The pawner would get sued, and Ray would be arrested. Also, when Julie shot the killer eight times with the six-round gun, the guy had to be dead! Oh my God! The scares were okay, be predictable. I always saw it coming. The only thrill was that you thought you were smart enough to figure it all out before the end! And the fake endings pissed me off, too. Thank you.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: AHHHHHHHHHHHH THis movie was sooooooo good I have it at home. But on the real Brandy acted kinda white on the movie but I don't blame her she gotta make that mochos deneros. "Tye have you seen my hair tie?"

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Cool
Review: I liked this movie. Jennifer Love Hewitt was great! I have a feeling she didn't die at the end, because Ray was only in the other room. He's saved Julie from Ben so many times already, I think he can do it again. Anyways, the only part I hated was when Will turned out to be Ben's son. And Will was sooo cute, too! All in all, it was a great movie.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Waste of time
Review: This movie was dumb and the end was very disapointing. Doesn't that stupid fisherman ever die? Come on, they shot that guy like 6 times. There is no way he could have lived, unless he is someone like Michael Myers in Halloween. Don't waste 90 minutes of your life, do something more important.

Rating: 4 stars
Review: This movie was excellent, but I agree I could tell it was WILL, but why it was him was kinda a twisted story but then when then black dude was talking about the Son & the Daughter then I figured it out. But the ending man I loved it now was Julie dreaming or NOT???it leaves it open for another sequl(even thought I do also agree this one was a little like scream 2) but all in all I Loved this moive especially RAY..Yumm yumm and I love Jen's song that was played in it too

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