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I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

I Still Know What You Did Last Summer

List Price: $14.94
Your Price: $13.45
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Who cares WYDLS?
Review: More like half a star. This was as bad as the first one. Bad acting (like we need to see two musical artists in one film both using their voices to scream relentlessly), stupid "twists", and horrible music add up to a waste of film. Save your money and buy/rent Scream/Scream2/Halloween H20 for a more enjoyable time.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: Scream rules, Scream 2 rules, Urban Legend rules, I know what you did last summer was nearly o.k. and Halloween H20 definetely sucked but ISKWYDLS is a bigger peace of sh... than every Friday 13th sequel. For those who missed the Friday 13th sequels, don't watch this money-maker movie, it's cheap, it's boring, it's a crime.Watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre, watch Braindead, watch The Thing, watch Prince of Darkness or watch Scream 2 for the 1000000000000 time but don't waste your time with this Beverly Hills 90210-Horror Edition, please

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: And that is 1 star too many
Review: I am a horror fanatic and was excited to see this follow-up to a pretty decent "I Know What You Did.." To say I was disappointed is an understatement. First of all, it should have been titled "I Still Know What You Did Two Summers Ago" or something. Secondly, this trash had more holes in it than Swiss Cheese. Third, it wasn't scary at all, just stupid. They tried to add twists, but they were very weak and dumb. The only people who liked this movie are NOT true horror fans and probably haven't hit puberty!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: I Don't Know What You Were Thinking When You Made This Film.
Review: This sequel to the film I Know What You Did Last Summer was one of the worst films I have ever seen. It not only took an intelegent suspence-thriller (I Know) and change it into a splatter moive (I Still Know), but it completly ignored the ending of the original, and changed the characteristics of the killer. If this film continues to produce sequels it will become the Halloween of the '90's. One good film followed up by poorly made sequels (excluding Halloween H20). It is tragic to see the curse of the sequel bad returning to the horror genre.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Silly and stupid.
Review: This movie was trying to do what Scream 2 did and did not come anywhere near it. A ridiculous script and silly acting kept this from being a great sequel.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Come back, Sarah Michelle!
Review: This sad sequel to the original had a few exciting moments, but they were few and afr between. But almost all of the characters got on my nerves, and the horror scenes were rather lame anyway. Luckily at the end it picked itself up...a little. But it definitely makes you miss Ryan Phillipe and especially Sarah Michelle Gellar, the best actors and characters from the original. Is it just me or is the fisher guy not scary at all anymore? And what's with the title? I personally think I STILL KNOW is a better title all by itself, leaving off the long end.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: If I could give this zero stars, I would
Review: This whole thing sucked and was just a gratuituous Jennifer Love Hewitt star vehicle, nothing more. They should have given her cleavage a separate credit -- seems she can't do anything these days without having to put her breasts on display. I'm getting sick of her.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: not really scarry but gorrey
Review: it was a good movie but it made me cr

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: ISKWYDLS Is good!
Review: I Still Know What You Did Last Summer is a good movie. But I don't think that it's as scary as I Know What You Did Last Summer. But it's still is exciting.

Rating: 3 stars
Review: This average movie is not as well as the first part, which was really cool. But: Jennifer Love Hewitt looked fantastic (again). She simply is wonderful! Hey, if u r such a big JLH-fan than me, send me a mail (andreas.althammer@kronach.baynet.de) and let's talk about her. If you can't reach me now, try it a little later...i'm online soon!

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