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Things That Go Bump
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

List Price: $14.94
Your Price: $13.45
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Stupid, and where was Freddie?
Review: I saw this directly after the original and thought it was more exciting than the original, but had no plot and little chemistry. I think Ryan and Sarah Michelle really helped carry the original. Hewitt was good in this movie. Despite his billing, Freddie Prinze was hardly even in the movie. I mean, they kept him offscreen most of the film and that bothered me. The first one was better!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: I can't believe I wasted my time!
Review: Not only does this movie disappoint, but it is full of flaws. First of all, this movie takes place TWO years after the accident spoken about in the title. Shouldn't it be "I Still Know What You Did TWO Summers Ago?" Also, the identity of the "bad guy" at the end was no surprise to me, seeing as I had already figured it out ten minutes into the movie. Only the one in Urban Legend was easier to spot (that was so obvious it wasn't even funny.) If you have any Geography skills whatsoever you should have no trouble figuring out a big part of this poorly made horror movie. The first one was almost as bad as this one, except it had a very surprising final scene (and Anne Heche, the only qualified actor they hired in either movie). My advice: Don't waste your time. Watch a more enthralling film like Carrie or The Exorcist.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: It Was GREAT!!!!!
Review: I have seen all of the teen horror movies but this one should be second behind the Scream series. The first movie of the series "I Know What You..." made everyone knew that there was a battle going on between the two scream queens (Neve Campbell & Jennifer Love Hewett) who both hosted the show Party Of 5. But enough talking, lets get it over with. I watched both formats of I Still Know (On VHS & DVD) but DVD has been the greatest with movies and made it better, the movie had listened to the sequal rules by Jamie Kennedy (Scream 2) and made the greatest sequal I have ever seen. There were more deaths, The Death scenes were elaborate, and new characters were made. It made me jump at the theatre, and it will make you jump when you see it on DVD in SURROUND SOUND. This movie deserves it what it has, 5 STARS.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: When is this going to end?
Review: Listen. This was one of the most predictable movies ever. I watched it and just by one of the names of the people, I knew he/she was related to the killer, "Ben Willis". It was too easy to figure out. I also knew who was going to die, and when they were going to die. But, it was okay. So, I gave it 3 stars.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: IT RULED!
Review: All you people who think you should see this sequel do because it ruled and everyone who doesn't say so on the reviews is really not a big horror fanatic! I am so I loved it and buy it cause you will be getting your money worth! (DON'T BELEIEVE OTHER NON-HORROR FANATICS ON THIS REVIEW CAUSE THEY ARE JUST JEALOUS THAT THEY COULDN'T MAKE A BETTER MOVIE!)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I Still Know... is riveting and awsome!!!
Review: I Still Know.... is one of the best movies mainly because Jennifer Love Hewitt is in it. She is my favorite actress and she does a terrific job in this movie. The sequel is so much better than the original. More scary, horrific, and suspensful! If you have seen the first one, you must see the sequel!!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Ok but not as good as part 1
Review: This movie was really good but I know what you did last summer was more suspencfull.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: It just doesn't get any worse than this. (slight spoiler)
Review: I Still Know What You Did Last Summer is a good example of what is wrong with many new movies today. First, the plot is awful. The entire movie is totally unbelievable and corny. (A trip to the Bahamas? uh..). I really wonder about whoever wrote the script. The only thing the movie actually succeeded in doing was showing off Jennifer Love Hewitt's body. This lame attempt to sell the film quickly becomes stupid and laughable. The movie's ending was disappointing and did *nothing* to explain what had been going on, not to mention how the evil fisherman (sigh) keeps coming back. They could have used the best actors in the world (which they certainly did not), and the "story" still would have dragged this down. So, to sum it up: the acting is poor, the plot is terrible, and the entire movie is, all-in-all, quite absurd. There are many things that could have been done better, but weren't. I Still Know screams "no effort". Rent it if you want a few laughs, but personally I pity anyone who could take this seriously.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Hot dang, it sucked
Review: Yeah, yeah, it was unnecessary, it was a stupid and incorrect title...forget all that. The acting is laughably abysmal, the dialogue is awful, the sequel pathetic, and the story and the movie title is pretty stupid. The movie was terrible, and debating whether or not it should be called "I still know what you did 2 summers ago" or "I'm pretty sure you did something, and I killed three of your friends, which should be punishment enough, but I have a hook for a hand, and I'm gonna use it!" just clouds the issue. This movie should not be seen by anyone who is not suffering from mental illness. OOOKKKAAAYYY, when were we supposed to be scared?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: scary, exciting, and excelent
Review: This movie was DA BOMB!! Jennifer Love Hewitt, Brandy, and Freddie Prinze jr. played an awesome part in this movie. The other guy in this movie played a very good part, I just can't spell his name so i'm not even going to try. The sequal was as good as the first one. They were both really scary, and really exciting. Before I go I just want to say to all the people who were making fun Brandy, I thought her acting was great. See ya all later!

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